A small story

image: shakira

Today I bought Shakira's new album and I'm completely amazed how awesome it is. Her voice really reminds me of a Latino goddess with a small touch of Anastasia. I've listen to it the whole day and can't stop with it!

Try listen to one of these songs, there is something really 70's over her new cd:

06 Men In This Town<3
08 Spy (Featuring Wyclef Jean)
10 Lo Hecho Esta Hecho

These songs are the best ones after my opinion :)

I have also bought Kei$ha's new cd which wasn't as good as Shakira's but still enjoyable, her songs are really messed up with sex, drugs and alcohol :P Would love to hit that girl!

What's the last cd you have bought? And did you like it?
listen "ELDO"
Taktloss - Aus Liebe
thought you are going to talk bout your penis :)
Buy music? hahaha..

On topic i did see Shakira live once wasnt impressed at all.
We're not like you swedes having spotify and Voddler man ...
We have to pay :(
tits or gtfo
iced earth - the crucible of man
awesome cd <:
nice english bro
tl;dr, got that album for ages
last music I bought is Spor's Commoners & Conquerors LP and damn it was sure worth it
'bought a cd' :ppp

must be 7 years ago, people have Internet now for that sort of things
last music I bought was fede finn and funny boys wich im pretty sure you would like!
That comment made me puke

Quote buy

Quote cd

She's georgeous :)
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