Whats up biatches??

Still playing good ol' ET? What the fuck is up with 5on5, didn't we decide it sucked years ago? Is Mystic owning?!

Cheers to all
Ohnoes another one who came back from the REAL LIFE!
yes still playing.
yes we decided it sucks years ago but noone seems to give a fuck
and mystic has just made a comeback
also, BRING ET_GUNS (or maybe just guns) BACK

hello mr admin ..... oh wait
stop making these kind of journals everytime you log in every 2 months
Why not? Always nice to read different opinions about latest events.
fuck you dued
Nice to meet u I am Vanhaomena btw
there is some serious question i'd like to ask u.. i would be really happy if u could answer to me, since this is a question of huge importance to understand how life feels across all being things..

so how are ur feelings as a old apple? and do u like being hugged? las but not least how u show emotion to others?

thx in advance

greets uber_serious_flR

This flash animation sums up my persona


Being hugged is lovely because I love everyone on Earth

I am not afraid to show how I feel, some might think it's gay but imo the opposite is just cowardy

Nice to meet u flR
yes, 5o5 sucks compared to 6o6
Well after INTEL supported Crossfire Lan - thanks to 5on5 format - it was basically forced.
hans kanns!
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