settlers 7

HELL YEA BITCHES, just received my Settlers 7 :))

you won't see me around for a long time

/jesse out!
Love you
cant find as torrent so gtfo
schiet is op nerd :D
the original settlers way cool.. but starting with settlers 3 it became crap
agree. part 3 was kinda ok but the best was the second! splitscreen multiplayer action :)
true dat, with 2 mice :Dd
i liked only settlers 4. Should I get this then ?
tried to play some 'refreshed' settlers 2 but got bored after 20 minutes :|
but everybody saying s2 is nice so dunno
its nice indeed but it cant top the original s2.
Played s3 for years and liked it alot but best game of the series was s4.

Rest was shit
settlers 7 is great
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