About US Healthcare Bill

BobSaget posted a journal wondering why Americans don't want free healthcare. It got a lot of responses, and I typed up a miniature novel as a comment. Since I feel strongly that the average European opinion of America is misinformed, I felt that I should repost what I wrote to help you all understand that there are several good reasons why a rational, intelligent person would be against socialized health care in America. His journal was buried by the time I got to posting my comment, so here it is:

First off, I like that Europeans are quick to criticize US domestic policy, but when an American comments on their countries they consider it outrageous and tell them to stay out of it. Also the notion that 100% of Americans are dumb is completely false, there are dumb people everywhere, I know this from personal experience. We just get noticed more because we have more dumb people with bachelor's degrees that get paid to be idiots with loud voices. We also have the oldest continuous democratic government of any modern nation, but it has undergone virtually zero reform... citizens have zero direct control over the government. We don't even elect our president directly, whereas countries like Belgium have direct representation. America is also more ethnically, religiously, and culturally more diverse than any other country, which makes it difficult to please the majority.

Second, if you think any good or service can be free, you're most certainly the one who is ignorant. It might not cost money directly to individual citizens, but doctors can't work for free, medicine doesn't just appear out of thin air, and hospitals don't grow out of the ground. Those resources have to come from somewhere, and that is where most of the problem lies. $910 billion over the next 10 years is a huge risk during a global recession, especially when pharmaceuticals, health care, and biotechnology are huge sectors of our economy that generate a lot of economic activity. I think it's too much of a risk.

Third, there are parts of the bill that don't mesh with the values of a large percentage of Americans. Most prominently, the current version would fund abortions. Although I believe it is a couple's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, I have a moral issue with abortions that are not for health reasons or rape victims. I refuse to have my tax dollars pay for abortions.

Fourth, Congress is thinking of using a bill that would forgo normal democratic process and pass the bill with a simple majority. That may not sound bad, but our Congress only has two parties (there are a couple of others but they only occupy about 2% of the seats, so their votes are negligible). Our current partisan society dictates that it's Democrats vs. Republicans; compromise is almost a foreign concept when it comes to politics. Both houses of Congress are majority Democrat, so this bill will pass without further modification if this is done, and we're stuck with it for a long time. This is something that needs careful review and compromises need to be made so that it doesn't enrage a large percentage of Americans. Forcing an unpopular bill is not what democracy is all about.

I am against the bill as it stands, I do not believe in socialized healthcare for America (it may work elsewhere), but I believe that it should be a strictly regulated private industry. In short, to me it's not an issue of whether or not something should be done to fix our current system, it's an issue of which way is the best, and I don't think we should be passing a bill that is this drastic without first considering other options
can you explain how your current system works?
I don't understand the question. You either have insurance that you pay for or you pay for your care yourself unless you qualify for government provided care (Medicare/Medicaid). Are you asking me to prove that I know what I'm talking about? I thought I just did that above. Socialized medicine works in other countries but I think there is a better solution for America.
i trust you to know what you are talking about, im just not clear on how your current healthcare system works.
Nice read, you even gave some arguments I never took into consideration. You might have a point but I always think about the moral dilemma here : People with serious diseases have to suffer/die because they just happen to be poor, that's well, maybe financially justified but it's cruel aswell.
Which is why I support strict regulation to bring costs down and tax cuts to put money back in the citizen's pockets. Then any responsible individual can easily pay for their own well being. I'm just a big believer in regulated free markets for essential services and infrastructure.
although to some extend your theory might work in practice I'm pretty sure tax cuts and "bringing costs down (?)" won't help the people kevin mentioned
you say 'responsible' people will be able to pay for their own well being. surely you must admit being responsible in many cases wont have anything to do with it? people who have the lowest possible income will at first welcome the idea of lowering taxes as they have more money to spend on their basic needs. this doesnt mean they will have extra money to spend on health care, however responsible they might be.

I can understand your objections when it comes to abortion to some extend, although I dont see how then this new bill exactly works on this point... People will at all times be able to decide on abortion and have it funded by the state? And is there no way this bill will still be reshaped before it gets put through?
Some citizens will never be able to pay for the treatement they need. How is a guy making 1.2k a month supposed to buy expensive cancer treatements? No matter how "responsible" he is, he will never be able to gather up all that money. This is where your system fails in my opinion. You need a free (by free, I mean paid by taxes) insurrance that covers everbody's basic needs in terms of health care.
When I had health insurance, I was making less than that and I would have been covered entirely if I got cancer. I will send you my HMO manual if you need proof.
Exactly, but now if you had cancer (lets use you as an example), you would be fucked right. You would have no way to pay for the medical bills as you have no insurance anymore, right?
Quoteregulated free markets

I realize the contradiction.
nobody really cares about americans you know.
I guess Americans do
yeah, well there's like 5 of them here
i agree. i guess he didnt realize yet that xfires all about posting youtube journals.
And I thought it was all about HoN...
watch sicko
No. Ever since I checked Michael Moore's sources on Fahrenheit 9/11 and found out that he paid for one of the news reports, left key facts out, and straight up lied about some of the points, I refuse to support that lowlife. It doesn't take a movie full of half-truths to realize that our health care and system of government is full of waste and corruption, I'd rather find out for myself than listen to an uber-liberal liar. I think that's true freedom.
michael moore is a fckin tool. I can't believe ppl buy the half as shit he puts out...
When I got out of the theater after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11, I was shocked because I thought most of it was true. Then I had a sociology class that I had to write a paper either proving or disproving points in his movie. I went in expecting it to be easy to prove he was right but quickly found out he flat out lied about most of it.
media are powerful.. And he abuses them tbh. He knows most ppl don't have time, resources or plain intelligence to look into what he's saying. So general public buys it... Which to me is pure hatebreeding propoganda!

Anyway nice read, should make it into a column. And ofc you and I both now it's a never ending debate (especially with ppl from social healthcare oriented countries as most of the ppl on this website are). Fact is, there's pro's & con's to both sides of the story and the side you're leaning to mostly gets decided to what arguments you favor over others..... (certain moral values over economical arguments etc).

Personally i think a free healthcare system is great, but as you say i think the economical risk is major, and the timing is abysmall atm!

On a sidenote: I really don't agree with the 2 party system in the US. It comes across to me as you have to vote for the party that "least" disagrees with you....
Post of the year. I loathe the two party system because for moderates like me, good candidates for office come up maybe once every other election, and they rarely get enough votes because they don't have the money to make a huge campaign.
Good read but I dont agree with your points.

First of all, I think the taxpayer is going to be interested to help out 38 million or so (large number) uninsured fellow americans who are afraid of getting a simple cold, no matter what the ethnicity, religion and culture is.

Second, Im sure the american government pays alot more than $91 billion a year for things that help the taxpayer alot less than this bill.

Third, regarding your view on values, I think that you need to step on a woman's shoes to feel how an unexpected kid can influence your life. Also you make it sound like its a thing women do repeatedly just for the fun of it. Trust me, abortions are not fun, and im not even a woman to fully understand that.

I totally agree with your fourth point though.
+1 now only the ones with money are able to get healt care, and the poors will suffer.
The fact that an abortion is a hard decision doesn't mean I should be forced to pay for somebody else being irresponsible. That's just not right. If you're not prepared to have children, you should either get birth control or not have sex. As much as I enjoy it, sex isn't essential to everyday life like good health is.

I also don't have insurance btw.
You should know that birth control doesn't always work (condoms break etc), and there are many times people make stupid mistakes (forgetting to take the pill). Should they live with this mistake for the rest of their lives though?

Also arent you afraid of one day (knock on wood) getting in an accident or so and needing medical help that you cant afford?
Birth control pills are 99.9% effective against pregnancy if taken correctly. There are also thousands of women who want children that aren't able to have their own, why can't the unwanted children be given to those women?
yes that would be a very good addition to the american private sector,

major companies that buy and sell unwanted newborns ...
Yes that's what I was getting at, because that's how adoption works. Tool.
no it doesnt but still rather amusing to hear that it actually was what you were getting at. made me smile when taking into account the fact that you think yourself rational and intelligent
I was being sarcastic you tool.
Abortion is okay, as long as it doesn't enter the coverage of the social health care system, if you're an idiot, why the rest shall pay for you for that?
With today's society it would be ignorant to not see how many mistakes young people make. It's not the 50s anymore where sex is something you best wait for until marriage. Do you want kids to grow up with parents who are 20 years old and can't give the kid any chances in life?
'doesn't mean I should be forced to pay for somebody else being irresponsible.'

yes you should, this is the point of insurances.
That's why god invented taxes. Especially social tax. No need for insurance then

You said that health care should be a business branch on its own. So you are saying that peoples health care should be a place where major companies can make money.
What is social tax?
Your employer needs to pay for the government a percentage which covers education , health care etc. At least in Estonia it is done like that.

You just go to the doctor and get your self checked and you dont have to pay for it. ( except some major surgeries etc, but you only have to cover a little amount of it)
Its called national insurance, covers your pension, healthcare etc here.
Like I could know that in English.
Sorry I didnt mean to suggest that you should know it
Cant know every special term -_-. Although you can ask me them in Estonian :P
QuoteSince I feel strongly that the average European opinion of America is misinformed

i was once at hooters and one of the waitresses heard that i am from germany, so she came over and told me: I have a german relative too, he lives at the german border to russia.....
You basing your opinions of 308 million people on a Hooter's waitress proves my point.
IQ doesn't mean shit and Wikipedia is a terrible source, not to mention that clearly says "ESTIMATED"
Mabye it proves your point - unless you think a difference in 4 IQ with the top 6 is a big deal
So basically you're saying that people who got paralysed by an accident and can't work anymore for the rest of their lives should just contact those private companies who aim for profit and will do everything in their power to reject people like them?

Capitalism is a good thing, but not if it concerns the health of the people. You're basically putting your safety in the hands of this huge striving-for-profit monster, which is completely wrong. You Americans have gotten so afraid of the thought of communism that you can't even think of the benefits that a small representation of that system inside your current one could have.

To get to your points:

1) What's wrong with us giving our opinions? Opening up debate with other cultures should be enlightening.

2) The only valid point in your column. In Belgium it doesn't get abused, but other free services such as unemployment alimony does get abused a lot. Now we're not closing it down, why not? Because it's a good thing to have, it's noble, it saves people's lives. I'm willing to give my money to other people who are less fortunate than me, even if there are some leaks in the system. I know that, when I get into problems, I will also be able to benefit from this same fund. The solution to the leaks and abuse isn't closing it all down, but to enforce the rules better. That's where the investments should go towards.
You say it's too much of a risk? How can a system that will protect you from diseases be a risk in times of recession? Of all times this should be the moment where you absolutely need this system. So many people are out of job, and can get sick without an insurance because they are so poor. This system will keep them alive. Your logic dictates it's too much of a risk for you to lose a part of your income, while others can just die. That's a risk? That's a motherfucking risk to you?

3 & 4) It's obvious Americans are anti anything related to communism. Obama was put in place to make change happen. Let him do his job, you can elect someone else next time. He was democratically elected, so he's got the power. Stop bitching now.
couldnt agree more, especially about 2.
We already have government-provided disability pensions for just that sort of thing.

1) Nothing wrong with giving your opinions but it seems the majority of people that post here think that Americans are too dumb to govern themselves. How would you feel if that was the way I thought of Belgians?

2) I buy food for homeless people almost every week. I just don't like being forced to do it. Taxes and charity are two different things. I know a lot of able people who have never worked a day in their lives and get everything paid for, and I don't think that's fair to taxpayers.

My fear is that this might turn a recession into something that has monumental impact on future generations because we were irresponsible with our spending. Every action has consequences.

3/4) The President of the United States has no direct power to enact laws. He's just one man, it's not like he makes royal decrees that everybody must follow. I don't think our government, as is, works in the modern age where the whole country is represented by 535 people. We don't even directly elect the president, the election is just for statistical purposes so the electoral college can vote. Fact, not speculation or theory.
1) Well we don't have 15% uninsured. So I think we're doing quite well.
2) Being noble should be forced, as there's nothing wrong with it. Some people will never give to the poor, for being too selfish, well then the society should force them to.
3) Ye true, but he was voted to make change and now that he wants to make change, you're all being brainwashed by Fox news and crap like that...
There may not be anything wrong being "noble" but theres a whole lot wrong with being forced to anything.
Cause is communism right? :D

You should never move to europe my friend.
You obviously don't have much life experience. Sometimes people can't make the "right" decision.
Life experience? What? Has nothing to do with life experience (even though I'm pretty sure mine almost doubles yours) & it has nothing to do with human nature & our inability to always make the right decision. It's about having the freedom to make that decision. That's what we value. My country was founded on freedom of choice. Whether or not someone makes the correct choice is up to them & it is on them to either reap the reward or pay the consequence of those choices. It is not up to me to decide what is best for you no more than it is up to you to decide what is best for me.

Billions of people have died in the past 100 years alone because of people forcing their will upon others. Hitler forced his will upon all of Europe while Stalin & Hussein forced theirs upon their own people. Those who opposed paid the ultimate price. No, we do not force in this country.
Your moralistic disquisition about your freedom of choice doesn't impress me. Some people don't have the choice. Someone who's chronically ill can't get insurance, someone who had a disease years ago that might turn up again can't get insurance. Now what's that for a choice?

ah yes because no insurance means no health care. wtfever man get a clue.
So a hospital will treat someone without insurance who has underdeveloped cancer?
There are several options available to them yes.

I'm not arguing the system is right or wrong & I'm certainly not one to offer solutions however what bothers me is when you start suggesting the forcing of people to make certain choices.

Whats more is you're getting all huffy & puffy about this & you don't even live here. The American health care system has absolutely no effect on your life whatsoever & yet you're sitting there & dealing out insults because you have a predetermined stereotypical belief of what all Americans are like by which you use to determine that my values are different than yours. You don't know me & I don't pretend to know you.

End of the day we all probably want the same things it's just the methods in which we get there is where we differ. No need to be so up in arms about it.
It's a discussion, it doesn't matter if I have any interest in the outcome...
have a nice day
thx, u too!
QuoteI buy food for homeless people almost every week. I just don't like being forced to do it. Taxes and charity are two different things.

Thats because 75%(??) of the Americans dont give a shit about people that are less fortunate than they are, so in most cases they need to be forced to do this.

Its about time the American people start giving a fuck about others.

Cut down on war expenses might help a lot, oh wait...Americans consider this "war on terrorism" something they must do for international "peacekeeping".

Fuck outta here pl0x.
And, as somebody who doesn't live in America, what qualifications do you have to be commenting on how many Americans care about the welfare of others?
Following the situation, until now, they all chose their own financial situation over the situation of others, no matter how rich they are, they all want more and its not to give it to the poor!
Right, that's why Bill Gates gives away billions of dollars every year.
OHman thats one American...
Guess I should have specified...its not just America, its going on all over the world.
People just dont care about other people anymore, not as much as they used to...

Should go back to trading rocks n shit.
Obama is a doll, different people are pulling the strings, only morons think he is there to make any change whatsoever.

Well. Tell you what. All you ever hear about in this country it's our differences, things that point out our differences. That's all the media and the politicians are ever talking about! The things that separate us. Things that make us different from one another. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they, the rich, can run off with all the fucking money! Fairly simple thing, happens to work.That's why they're gonna talk about race, religion, ethnic and national background, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality, global warming bologna, anything can do, to keep us fighting with each other, so that they can keep going to the bank.

You know how you could define the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there... just to scare the shit out of the middle class.
" I'm willing to give my money to other people who are less fortunate than me"

Like FatGames? :P
I am the centre of charity :p

also, I think it's rather short sighted to be putting yourself forward as rational and intelligent when you obviously choose to neglect the benefits that a healthcare bill would give to the people who dont have the same funds available for their primary needs as you have.

it's logical that people who would be able to pay for their well being when needed will dislike the idea of having to pay extra taxes for something they may not even need in the first place. logical, but selfish and ignorant in my opinion.
I don't have insurance because I can't afford it, yet I don't support this bill. Maybe it's not so clear cut as whether we should have socialized healthcare or we should do nothing about our current system.
So........why exactly did Obama introduce this bill? Whats his main goal? What is he trying to achieve with this?
In Belgium it doesn't get abused, but other free services such as unemployment alimony does get abused a lot. Now we're not closing it down, why not? Because it's a good thing to have, it's noble, it saves people's lives. I'm willing to give my money to other people who are less fortunate than me, even if there are some leaks in the system. I know that, when I get into problems, I will also be able to benefit from this same fund.

U will benefit from this fund ... for bout 2 years, until they kick ur sry ass :D

how do i know? :D izi, i know someone whos been there and done that :D

only some ppl can stay there for the rest of their lives and it aint us :D
Then you also got the problem of people having the alimony, and working "in black" for another job... Fuckers.
idd, hate those fuckers even more :DD
You mean the Eastern Europeans in NL/BE?
you belgians aint that dumb after all

almost forgot about you!
You're a commie, what would you know?!

On some level I understand your points, but they (at least the most) are so much against my values that I become angry at the whole post.
That kind of sums up what I thought about this post as well.
so much text.... ZzzZZzZzzzZZzzzz
Im a fat American that will die from a cheeseburger overdose k thanks
Then i hope you aint insuranced
It's disturbing to see how many people actually think that private health care is a bad thing. EU is already on its way to communism tho, so I guess it shouldn't really surprise me.
Private health care is not bad, the pharmaceutical companies overpricing their products are doing it wrong.
What benefits does private healthcare have? From what I've noticed (NL has been privatising parts of their healthcare) things have only gone down the drain. People have less time for their patients etc. Stuff were a lot better when everything was paid for by taxes.
The benefit is that you do what you want with your own money.
Maybe I want to pay taxes so everyone gets healthcare?
And maybe others don't want to. Why not write a cheque to the government if you're happy for them to have a portion of your money?
No I'll just vote for the socialist party just like the majority and everything will stay like this.
Well, I don't believe in coercion, but to each their own.
In democracy the majority rules. If the majority votes for this it will stay like this and won't be changed in that. Nothing to do with coercion. Unless you say you wan't to stop with democracy..
So if 51% of the electorate decide, by means of a referendum, that rape should be legalised, you'd go along with that?
Eh yeh. Democracy is flawed because the majority isn't always right, but it's the lesser of other evils. It's the most fair system.
So you accept that it's flawed while, at the same time, using it as validation for your socialist beliefs. A shaky foundation, surely?
Instead of trying to tackle my believes, point out what you think should be done to make it fair for everyone.
I'm not trying to tackle your beliefs; I'm merely pointing out that they're built on a shaky foundation.

As for your question, what is fair? Also, when answering this, can you reconcile your definition of fair with other people's definition of fair?
I believe fairness is that everyone has the same opportunities and chances in life to do and become what they want besides their own limitations. You cannot expect someone who has an IQ below that of an ape to become a doctor, but someone who has the abilities to go to university but can't because he cannot afford it should be helped. Same applies to healthcare.

And yes I do understand people have other ideas of what is fairness. I don't think my journal was to attack the people who oppose the idea of the new healthcare system, it was merely me asking why you would be opposed. I got my questions answered and am now enjoying the discussion as to why someone thinks like they do.
Ok. I support the reform of health care, but not this bill. I don't have much time now so I can't go into great detail (might post more on this later). In short, the current US health care system is not the dog-eat-dog system that many seem to think it is. The US health care market is not free as it is bogged down by burdensome regulation. The FDA keeps the prices of medication artificially high, while limitations on insurance companies means that there is no cross-state competition. There really is no US health care market -- it's a cartel for insurance companies. If much of the ridiculous regulation and red tape put into place by corporate lobbyists was stripped away, health care prices would fall quite dramatically. What's Obama's solution? An even bigger bureaucracy, which will have the unintended consequence of eventually bankrupting every insurance company and, in turn, placing a massive burden on the American tax payer. If you truly want to help the poor then you need to stop caving in to corporate lobbyists, cut regulation, and let the price of health care drop so that they can afford it.
I think you need to get laid!
Referendum is a word the Dutch government doesnt know.
In an ideal world stupid people wouldn't be allowed to vote but unfortunately we do not live in one.
Maybe there are charities here that do that for you?
For everyone? You haven't answered my question why you are against abortion btw.
I just have a moral issue with it in most cases. I see it as killing a human being at a certain point, and it's an easy way out unless the baby is likely to die or cause the mother health problems or the mother was raped. Then I totally understand. To me having an abortion because you can't afford to keep the baby (bullshit in 99% of cases here since the government will literally send you money and food vouchers if you can't afford it, so much that a lot of people have children just so they can get a check) is like buying a puppy then shooting it after realizing you can't pay for dog food.

That being said, I think it should be the mother's choice. I know it's never an easy choice to make, but I don't think people should impose their morals on others.
What do you consider a human? I've been at abortions and I'm quite aware as how a embryo evolves. I can honestly say there is nothing human looking at an embryo nor can you even compare it to "killing" a human. Best way to look at is as removing a tumor, you're not against that are you? They're just a bunch of cells that are growing inside someone. You can say you think people should be able to take care of the baby, but speaking for myself I'm 21 and I would be able to take care of a baby if I accidently made one, that doesn't mean it would not have a huge impact on my life and plans for the rest of my life. Should I pay the rest of my life for one mistake? I don't think so.
And that is why I say it should be your choice.
You just don't want to pay for their choice?
Umm yes. Just the same as I don't want to pay for rehab for drug addicts. Yeah they fucked up, I feel sorry for them and I wish them the best, but I don't think I should have to bear their burden. I'm sorry but real charity comes by choice, not by forcing people's hand into their wallets. I think that's called stealing.
You can stop saying it's charity, it's not bloody charity. It's something everyone should pay for because we could all end up there. It's not charity, it's just being human. You act like all of this stuff are done by CHOICE. Like someone finishes high school and thinks "meh lets turn into a junky".
It's their choice to shoot up in the first place. If you don't qualify that as charity then charity doesn't exist. If you choose to give your money to those people that's fine, and I'm happy that you live in a country that does that for you. I don't feel the same way, so I choose to live here.

What I don't appreciate is you insinuating that I don't have any sense of humanity and that I'm a cold-hearted bastard that won't lift a finger to help anybody.
I don't really care about what you appreciate or don't appreciate.
I'm glad that you've reached a level of enlightenment so high that you not only know everything about somebody you just met on a website, but that you also know what is best for everybody.

I'm also glad that you can sleep at night thinking you've made an impact on the world by spreading lies in order to perpetuate hate against human beings, especially one that wants nothing more than people to be nice to each other.
then you're a hypocrite since you just said:

QuoteNo, wait, I'm glad that you've reached a level of enlightenment so high that you not only know everything about somebody you just met on a website

QuoteThe world would be a better place without you. I've never said that about anybody before.

You dont know the guy yet you think you know enough to give that statement.

I'm sorry but if you get into an argument where a lot of people have different and very strong opinions on a subject and you resort to these kind of statements then i think you need to have a good look at yourself and think about what you have just said.
I'm not the one condemning entire countries full of people calling them fat, heartless idiots. The sheer amount of text tells me he's not joking. My reaction was harsh, sure, but I can't have any respect for somebody who spreads hate speech on the internet, especially when they rationalize it with misinformed stereotypes that people who don't live in the US will believe when presented with proper prose and big words. It's even better when he does it using my country's flag.

He resorted to insulting me personally so I fired back.

I wasn't aware that racism was this acceptable.
You must've misreplied because I haven't done any of those things. It's the label you put on my words. I've not called anyone fat, heartless or idiots. Nor have I said the whole country is like this. I have not personally insulted you I only said I don't care if you appreciate my words or not, if I would care I wouldn't be able to argue with anyone because no one appreciates it when someone disagrees with them.

Also point me where I was being a racist or sounded like a fascist.
Well you said yourself you asked why we opposed free healthcare and you continue to tell me I'm wrong and in more words than just one are telling me that I don't have any regard for the welfare of other people. You're also heavily insinuating that most Americans are idiots and that because they disagree with you they are incapable of governing themselves. Maybe my frustration is directed at the wrong person but I still think I've seen way too much anti-American sentiment stemming from incorrect stereotypes, like that we eat the majority of our meals at McDonald's.
Majority of the Americans are actually pro healthcare bill, otherwise they shouldn't have voted for Obama. I disagree with your point and we have a discussion about this. You bring out your argument and I bring out my view on the matter. In the end it's not really up to us but I still like to discuss about it. I honestly don't think I've said all americans are fat, dumb people anywhere.. Nor insinuated anything like this.
So you can't have an abortion because the baby is a human being and it would be murder?

Ok, fair enough. But then you go on and say that if the mother was raped, it's suddenly "okey" to murder that human being who certainly couldn't choose his parents?
I never said it was murder. It can be murder, but it can also be a form of euthanasia. I support people's rights to decide, I really don't see how you can criticize my morals when I don't wish to impose them on anybody else...
Creationists also don't impose their morale on someone else, but that doesn't mean I ain't got a problem with it! There are a lot of people who are against abortion but then become all hypocrite when you face them with the other side of their opinion.
For somebody criticizing my lack of open-mindedness you sure are being close-minded, but it's okay because I'm just a dumb American. Why the fuck would you have a problem with somebody who never did anything to you? Seriously this topic is just full of people with a thesaurus trying to rationalize being prejudiced.
I'd like to know too, tbh
One post above.
I think your opinion on the situation carries more weight than most because of Poland's history.
They don't want to give out free health care because it's a waste of money, you fattiez won't live much longer so it's pointless splashing out to try help some no brained inbred fuck nugget in a wheelchair, which as we all know counts for 90% of the US of A.


@krosan - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8BRbM52gpc
I once had sex with a cheeseburger I love them so much
Maybe cut back on your war expenses? then everyone can get a free abortion twice a day

good read, but i have problems relating to the american way of thinking/your arguments... comes across so narrowminded, so i wont bother going into all these arguments...
thanks god for not being an american
I think that anyone who believes that healthcare should be treated as a business is insane.
Couldn't agree more.
"I believe that it should be a strictly regulated private industry."
Doesn't mean we treat it like other businesses. The day-to-day operations of businesses in America have little interference from the government, this would be different under my system of regulation. There are solutions that have not been presented yet and if you do not understand them I would suggest not commenting on them.
My point is that health insurance companies, like many kind of insurance companies, make money from NOT giving people healthcare. In other words, they are for-profit organisations who make their money from NOT providing services. It's a business!

One solution seems to be the elephant in the room. It's two very simple words. If you disagree with it I'm interested to know why, since I'm not American and you may have a better understanding than me.

The two words are: Cut Defence.
I would put the numbers around 80% of Americans think we spend too much on defense, but there is a lot of money to be made making guns and soldiers, so we're still there. It's the fucked up political climate that is the problem, not the general American public. Also a big step would be fully legalizing cannabis, around 30% of Americans use marijuana on a regular basis and marijuana possession is the leading cause of incarceration here. Incarcerated people are a drain on our economy in every conceivable way, not to mention it's already a multi-billion dollar industry under prohibition.

We're victims of a fucked up political climate where money and politicians have corrupted every single aspect of government. Our officials care more about re-election than doing what is best for their constituents. The citizens are victims.
couldve used that 2 weeks ago in my english exam :_(
The reason why you can't see social healthcare as something good and beneficial in the long run is because most of your country has had decades of brainwashing to promote capitalism.

And as for abortions, I don't think I'll be far of when I assume your moral objections are rooting in Christianity?
Agnostic. Oh well, halfway there!

Anyway, all joking aside, what are your moral objections towards abortion?
I'm agnostic in that I don't know whether there is a higher power or not, and it for sure doesn't have any effect on my life. In the end, I just don't care. Life is too short to worry about something that has no effect on my life if I don't let it.

It's a personal choice man. I've answered this several times already, not that I expect you to read through all this text. I personally believe that at a certain point a fetus contains life, and that taking that life isn't justified if it can grow up healthy with loving adopted parents. Then again, that's just my personal belief about it, I support the right to choose what you feel is right.
The keywords being "at a certain point", which for me is about 2 to 3 months into the pregnancy. After 2-3 months I believe there's been enough time to consider the options. After that it's just too late.
Yeah man, and like I said that is up to debate. It's totally a question of your morals, which, so long as you don't impose on me or anybody else, I have no problems with. That goes for everything... drugs, alcohol, guns, prostitution, gambling... prohibition just causes problems.
Agree with most, except guns. That's by far the dumbest thing to do to give people the right to posses firearms.

Those that are pro-firearms will say "we have the right to protect ourselves and our families etc" but lets face it, in most cases where guns are used in the US, they aren't used for protection. The problem however is that it's already gone too far to be able to change it.
Actually, where I come from, the only reason we have guns is to A) shoot them for fun (which is done responsibly) and B) shoot them at animals trying to tear up your garden. The thing about making them illegal is that people will get them anyways, and the people that will get the guns are the people I don't want having them. I think that's what you were getting at though.
What I was getting at is that because there are already so many of them it's useless to make it illegal now because it will be very easy to get one anyway. As for your B). my response is "wtf? Hey! there's an animal in the garden, lets shoot it!".. really wtf. Perhaps we don't have racoons and bears and shit that will fuck your garden up, but I'm sure there are other ways to get them out of your yard than to fucking shoot them.
Looks like my whole point has been avoided.

What I was trying to get at is that Europeans don't understand what life in America is like just as much as Americans don't understand what life in Europe is like, yet every time Americans pass some law that is different from laws in European countries, Crossfire blows up and calls all Americans idiots that shoot each other while driving giant trucks to get 500 cheeseburgers from McDonald's. I guess that much will never change, no matter how much the internet wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Americans.
The internet was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee from Oxford, SCORE ONE UP FOR THE BRITS!!
Why are you against abortion?
Most Europeans are brainwashed into thinking that the welfare state is the only logical way forward. The incessant centre-left smear campaign by the media in recent years has many otherwise rational people conflating capitalism with American foreign policy, Christian fundamentalism, poverty, your toast falling buttered side down, and much more. It it is with much surprise that I see people wanting the same guys (Western governments) who brought on this financial meltdown running health care. By and large, governments have a horrible track record when it comes to running things.
say what

The quintessence of your disquisition might be verity, although I'm not savvy nor sagacious enough to approximate the veracious purport of your pernicket culling of words.
This is a great topic and one that no foreigner will ever empthaise with an American for. Firstly let me justify my position, I go to the states maybe once a month? And have spent many long periods of time in the summers there and my girlfriend is American. One day I'd quite like to live in the states, and as far as politics goes well American Politics was my highest grade at A-level (whoopdiedoo).

The healthcare debate itself is as fascinating as American Politics is because the country is so polarised on so many issues. You raise abortion as one of the big issues and you're quite right, America houses the most extreme anti abortionist movement in the world where doctors are gunned down in the street for performing abortions. However a large volume of Americans dont have that same extreme view and want abortions for whatever reason. As a national healthcare system you need to offer it to anyone that wants it, the reality being that 'freedom of choice' something American Ideology pushes as a citizens right doesnt extend to abortion. So are you free as a nation or arent you?

The actual healthcare system itself I dont agree with your arguments as to why its harder for America to do it. Any European citizen can break their leg in any European country and with the correct form filled out prior to travelling receive free healthcare. In the upcoming years when Turkey joins the EU, The Christians of the north will receive free healthcare from as Islamic nation. That system is more diverse, more expensive and covers more people and economies than the American and it works flawlessly. The only reason I have travel insurance is for should i need healthcare in the states. The idea that its going to be hard to start it is true, but the idea that its harder than anyone elses is rubbish.

Lastly, and the most compelling argument for American Healthcare, An uninsured pregnant woman walks into a hospital in the states, She cannot be treated as she cannot apply for health insurance once she is pregnant due to it being a pre existing condition. Something has GOT to change with that being the case. Maybe this bill wasnt the perfect bill for that change, but as you highlight getting anything changed is almost impossible - JFK had to die for the civil rights bill to pass, so in my eyes, something is better than nothing.
QuoteLastly, and the most compelling argument for American Healthcare, An uninsured pregnant woman walks into a hospital in the states, She cannot be treated as she cannot apply for health insurance once she is pregnant due to it being a pre existing condition. Something has GOT to change with that being the case.

Just because you don't have insurance does not mean you cannot or will not be treated. True you can be denied insurance but you cannot be denied proper care. Aside from that an uninsured pregnant woman goes to the top of list in terms of government aide.
My last HMO provider didn't discriminate against pre-existing conditions and only cost me $70 a month out of my $1,500/month wages. I had a responsible employer (amazon.com). That's why I think regulating costs and having a decent minimum wage would be a better fix.

Berners-Lee created HTTP not the internet. American defense did that.

QuoteIn the upcoming years when Turkey joins the EU, The Christians of the north will receive free healthcare from as Islamic nation.

lol please! i dont even see their will to change their system for years! how should they combine accepting EU thoughts with (for example) freedom of the individual, as long as their highest priority are religious beliefs, in which there is no emanzipation and equalation of women?

At the moment they have not much in common with EU idials. maybe they are ready to join in 1-2 centuries.
I see Turkey joining the EU as a very important step in stopping this ridiculous 'war on terror' - only when there is some understanding between the two religions/ideals will they stop fighting.
Quote of the day.
idd, this will have a symbol character - hopefully it can change religious/political fanatics minds, since both sides have to concede to each other as first step
A sad day for the United States of America. A government of, by, and for the people clearly no longer exists, they are going to verichip all of you with the passage...

The time has come. Thomas Jefferson said that we need to have a revolution every 20 years to keep the government in line. Well, we’ve neglected our duty and now it’s time.
haha non-conformist retard :D
Don't even answer to me, lol, you've shown me already that your analytical capacity is lower than analytical capacity of a worm.
Thomas Jefferson is my favorite person that ever lived, no lie.
He would, if he didn't own slaves.
George Carlin and Bill Hicks are on my hero list.
He'd be something more of a hero if he hadn't owned slaves.
That is true, you've got a point, maybe he doesn't deserve to be on that list.
Some would say that William Henry Harrison was the greatest ever US president, because he was in office for far too short a time to do any damage!
That's an interesting point of view, but to be honest, it's quite valid!
Best history lesson ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVYxGG8albs
Every other country has had nothing but amazing leadership?
If you read my other posts in this journal (including the one in which I responded to you), you'd see that that was certainly not my point!
I bet he treated those slaves like royalty. I can be partially forgiving because of the time he lived in.
you should set this as your profile pic instead :)

image: the_optimist
I couldn't care less about your opinion what shall or not be on my profile, gobshite, get lost.
you are an idiot tralalalala
lol you're either joking or the biggest retard ever to set foot on this earth :D
you're that dude, get over it, you really haven't seen yourself haha
Ok, so you're just the biggest retard ever to set foot on this earth, thanks for clearing that up.

QuoteA government of, by, and for the people clearly no longer exists

There isnt a single country that has a government that completely represents "the people" because people will always think differently.
You cant have 1 person make decisions for millions, thats why they introduced a system where he can at least make decisions for the majority of "the people".

What do you propose? Total anarchy? That'll work out for you.
You argument lacks of any logic whatsoever, angry puber is a lame puber.
I don't have time to read and feed trolls, get some proper education, get your own opinion, come back and we talk. I can't blame ya, Netherlands tells all. ah, just FYI, I didn't read what you said.
pot, kettle, black.
I would like to reply to you but I simply don't have the time to do. Nor am I completely here with my mind (going to a funeral soonish). I would just like to ask you a few questions which I can later (hopefully) reply on. Why do you think America cannot have the same system as most of the European countries? You say this won't work in America and that it will be abused by why do you think this? What logic reason do you have to make this assumption?

You say any good service cannot be free and you're completely right about this, but it can be paid by taxes. Don't you agree that people with a higher income can pay more and thus helping the ones that have low (or no) income? Wouldn't you call this fair? I mean in some years I will hopefully be done studying and will have an income higher than average Joe. It would only make sense I would have to pay more than average Joe to the state so that everyone has the same privileges as I have. You say that it's someone own fault if he can't pay for his healthcare insurance. Don't you think there are circumstances someone has done nothing wrong but still isn't able to pay for his insurance? Even if someone did something wrong, like say he's an alcoholic. Don't you think he should still be offered healthcare? Even alcoholics get sick, heck they even get sicker more often than the average person. Americans are all about Christianity and what not, doesn't it say in the bible you should help your fellow humans? That one of the best things to do is to forgive someone for their flaws and help them nontheless?

I could type a lot more but I think I will just leave it with this. I would like to close with one last phrase and that is that socialism and communism isn't the same thing. I think Americans forgot this a while ago.
QuoteYou say this won't work in America and that it will be abused by why do you think this? What logic reason do you have to make this assumption?

...hellow this is capitalist country numbero uno we are talking about!! exploiting stupid and
vulnerable people is what they do for a living.

PS: take care and good luck at the funeral (gecondoleerd)
why? are you a troll?
No, I'm just pointing out that you are arguing with an apparition.
I think that people have the means to help out should, but I have a hard time saying that they should to be forced to. I have a lot of faith in humanity, enough to where if people are in trouble they will be helped. When my dad was sick (a rare auto-immune disease that left him with painful lesions all over his body called pemphigus vulgaris, which caused him to go into septic shock, then he contracted a staph infection in his hip that made walking painful as well), he had over $500,000 in medical bills that he had to pay out of pocket (that was after what insurance paid). A local church provided us with food and helped us patch our roof. Charity is a virtue that I think 95% of people possess.

I am one of those people who can't pay for health insurance. It isn't my fault that it's expensive, but there are things that can be done to bring it to a point where I can afford it, including increasing the minimum wage and eliminating waste and corruption from our current system.
Wouldn't it have been better if insurance would've paid all his bills and he could afford his own food?
Yes, but that has nothing to do with whether we should have "free" healthcare or not.
It does. Free healthcare provides sick people with everything and thus he wouldn't have the 500k bill.
Yes but couldn't affordable, private insurance do the same thing?
Then you still have those people that aren't insurable because of pre existing health conditions and those that cannot afford even the affordable insurance.
I get tired of saying this. There are plenty of insurance plans that don't discriminate based on pre-existing conditions. They cost employers extra, so they aren't commonplace. That's one thing about this bill I like.
And those who cannot afford the affordable insurance?
Really? I just said "increasing the minimum wage" so that people could afford it.

Would it be better if I told you I go into McDonald's every day in my gigantic truck, toss a bag of money up on the counter, and then masturbate while I shoot guns and eat cheeseburgers, and that I keep a photo of starving AIDS patients next to my bed so I can be reminded of how much better my life is than everybody else?
Its always funny to see America struggle with these kind of issues. On one side there is a more socialist side that whats to help the people out of a sense of duty/leadership and moral reasons. And that whats to achieve that with the help and approval of everyone

And then there is the side of people that are skeptic about it because of the use of money. Its not that they don't want health care for other people but only as long as they don't have to pay for it. Plus it must still be possible to make profit out of it.
And so the counter arguments are always about money and fear of failure with whatever is proposed by the other side. Politics suck, also because they don't come with a better proposal and why should they.

I think that bitching wont get you anywhere and will just set you off course and loose sight of the problem and i must say that Americans are experts in doing this ill give you that.
Your just going to have to try it and see how it goes because its not impossible to perfect it and make it fully functional and affordable.
It's always funny to see Europeans assuming they have America figured out, and they think that everything is either good or evil.

I don't make much money, and I still give what I can to people who are less fortunate. I like that you're insinuating that I'm a bad, greedy person who won't lift a finger to help anybody else when you don't know me at all.

My counter argument is that there is a better way: make health care affordable so that people can get it when they need it by cutting waste and corruption. There are better ways of distributing wealth than literally taking it from people and giving it out to other people.

People need food too but nobody has a program that provides socialized food to everybody.
QuotePeople need food too but nobody has a program that provides socialized food to everybody.

Actually we have foodbanks that distribute food to everyone in need.
Everyone in need is not everyone. America already has a system set up to provide healthcare to low-income families, it's just that they haven't changed the poverty line recently.
QuoteIt's always funny to see Europeans assuming they have America figured out, and they think that everything is either good or evil.
Your politicians Yes your people No.
My argument is not personally aimed at you please keep that in mind.

this might sound strange to you but and i dont mean to offend you but ive never been a big fan of giving 'poor people' of the streets money so they can go out and buy cigarettes, drugs or alcohol xD cause that's what usually happens here in Holland :D

Then would you take on the corporations that are currently running most of the heath care/insurance. I think that's a good idea but isn't this bill ment to do that up to a certain level?
"ive never been a big fan of giving 'poor people' of the streets money so they can go out and buy cigarettes, drugs or alcohol xD cause that's what usually happens here in Holland :D"

Mostly true, but that's their choice, we give them the chance to make another choice, and that's what matters!
That's why I buy them food, and yes this bill does that but the argument was whether free health care is a good idea or not. Actually, it was that Americans aren't all dumb rednecks that eat cheeseburgers for every meal and shoot guns all day
thats a stupid old stereotype that stuck. Just like holland is made of out weed smoking tulip lovers with windmills and clogs.

Anyway im no expert on this subject but i hope the US figures it out and does smth about it instead of only talking about how it should not be. My source of intel is jon stewart :P

+giving food is smart :DDD lets just hope they don't trade it for drugs alcohol or cigarettes heheh or do you make sure they eat it aswell :P Just kidding ofc
Nah, actually there's a McDonald's on my block and also a lot of homeless people that hang around there, so I buy an extra hamburger sometimes if somebody asks me for money on the way. The world's most famous homeless person is usually walking around my block if he's not in jail:

That's one of the reasons why so many people in your country don't eat a balanced diet, lower incomes will usually go for the cheapest food available (processed food/fast food) which on the long run causes all kinds of health problems. Even if you wanted to buy regular groceries it just isn't possible anymore because in certain areas all the supermarkets have disappeared due to the lack of profitability.

Fast food is a major health issue which we now are also seeing in Europe.
Sorry, you are clueless. I eat fast food maybe twice a week. The rest of the time I cook. That's about how the average American is. Just because big cities have a lot of restaurants doesn't mean we eat fast food for every meal. There are people that do that but they're few and far between. If you honestly believe that Americans are too stupid to realize that fast food isn't healthy the joke's on you.
I am not saying they are too stupid to realize it but that certain areas alot of people don't have the money to buy regular food and cook themselves . This causes supermarkets to close down leaving fastfood restaurants as the only option to eat. This probably isn't the case anywhere near where you live but it does happen.
I've been almost everywhere in the US and this is not the case anywhere. People with low income get a card from the government called an EBT card that they can only use to buy food at markets; you can't use it to buy prepared food. Mothers get vouchers for milk, juice, cheese, and cereal for their children. I also don't know where you're getting your information from that fast food is cheaper... a 1/8 lb. cheeseburger at McDonald's is a dollar. For the price of four cheeseburgers, you could buy 1 lb. of ground beef, cheese, and a pack of hamburger buns and make yourself 8 cheeseburgers. The fast food thing is very much a stereotype that has gotten out of hand, yes we do eat more fast food than other countries and yes it is a problem for a lot of people but it is not normal to eat fast food for the majority of your meals, especially because the majority of Americans don't want to be fat. Most people that eat fast food eat it out of convenience, not because it's cheaper.
fuck USA in da ass?
Spend less on wars you will never win to get cheap oil or other contracts which makes the richer more rich and put it in your health care system. Problem solved.
I blame Bush for fucking up the country wtf were they thinking.
you got a point there :)
Don't worry n1d I fucking LOVE trucks too.

As for the debate, I agree with the point about it being too 'early..?' to introduce this sort of bill with the current state of things, I live in the UK and almost everyday there are headlines (depending on what paper you read ofc :P) about how terrible the NHS is, how slow, dirty, overworked, undermotivated and most importantly is creating a giant blackhole of debt into our government MONAYZ.

On the other side of things in the UK we have 'some' private healthcare, a company called Bupa (the only one that comes to mind) although i've never been treated by Bupa I have friends who have been, and they said the difference between the two different types of hospitals was incredible.

Not really sure where I was going with this, just showing things from the UK (and my) perspective.
Still confirming my view on Americans here.
Are you in a position of authority?
Do I need to to state my view?
You already did. I just don't understand the patronising tone, which is why I asked if you are in a position to patronise.
Maybe not the best option to state it like I did, but I couldn't be arsed or had any more time to write a big reply which would better explain my view.
Fair enough.
a journal opposite to the regular journals on cf... made me crack..
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