Today's Agenda

I thought I'd give you all a brief overview of what I plan on doing today:

7:30 AM - Wake up, look at the giant collage on my wall of George W. Bush and Jesus holding AK-47's. Masturbate to said collage.
7:45 AM - Shower using soap made by Mexicans in a sweatshop. I never buy American products because I am so racist that I want to support slave labor.
8:15 AM - Get in my monster truck, crank up Hank Williams Jr's Greatest Hits and do a few burnouts to waste gas. Run over a newspaper box because I hate the news. Remind myself that reading is for Europeans, who are all smarter than me but don't believe in God so they're going to hell anyways.
8:30 AM - Arrive at McDonald's drive-thru. Order five cheeseburgers. Become irritated when they tell me they do not serve cheeseburgers until 10:30 AM. Grab shotgun. Demand cheeseburgers, saying loudly "THIS IS AMERICA GOD DAMMIT!"
8:33 AM - Finish off my cheeseburgers. The cops stop me, but only to talk about how awesome my gun and my truck is, since only poor people don't carry guns around in public.
9:00 AM - Work. I actually work at another McDonald's, since there is one on every block, however, I'm a manager that makes $100,000 a year, which is the mean salary for white Americans. A lot of them don't have a lot of money because they spend it all on gas, Bibles, and cheeseburgers.
12:00 PM - Eat more cheeseburgers.
12:30 PM - Walk outside, piss on several homeless people. Secretly wish that they get AIDS. Fuck people that don't have money.
1:00 PM - Back to work. Bossing black people and Mexicans around is great.
5:00 PM - Done with work. Grab several cheeseburgers to go.
6:00 PM - Anti-abortion rally on the street in front of an abortion clinic. We plan on burning it down after the news people leave.
9:00 PM - Back home. Attempt sex, but my girlfriend and I are both so fat that this is impossible. I have no idea why.
9:02 PM - Decide that I want more cheeseburgers.

The rest of the evening is open, but part of it will be spent praying to George W. Bush.
Have a nice day kind sir.
seems normal to me. HF
Glad you don't burn an atheist today or donate money to creationists.

And stop relegating the evolution "theory" out of Americas schools!!
Tell me more about this "truck."
Sounds like an interesting day you have planned, have fun =]
Stereoism :B
Someone's gotten a bit bitter!
If you were an American wouldn't you be at least a little upset after reading through a bunch of racist comments towards Americans?
link me them comments!
Parent (although I think this one is due to pure ignorance, not his fault)

Not to mention if CF paints an accurate picture of the way Europeans think, it seems anti-Americanism is part of the modern zeitgeist of Europe, which isn't fair because we don't think any less of Europeans here.

At the end of the day, most people around the world want the same thing, and perpetuating this kind of shit makes me upset because it does the entire world a disservice.
None of them are racist except the one from Panda, who got himself a warning for that one. There's a difference between a negative opinion of a country, and racism.
I fail to see the difference. Rationalizing prejudice is more dangerous than just being an asshole about it because people take you seriously.
Good point!

Apparantly you're a racistic fascist if you disagree with his views.
i don't like cocumber in cheeseburger, it ruins everything :(
Sad American is sad.
so a typical day then, also in the intrest what coloUr is your truck
Red, white, and blue of course, but mostly red because of all the niggers I run over.
plus it has to match the color of the back of your neck too amirite?
Not only the back of my neck but my favorite NASCAR car and my wife's face when she doesn't get me another Bud Light quick enough.
:DDDD good reply
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