FL Studio Trance uplifting

oka i finished intro

dont care about vocal chopped melody later


its cool i think :)
niezle :)
dobra wixa =D
haha bez melodii poki co to wixa :D
its not even trance.... xD
those trancy cords coming in in the end doesnt make it better... just worse :D doesnt fit together at all
rest is ok imo
ye i know this melody sucks
i dont get it. u try to improve (which is really a plus) and make things better, at least u say so, but then u just use such strange cords knowing they are crap :D take more time for ur songs
melody is problem for me so i always make 30 mistaken sounds till i found one fitting :)
but the problem is it doesnt fit at all :D
i knoiw lol :D deleted it already :D
Its fine for amateur i think :D
except melody everything sounds pr0 tbh :) i do care alot about quality, e.g. there are 5 same bass sounds on litlle different eq playing at same time to get "that" power, etc :D
:D Thought i love Trance i wouldnt listen to that becouse of the melody, well who am i to judge when i cant make any music on my own :D
im working hard on melody, but its fucking hard :D and u have right to judge ofc
where do you get ur soundpacks from ?

i mean icant find your musicfiles in my fl studio :]

edit...firsdt part sux

last minute is really nice
first part pwn :) i dont understand, u cant find my sounds ?:D
this last part with the trancemelodie

how did you make it ?
i cutted some random acapella, some "aaa" sampled it and then chopped in db glitch, insert delay, some of reverb. Anyway u wont find same sounds cause each sound as i wrote before is made from 3 to 8 same sounds playing at same time at different eq hard to copy them :) even kick is made from 3 different kicks as u noticed? its very clean and poweful( in one kick i cutted low end and for two no ) and to change sample notes u need to use pitch only
kolego, mowie Ci sciagnij plugin reFX nexus :P
Very nice my m8!
techno i inne hujostFa smierdza panie keDme . ale chuj niech ci bedzie. +1
e tam, kazdy gatunek jest fajny na swoj sposob
zgodze sie!.
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