Germany Invades Poland

In the early morning hours of 25.03.2010,5 German troops invaded Poland by air and by land, unleashing the first “blitzkrieg,” a strategy meaning “lightning war.” Planes, tank and air forces were deployed with stunning speed, and troops destroyed railroads and communications stations, infiltrated strongholds by posing as Polish military officers and killed enemies with explosives, guns and even sabers.

Although it had an army of more than 700,000, Poland was unprepared for the blitzkrieg tactics. Its army was built around the tactics of World War I and it could not deploy its troops quickly enough to defend against the more powerful German forces.


image: game17327
randon pic.
randon pic.
holocaust =D

zyklon-b iz teh best drug :P
so is ur face, fuck off
face is the best drug? ;z u made no sense my polish m8 :)
so did your comment, well Poland isnt wasnt , isnt and won't be great for some time still but making comments with zyklon - b aren't really funny, no offence if it is for you but i felf sth different visiting Auschwitz..
im planning to visit auschwitz during the trip to next lan. maybe i will get rid of my jokes after that :p
Tuun mukaan

Sit meen polttouuniin ja heitän uuniomena-läppää xD
uuniomena ;DDDDLOLDDDD
pffff,im happy that hitler erased so many polaks,imagine what would uk be like now if they were still alive :OOOOO
as far as I know you're an imigrant, and pls dont show your retardness here on crossfire especially when:

The establishment of a Polish state is often identified with the adoption of Christianity by its ruler Mieszko I, in 966, when the state covered territory similar to that of present-day Poland. The Kingdom of Poland was formed in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a long association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by signing the Union of Lublin, forming the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
yeh but lithuania is not together with poland anymore cuz u're bunch of kurwas :)
anyways hitler ftw! :)
your ban soon ftw ! stay tuned
no reason to ban me :) hitler was a good man!
Don't start that, I already (apparently) upset the Polish community and Luk4ward when I went on about zyklon b last time. He kept pm'in Tosspot and threatened legal action :_D
Quote threatened legal action
Hilariously succesful in that case =)
Found it =DDD
The journal in question however, must have been disintegrated in the pure awesomness that went on image: facepalm
Quoterom Luk4ward <[email protected]>
date 31 March 2009 19:32
subject Response or i will contact with hosting admins or maybe police

Due to massive racist attacks (most against Polish), fascism, abusing i would like to report your site to the proper authorities. The ignition spark is right here: (url) [] . I really had a hope that your community is a good idea with people who really can do better for ET, but now it looks nothing like a big shit. Thx for reading

- My Reply

I have not read the thread in question as I am on vacation at the moment. However tomorow I will walk to the netcafe and block your ip's access to crossfire.

The Internet is a world of choice, I don't enjoy beastiality so I don't go to beastiality websites. You don't like the freedom of speach on crossfire and seeing as you don't have the self restraint to stop coming to the site I will help you by not making it possible for you to visit the site.

If you believe threats of legal action are a method of achieving change, you are wrong. This matter could have been solved politely but you chose otherwise, regardless I will review the thread in question and take any neccesary action.

Have a pleasent day

Sent from my mobile device

from Luk4ward <[email protected]>
subject Re: Response or i will contact with hosting admins or maybe police

However tomorow I will walk to the netcafe and block your ip's access
to crossfire.

It is not necessary. I can access the site via various IP, so i grab
enough data to report your shitty site. Just delete my account. If the
ppl from this topic wont be banned i will go further with this.

It goes on, but safe to say hats off to whoever angered this kid. I always enjoy reading legal threats!

Go Germany SS forces <3 My heart will always beat for Hitler

Tanks vs Horses ggwp... Germany 3rd reich vs Poland 3rd world country :-P
thought you're ok..
I'm a pacifist, I don't support any kind of warfare (means I don't go to army)
coward then mkk
Yeah, Germany SS soldiers weren't cowards like [flag=nerd] Vanhaomena :P Fighted very bravely :) Great mans <3 Although was easy against Poland horse-riding soldiers :'[
ye it was so easy, but too bad they lost 2 wars :(
and ye this shows how stupid you are :(
Finland was historically a part of Sweden and from 1809 an autonomous Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire. Finland's declaration of independence from Russia in 1917 was followed by a civil war, wars against the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and a period of official neutrality during the Cold War. Finland joined the United Nations in 1955, the OECD in 1969, the European Union in 1995, and the eurozone since its beginning. Finland has been ranked the second most stable country in the world, in a survey based on social, economic, political and military indicators.[7]
Yeah, would've been better off being pacifists

Germany Brave but stupid =[

Quote and ye this shows how stupid you are :(

Yea apparently :( Coward and stupid! Unlike brave and stupid Nazis.

What's the wikipaste related to?
well ok we didnt have good army n stuff, maybe cuz we were fighting for ages and we are placed in central europe between 2 strong countries, but well if you want to be that exact when we had these soldiers with horses you didn't even exist.
and somewhere in past we were the biggest country in Europe, its shit now but at least 1 thing i can be pround of
Good for you

I'm unable to feel proud of some borders on the world map. I'm proud of winning EC XX (and of being pacifist (war is bad (drugs are good)))
You totally changed your words now, well no offence mate i know its internet and i need to take it half serious but still, making totally senseless comments is shit.. i read and know lots about second world war and if i need to be honest it hurts a bit...
I've never changed my words. Prove me wrong if you disagree.
puolalaisten isänmaallisuus on kyl arvostettavaa.
yes, polish patriotism is worthy of
recognition, indeed!
polish national pride is very respectful*
:/ almost good guess!
YE GUESS, google translator doesnt really understand finnish ;X

but why do you still care what happened like 70 years ago? it doesnt really affect your life in any way
maybe it doesnt :< but ww2 its my hobby so well, i care a bit :> ye google translator is shit but sometimes you can understand other languages ! or at least get the conception!
Wirklich? Zeig mal!
halt die klappe kacknoob ! :o
dont mess with my german skillz :D
fucking russian trash took finland from us :SS
fuck off with ur stupid nazi sympathizing :< they stole my granddads bike
Im gonna kill u nerd, right now
Lolwat worst joke ever...
polaks are prepared this time and they have deployed
yep they use bicycles instead of horses ;x
omfgxDDD :D
destroy those cheaters
yes u are...
and who lost in the end?
some nutlest shit eater with stupid mustache and emo butt from germany i heard :o
haha :D <3
tell meh! i wasnt born back in those days and couldnt follow
in all HoNesty, i think you are lying to me
Polska jest tylko&#65279; jedna.. dumna i na zawsze :XD
2010 wat
T&#281;skni&#281;, &#379;yd
Tesknie, Zyd
triple post!
"and even sabers"

fuck you
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