2new names for Pukkelpop

They aren't announced officialy yet but I got some great sources and I can tell you that BLINK-182 & LIMB BIZKIT will come already!

Blink will be playing on 19th august! (dunno about limb bizkit) :)

The official announcement will come in a few days ;)

see yah there fuckers!
rofl @ both
rofl @ both
nice @ both
blink is dead?
and limp bizkit is crap(with the new gitarist:D)
ye it was so great with the old guitarist... i am really noticing the difference!
Well, atleast their style changed a lot.
isn't that the point :D ?
well, he is trolling that lb allways was bad. not my opinion
oh ok, myeah trolling is the new cool on here :s
blink ain't dead. they did their comeback a year ago. but yeah my love has totally disappeared for them since they haven't released a single song yet and have only done 1huge tour in america and cashed alot of money.. fucking fakers
rofl @ both
thought limp bizkit stopped performing
Wish i were at concert of them back in the days
koala-eters niet toegelaten
klash begrijp ik dan weer niet ;X
rofl @ both
okey-ish @ both
cya there 8D
Blink is ok, lb sucks hard!
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