Cammoon, how can some1 be so stupid

14:19:53) (johNny`) same suvi is very very low skilled
(14:20:01) (johNny`) dont even know who is some bff
(14:20:04) (infect`) haha
(14:20:09) (infect`) you are such a noob then
(14:20:13) (johNny`) only 2/3 good players in their lineup
(14:20:16) (johNny`) im noob because?
(14:20:20) (infect`) he has played longer than any of them from that lineup
(14:20:25) (johNny`) so what?
(14:20:28) (johNny`) he is noob for me
(14:20:29) (infect`) team- eesti member when they won NC
(14:20:31) (infect`) and he played
(14:20:32) (johNny`) i dont care who play longer
(14:20:33) (infect`) noob for you?
(14:20:41) (infect`) You are noob for everyone then :D
(14:20:44) (johNny`) i play better than half of players who play longer than me
(14:20:55) (infect`) he played for o2 and in EC when in playing EC meant something
(14:21:02) (johNny`) no im one of the best players in this game at this moment
(14:21:10) (infect`) you really cant call some oldschooler low because you are too newschool to know him
(14:21:19) (johNny`) he is low/+
(14:21:22) (johNny`) ok maybe around med

(14:22:37) (johNny`) i dont care if someone is known like some Frezze guy
(14:22:41) (johNny`) for me he can be known and famous
(14:22:45) (johNny`) but he still poke skill
(14:22:47) (johNny`) dont give a shit

The logs arent private
wat a retard
Ik ben een bouwvakker in Amsterdam-Zuid
Not like bff is an amazing player.
Well comparing them to xeoxis and killerboy issnt accurate either
Not sure how they play right now.. So can't judge.
It's killerboy man :D. He has his cool glasses
I'll translate:

I'm clearly the keyplayer in this lineup!
sucky annoying troll or a sucky annoying dumbass
He really thinks that players on high level of ET arent as good as him
Cool story bro!

(14:21:19) (johNny`) he is low/+
(14:21:22) (johNny`) ok maybe around med

Says who?
reminds me of someone. hmm...
hehehehehehhehehe :P
tsau frezze : DD
imma frezze guy , hehe :P
wnb rifle!
dumb idiot is dumb
pls keep him banned @ crossfire
image: troll%20face%20-%20no%20im%20one%20of%20the%20best%20players%20%20in%20this%20game%20at%20this%20moment

serious troll is serious
He wasnt trolling this time. I told him that I wont play with you cause you play with cheaters ( yesterday's baserace game ). He was jagging about how noobs everyone are and how good he is.
Country: Poland

explains all i guess.
[13:16:51] [@gtv`h3ll] the problem is that that mental guy is whining now

so i was right that you are a nerd and brought all cheaters you could to try to win
Killerboy deleted your comment with the following text: " will win anyway, even if you (vital) a". Please watch what you post.
ye your comment had a link to a dead site, it's useless like your team.

perhaps try playing less with cheaters, then someone might even listen to you.
Johny funney guy, he cracks me up every time :)))). Johny can you please become stand up comedian, you so funney maaaaan!!!!! I would buy evry dvd and coem to evry show! :DDdddDd
raging cause you lost even with cheaters?!!

u're lucky jago raul and enigma weren't playing, we'd build the whole base...
Who's this guy?
Well, you really should stfu about being known or something :D:D. You are a retard like him
If you know me it mean i'm famous no? Rage is bad :(.
knowing somebody for being retard and talking shit allthe time and flaming doesnt make you famous. Not to most of people
your troll-o-meter is broken.
That's the problem. He wasnt trolling
Didnt paste the beginning of the log. If you want, i can show you the log. Then you would understand.
you won? err you left the server? does not compute :D
ok, enough hate now <3 :D
This journal is so full of crap.
Cammoon, how can some1 be so stupid


johnny really skilled guy
ure the stupid guy here, since you got trolled
bff is known cheater
johnny low max
suVi > johnny
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