EMS top3

your predictions for EMS top3
and why?

Finland fintasticfive
Poland FF
Europe Blight/ Poland tMoe/ United KingdomImpact

fintards r awesome, team of Wrobel was/is/ and will be top eu team and Blight and Impact are albe to do top3 if they have motivation. tMoe plays not as good as on CIC7 but they r still strong

e: because i need your statments to news.
and why?
fintards r awesome, team of Wrobel was/is/ and will be top eu team and Blight and Impact are albe to do top3 if they have motivation. tMoe plays not as good as on CIC7 but they r still strong.

now tell me your prediction coz im doing news for et.owned.pl bout ems and i need top scene players predictions/statements ;)
1. United States of America blight

2. Finland ffive

3. United Kingdom impact

blight is first because they are the best ET team without a doubt

ffive still need some practise but they are already really decent

and impact just got an amazing lineup who can reach a lot with enough effort
excellent :)
aye aye sir ;)
cool, but FF will never make it to top3
nr 1; fins
rest; depends on who pracs, otherwise random top 3
and why not?
ffive will fail!
Europe [*EU*]

Netherlands fritsie will rape em
ff will need alot of pracc to be in top3 xD
Finland fintasticfive - because they are just sick!
i dont think we will see any polish team in top3
E: I guess Finland fan7astic will be unstoppable unless we change the format to 4v4 during competition :)
mystic omg mystic
fin and nl (team aza) in the final, team pl 3rd

Blight is just blight, reload and night will carry the team to victory. Fintastic five have issues with 5on5 , that's why they arent top 1 for me.

And impact lineup seems better than tmoe or FFs
# Blight
# Fintastic
# EDiT

its online only so:

ffive will win, blight will get rolled :)

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