Player Opinions About the 5v5 Mode!

I ve asked some players about the current change to 5v5.

QuoteGameplay wise I liked 6on6 a lot more. 5on5 doesen't allow you any mistakes and losing just one guy to full spawn can be really crucial. Variety in tactics has also obviously reduced and individual skills are more important now. However it seems to have done good for the scene as we've got a few new possible LAN events coming up this year and loads of old top teams and players have returned/will return for that reason. For that reason alone atleast I'm ready to give up a little on the gameplay and do my best to adjust into 5on5 format. - Finland twidi

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Player Opinions About the 5v5 Mode
u didnt ask anyone, u just stole them from random journals/newsposts/columns

i have asked them via irc
yeah that change is fucking current
QuoteCheck the Read More part to see what some of current top players think about the switch.


i dont care about top players xD
5o5 just isnt fun compared to 6o6
Finland twidi sums it up pretty well

worse gameplay, but more team due to lower player number per team
et will stay awesome with 5on5 and with 6on6
4o4 owns :D
If you would contact any decent lan organizer and say you get 10k in signups with 5k prize purze i dont know who would say no (even if it was 6on6). but i dont know, speccing pro players is still fun in 5v5 :D
you should have atleast put 2 statements here, a positive one and a negative one

and if your going to ask opinion of players atleast ask the players where there oppinion actually counts
jij weet alles wel beter he met je whine altijd :D
ja, daar heb je gelijk in
It's pretty bad. Take my word for it, I know things.
4o4 is the best :D
5on5 is dogshit
6on6 is good

5on5 more teamplay more pwnage more more more
every single good games based on 5v5 :) so GOOOD CHOICE!
6on6 online

5on5 lan

just can say it 1000 times more:



POLL !!!!!!

discusion will be ended then....
no, it wouldnt solve anything
what about 7o7?
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