ET & multicore


I have a quad-core processor. I'd want to run ET on, say, the fourth core, to give it a "core of it's own" for best FPS.

However, every time I assign it to any other core than core 0 from taskmanager, after a while it resets back to core 0.

How can I force it to another core?
I thought it's only after mapchange
I thought that too, but seeminly it resets quite randomly.
after match start*
Oh, great to know :))
I use it for forcing ET.exe to use both CPUs to prevent fps-lags and works fine.
useless shit
ET will use as much CPU as it could possibly want on quadcore, why'd you guys want to mess with the load balancing system, nerdbois. go outside its sunny.

if your having fps problems with a quadcore you did something wrong or the rest of your PC is shit.
ET has no load balancing systems. Even the Windows' automatic affinity things won't work because ET simply stucks itself into core0 and won't accept being ran on any other core unless you set the affinity yourself, in which case it resets every time the match is reset.

Hence I need a program to make ET use the "All cores" -option of Windows taskmanager. I shall try that pbprior.exe after I am done washing myself.
"after I am done washing myself." xDxD
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