So, kreuzfeuer...........,,.,.,.,.,.

Weed or alcohol?


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Drugs are bad, mkay?
Heroin straight in the eyeball, aight?
Nope, I am clean cut now. Only thing im trying to shake now is my addiction to nicotine :(
Pff cigarettes = worst shit ever. I'm staying totally out of it.
since i stopped smoking cause of my job i prefer alcohol

BUT tbh i miss a j from time to time
haha nice pic :P
def alcohol
coffee and weed in the morning, weed in the afternoon, alcohol and weed in the evening.
Your everyday routine? :D
i dont start with that every morning but for the evenings its pretty much every day i guess.
stopped smoking everyday as i thought someone is looking trough the wall next my shower :DDDDD
just glad i dont tend to be paranoid ;o)
was strange idd, but i did too much of it ;)
how do you know someone wasn't looking ?
there was no hole in the complete wall :Pppp
weed is for kids
or for those who dont like to be drunk all the time.
What you need is a psychologist
alcohol, but from time to time little joint without alcohol maybe 2-3 beers only
speed mimxed up with coke in the morning, acid in the afternoon and some weed alcohol and valium in the evening to chill out.
sometimes i tend to wake up in the middle of the night to get a shot heroin
atm they took all keta and meth here :o
freakshow to watch them
meth is a hell of a drug, u should never try it or if u already did never use it again (i didnt try it :P). but since ur a smart girl... :P
and i`d never take any "medicine" that is given to bulls to make them sleepy^^ lol...
tell them to get some mescaline and have fun with ur ultimate freakshow^^ (btw my upper comment is far from being authentic :D)
i would never try it ! :O
cause its weird enough to see and tbh i did enough drugs in my life no im not proud of it but it was part of my life. anyway.

i didnt took ur post serious ;)
was drunk 5x in whole life.. defo weed, just because of the feeling and no-hangover morning
weed, cuz i get bad hangovers ;<<

Nah, I'm an abstainer, never smoked a cigarette and never took any drugs. Feels good!
speed coke
after 15 years of drug and alcohol abuse i finally quit it all

only smoke fags now... .which i hope to quit before summer too
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