risee is coming to Russia

But i forgot to get his photo, so how do i meet him at the airport :SSSS
need help guys, give his photo asap, leaving to the airport in 30 minutes
drinking selfmade vodka? :>
Just scream "Na kaleni suka" He'll understand.
guys im fucking serious, help please
As a last resort you could write his name in big piece of paper in big letters and walk up and down with it at main entrance and if hes there he will notice it.
just make a sign with 'riseee' on it and he will know ;\
just write on a sheet of paper 'RISEE' and he will see you !
:p was just typing the same thing as you 14 seconds diffrence in my reply above
i'm more genious !
was cause i was writing more in my reply otherwise id have beat you bitch :P:P
atleast im not as slow as hste above he was 30 secs diffrence from you what a loser eh :D
idd, he's such a loser, probably retarded also
Rise will be the cutest little blondie around
type RISEE on a piece of paper, then print it, then find a piece of karton & tape the piece of paper on the carton board ==> then make it wet
"why make it wet?"
see nobody cares about the clown...
rofl winnaar xDDD
goeie ali:D
blond + glasses .. afaik
no glasses any more for a few years ;(
hatte das damalige bioxar pic vor augen :-D ROFL
oh lol ich hab auch keine langen haare mehr, wenn das das letzte pic ist dass du von mir gesehen hast denk ich ehrlich gesagt nicht dass du mich auf lan erkennen würdest ;D
riseee auf lan?
hab doch kein bild von dem auf meinem pc :D aber in meiner erinnerung ... wobei ich mich jetzt frage was schlimmer ist :-D
Ich nehm dir die Aussage nicht mal übel, weil ich echt nicht stolz drauf bin ;D
when i came to lan i didnt know my teammates so I was asking around.

You can use a piece of paper tho :)
just look for the guy with less facial hair u can find
Just yell 'NOOB!'
I HAVE A PIC OF HIM! but you cant get it sowwy
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