"Which dog?" episode 2/3

Some of you might remember when sometime ago I made a journal about dogs, and to get one to be more accurate

So we ended up to get a "Podengo português" which is pretty rare breed here! So we "ordered" one and our breeder got 2 brothers. So now we need to choose which one of these two we want more! What you think?

blondish and cute
darkish and crazy

Name recommendations will be heard also, tho atm we are thinking of "Rocky"

And btw as a full grown it will look like this
dogs are cunts
lol the dark one ruls! iz biting chair. XD
dont call him Rocky... that name is overused
use a creative name like Cybertron-X or something
needs to be based on 2 bytes so can say it fast! But my gf is very conservative about names so she isnt accepting any of my appls
we called our 3 cats Dildo, Stoma and Purrr le Purr Pusinski von Klootöog
oh and btw... the blonde looks cuter
call him

omg both super cute :D
both are sweet... take the blond
get the crazy one it can also be a guard dog :D name it killer or THA destroyer ppl will get intimidated
Mmmhhh Small dogs are lame, get a hovawart!
wouldn't get any, ugly when grown up -,-

take a siberian husky <3
Husky = great animal

They own polar bears

image: PolarBear6

well the biggest animal my sister's husky pwned was a chicken (I had to save that baby goat...) so I guess there are different levels of husky skills.
get dark imo :)
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