The new wolfenstein

Okay, I downloaded the game a week ago. Finally decided to give it a try even though the only thought in back of my head was that it must suck hard.

At first I was like: What the hell, where's THE bunny hop, strafe jumping, wtf? Then I started shooting stuff and next shock was the outrageously stupid aiming system. And then along comes an enemy which moves fast, is immune to my bullets and speaks like some broken cyborg. At that point I quitted the game and was close to uninstall it - BUT decided to give it another shot.

You see, I'm a oldschool fanatic - I don't like today's games because they try to be to realistic and they look way too good while gameplay sucks donkey balls. Anyway, I killed the damn cyborg, got used to Veil and Mire etc. and I must say that I'm beginning to like this game. Some enemies are fuckin' hard to beat but that's just the thing making the game more enjoyable.

I have no doubt that multiplayer must suck but single player campaign is very nice imo. NOT a failure after all.

I'm out of beer now by the way =(
The game already failed before it even came out.
teh game died as soon as the beta was released

Moi moor!

Hey, August 2009 called, it wants it game back! :D
That is not too long ago meh! :D
Besides, I haven't had motivation to play any games for months so god forgives me for being late :P
i love wolfenstein <3
QuoteI'm out of beer now by the way

once you start getting more sober you will realize what a shit game you have been playing.
wolfenstein SP was a masterpiece, great and pretty brilliant, loved and enjoyed every bit of it. ye sadly the MP wasn't so good, but im definitely satisfied with the SP, which is what i wanted all along
masterpiece of crap :D
It's like the MP and SP are two different games. If the MP was anything like the SP, the game may have been successful.
Do some comics again! ;'(
SP was pretty decent imo... they just failed hard with the MP
I pre-ordered it and the game is still at my home unwrapped.
sense, you make none
SP was atmospheric and good. MP was balls.
In the past MP was the main focus. Like with RTCW, now SP was the main focus sadly.
no, this actually wasn't true... the SP just had competent people on it, the MP had money grabbers who sadly just didn't give a shit in the end.
yes :< But i think with RTCW sp and mp where both on same level.
even rtcw mp wasn't upto sp standards, hence the patches :) but compared to wolfenstein mp, which came like 9 years later, it was years ahead (o.0)
2009 called, they want their overhyped game back.
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