We need new anticheat!

Hi CF users. (K nerds) ET is gonna to be more active than past years/months when everyone said ET is dead... If we want to revive it even more we need new anti-cheat. I think someone should take a code from anti-pro coder and finish it... Now on ET stage appear a lot of NEW TALENTS with 2day guids who shoot 100hs per map and its rarity now to find a pracc without obvious playing opponent... It makes me and my friends very upset. Would be great idea that players will be able to play on normal clan war servers only when their guid will be older than 2weeks :S
Someone who is good in coding should think about it :D!

sup with antipro anyway?
It got canceled many months ago
ET is gonna be active same as 3-4 days ago.

I play like 3 pracs (nopb cfg ofc) a day and I can't say it's common that I suspect the opposing team uses cheats. Happens like in 1/10 wars @ max and even then we just kick the opponents and get a new one. Can't say how it's like with official wars though, but I suppose it's even less common there.

I love nopb configs. I used to lag on every server but now I'm doing just fine.
ofc you love :PP
said the man who have eth on his computer


well, i have a lot of cheats on hdd, especially their source codes :o and you see source of some eth... and :D? is clear from my interests, this is a great way to learn programming :D
"ET is gonna be active same as 3-4 years ago" HAHAHAHA :'DD!!

made my day
Just beat them and laugh at em ? Hai2u robertos!:D
ROBERTOS XDDD obvious fuck
I wanted to write the petition with a lot of signatures about to ban ppl on etpro guid, but I was informed that etpro guid is easy spoofable... :X

beside I heard about some project about new anti cheat, but they said this new thing is more laggy then PB.

And again beside... : wasnt you busted ?

Good idea about not playing vs cheats is to have own server and kick ugly oppo using referee :D

developing new anti cheat
developing new anti-anti cheat.
Stop being so paranoid, they're just better than you. Doesn't mean they cheat.
i know that most of players are better than me. But not when they habitually shoot before they see me. I know headphones etc. but i dont think so that when pb turned off everyone bought superduper amazing headsets :o. Also now you can download crusher, nexus, old etbots which codes are 100% detectable by PB and you can play on it... It suck.
Experience, volume, communication at vent, etc. Multiple of explanations possible for stuff like that, happens with everyone. I bet there have been people who played versus you and thought "wtf, how did he know that?".

Based on my experience I'd say playing without PB only marginally increased the amount of cheaters. In random 3v3's there are perhaps more cheaters, but in serious 5v5 clanpraccs the amount hasn't changed.
I know Experience, volume, communication at vent, etc. BUT as i say in my previous post, why they do obvious actions habitually? Why volume, communication suddenly became BEEEEEEETTER when pb turned off? Isnt it strange for you?
That's only your (false) perception of situations. You're from the start of a game already prejudiced because there's no PB protection.
Well maybe. But its really strange that when pb turned off most of low+ randoms(for cf nerds, im random 2, and im low+) became a med/+ players with 45 accuracy and amazing knowning which you explain by bought better headset's and communication on vt. Even when I stand around the corner, and im leaning without any move. Your perception of situations is really impressive. Ofc no offence :)
There's always going to be a nice free undetected cheat so there's no point coding something just to keep a few people happy :-(
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