back from paris

Back from paris, went there for 5days with gf.

Wide streets, wide river, big buildings - takes fucking ages to walk around! Buildings were impressive but I care less about museums and sight seeing than her tbh

A lot of niggers there, but many of them are integrated human beings unlike the ganstas of london.

And they should really hire someone with logic to sign and design their metro system etc what a joke.

Also got food poisoning 1.5days before end which was awesome with the throwing up and liquid shits!

But overall wasn't bad. Most people were even friendly to us. Fucking french (had to add that).
did you?
QuoteA lot of niggers there, but many of them are integrated human

plzzz, the niggas from the suburbs are freakin retarded...
true story... Only nice niggah's in Paris or big cities! In the suburbs it's totally different.
C'est quoi ce cliché ? des con y'en a partout, les gens sont trop unfluencé par les médias, et pareil c pas la couleur de peau qui fait qu'ont est con, les médias on bien fait leur boulot ! les gens qui ne connaissent pas la vie en banlieue on peur, je les comprend vue ce que nous montre les médias, mais la réalité est tout autre.
J'étais au lycée à Saint-Denis et à l'IUT à sarcelles. Évidemment qu'il y'en a des biens mais la mentalité est complètement différente des mecs qui habitent dans le Paris riche.
Sur ce point la je suis d'accord.
jnz seu paneleiro eu sei que sabes falar português.
sorry i dont speak spanish!
<3 the homeless there, if you would meet an hobo in sweden you'd better stay away.
there are any?
i wonder what you would say in your cf journal if you came back from africa rofl

QuoteAnd they should really hire someone with logic to sign and design their metro system etc what a joke.

are you too retarded for the current system?
French is pretty cool tbh.
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