Cheater? Knife him!

image: 500x_knife
An argument between Counter-Strike players at a Chinese net café over suspected use of a 'wallhack' cheat led to a 17-year-old boy being stabbed through the head with a foot-long knife - and living to tell the tale. (Graphic Photo)

Counter-Strike players in the Jilin province of China take cheating extremely seriously, as evidenced by the grievous wound suffered by one suspected cheater on March 16. The 17-year-old victim was suspected of using a hack that allowed him to see through walls, giving him an obvious benefit in the computerized game of hide and go kill each other.

A fight broke out outside the net café regarding the hack, and one assailant decided to do a little hacking of his own, stabbing large knife into the side of the cheater's head, the tip of the blade barely protruding from the other side.
kamz showed me this earlier, alot of chinese people take games far too seriously, they all play em non stop! Even round here i always see the chinese people in the bookies!
nice but posted twice already by ag0n and an other that I forgot :D
How people can act like that seriously ? This is pissing me off, a knife in the head for a game ? I simply can NOT understand
Some people are completely sick and brain-death nowadays :\ must be the global warming :XD
global warming is a myth
Cmon don't be so up tight! A knife in the head, it's not like it's gonna kill him!
True, what can a foot long knife do? :)
new crossfire anti-cheat policy?
pffffffffffffft who wants to read about counterstrike.
cic8 @ hongkong, will be fun <3
thats what you get! deserved :(
and they say VAC is painful...
A new anticheat is born. This must be hannes secret idea about an anti-cheat (as he said there were possible failures). Meaning the chinese is less strong then the cheater itself. Goodbye PB, lets pay those chinese people those 8000€ or whatever you said they get paid ;D
cheaters never die!
surprised someone didn't stab quadv over their stuff up with the CSP show match!!!!
too bad he survived
i think they'll try to kill him again
its new, because tosspot posted it.
let this be a lesson for all you cheaters!
Bet he doesn't do it again
ahah awesomeness
another wher with crappy movement, couldn't avoid that with simple strafe?

it's ridiculous!
Too old Tosspot. Was posted here like 4 times yesterday
Funny do this in the et Scene 2 pls :X

i kill astro^^
bauer wieder lustig?

E: mistgabel zählt nich als messer :<
wie lang hast für den spruch gebraucht?
naja turn vom acker du agrartechniker
gehst jedem aufm piss
fragt sich wohl wer der agrartechniker ist..
btw hast den spruch von chris? kenn ich iwo her ;)

e: hast 50 points :(
jo 50 points weil ich chatroulette journal gemacht hab
und davor hat ich schon 30

jo hab ich von chris
und jetzt?
naja selfowned :<
du redest von agrartechnikern und äckern aber bist selber ein bauer..
acker und agrar hat aber nichts damit zu tun das mein vater ein landwirt ist

agrartechniker sind die deppen die landmaschienen und son kack machen

acker hat mein vater nicht

also hab ich damit nichts zu tun ;)
deswegen hast du auch immer im ts gesungen: "Ich bin der Farmer,..."
komm hauke..
darf man nicht singen?

isn bekanntest lied
let's take that policy to Et, too :D
That's fucked up
too bad he didnt have a wallhack in rl, then he could see the knife coming :D
shit happens there are too many chinese people anyways :D
i invited the chinese to CC8 so beware!!
will they make us loempias
yes with dog and cat meat in it... maybe even human flesh if there has been a liquidation somewhere in the chinese mob world here :D
you see what happens kids?
This same policy to CC lan tournaments!
image: sdoih1

I prefer this photo
Anti-cheat policy: 30.3%

think they read the poll?
noobz got rolled
idiots this is not funny, it's a young man
so this is how stupid the game is for suckers life

Posted by: overdrive on 22 Mar 2010 13:13:24, views: 169

welcome to yesterday
repost, thats fucked up tho
whats the difference between this guy and the one who stabbed?

any1 ?
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