fov / sensitivity calculator


i need a calculator to find out what my sens is when i change my fov from 110 to 108.
i am too lazy to do the math myself ..

here's a nice pic for you as a thank you!

image: 27577
srsly? sens/110 * 108 and you got it :X
fov 103 <3
rofl, changing fov with value 2 ://
sens doesnt change when you change fov you dumbass
??? do 360° on fov 90 and fov 120... don't tell me you used the same space of your mousepad man
hes right
you are wrong

Why would you sens change anyways? You are just seeing things under a bigger angle, which would change the way the sens is perceived.
lol .. just try a 360 like spiroze said : )
then he will notice that it´s the exactly same space for the 360
I did.. and you should aswell.
impossible if you used the same /sensitivity
It's very well possible. Close your other eye and do a 360 on your super awesome leather coated office chair. Then do the same with both of your eyes open.
This is a genuinely good analogy

Fov is only visual
since when is the sens synced to the fov dumbass? .. ever tried it urself.
try fov 90 .. move your mouse .. try fov 120 .. move your mouse.

if it still feels the same .. then i must be fuckin dreamin!
perception =/= fact
sens is still the same ...
what do u want lol
nah .. i know the sens is the same.

what i need is. when i change from 110 to 108, then i want the same mouse feeling.
thus, needing to change the sens so it feels the same. the sens gets slightly faster
when changing from higher fov to a lower fov.
what h8m3 said
Ask perfo!
its the same
ofc feeling changes but that doesnt mean u get the old fov feel back changing sens^^
really odd question just use the fov that feels like u want
are you sure?? .. it feels cockier when changing it :-(
well u can confirm it.. just place ur crosshair on one point, then move mouse across the pad and see where the crosshair ends
then do the same with different fov, it will end at same place
ok and how do i get rid of this weird feeling without decreasing sensitivity then?
or more, how do i get the same smooth feeling like with the other fov? :-(
use the old fov! :D
hehe yee .. it seems i have to stick to 110 then .. damn it :D
what sens do you use with 110 fov?
110 - 2.96312
108 - x

x = 108*2.96312 / 110 = 2.90924

try it :p
I think it needs to be higher ;)

my calc says: 3.017992593
explain pls
(2.96312 / 108) * 110

but only cause its about the feeling, with lower fov it seems slower, so u need a faster sens.. (but i can be wrong :))
if ur fov is 90 and you use 1 as sens and if you start using 120 fov you will need sens < 1 because if you still use 1 sens your aim will fly :P
about the maths its just in this case:

110 fov - 2.96312 sens
108 fov - x sens

x = 108*2.96312 / 110 = 2.90924

dunno now :x
Ur Math is okay, but like u said:

Higher fov -> lower sens AND
Lower fov -> higher sens

i stared drawing things on my paper, but now i am totaly confused whats right :S
: D idd nvm :p
what h8m3 and PeterPan said
Energy equals mass multiplied by 3.0*10^16
stop trolling :D
just test it out urself to see what suits u best
the right answer what your current sensitivity should be is in mystics config.
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