BFBC2 probs

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone else got the problems i got, if i search for servers i get NONE at all in my list, also i only see favorite and history. I also got the problem when i play campaign my pc runs it smooth, and i set it on medium details, that after a while when an explosion comes or i just play fast my screens shuts down and then turns completely white.

My pc stats are:

Intel i7 950 @ 3.07Ghz
12 Gig Corsair 1333Mhz DDR3
Ati Radeon HD4870X2 ( 2 Gig of DDR5 memory @ core clock speed of 2 times 800 Mhz)

Anyone having the same problem?
Adding, the grafix drivers are up to date aswell as the DirectX11 installed and PhysX drivers installed
seems like GFX overheating at the explosions, had those screens problems due to that
Well, but i don't have fps drops or anything and even playing on low details should rly not stress out this gfx, i mean it should be awsome for this game..
first the hdx2 overheats like a big whore, he likes heats, thats for sure
second, surprise or not, but if your card is hot enough, or just bugged a little, even small shit games will be fucked up, i remember playing PoP2 on my PC and having crashs, while it was almost 2d like graphics...(it's why in the first place i didn't suspect of card overheat)
just download everest and make sure it's not overheating, nothing serious just less troubles
Manko means vagina in Japanese.
azatej means idiot in hebrew
yea u got owned badly by me
I know :) It's for all the haters out there
hmm, i might then just buy a 295GTX in a bit
no, just no

hd5890 is your destiny!
or wait for the 5970 :PPP
or the Nvidia x480 with the new chipsets :p
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