Morning all :)

Havent slept yet, been busy doing alot of coursework which kinda failed! I get farrrrr to distracted by things like facebook, music and just generally looking at things i dont need to lol

Plans for the day:

1. Have a shower soon to wake me up
2. Really feel like warm milk with witabix and cut up banana
3. Get ready for college
4. Get home and sleeep!

What are your plans for the day? :)

image: joint
I want that!
My plans are:

1. Being at work and act busy wich i'm doing atm ::XD
2. Somewhat working or something....
3. Spamming crossfire with useless bullcrap.. WHO SAID THAT?!
4. Going home at 15:00
5. :B
5. wank, busted.
Where the heart is full of... The mouth will spill....
yesterday my whole neck was swollen. today its better but i will stay @ home for another day to get fit for the last school tests of my life tomorrow, friday and next tuesday :-)

means alot of tea and medicine, BiO, HoN and QL
hahahah retard! :B
YOU call me a retard? expected by everyone but spamming polaks. so y?
I, my dear sir am not a POLAK! RETARD! :B
hoi there,

plans for today: work a lot without falling asleep. Come home, do basicly nothing. go to bed early.
Messy night so I want a full English and some more sleep but I'm taking a shit right now so can't sleep atm. I love you tekno!
1) 11.30: Get to uni, study some more
2) 14.00: Appointment with my marketing prof to talk about the final bachelor dissertation
3) 16.30: Exam (operative plannings)
4) 18.00: Shop, get food for the week
5) 19.00: Study some more for exam on thursday

exams suck so hard :C
My plans are just the thing u want before sleep.
Brb murdering the neighbours dog, motherfucker didnt shut up until 4:30.

got vacation now so im gonna relax and stuff.
shout eleos skase!
warm milk :D? reminds me of tenerife tbh ^^
plans for today

sleep at work
work a bit
acting busy
go home and eat some lil thingy (not to much)
woke up
cup of tea
nerd/get wasted
my plans are staying home for the next 4 weeks since i suffered some braindamage this weekend :DDD
damn u and ur 2 week holiday tekno :D
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