Server downtime

Well, with endless spam I thought it was time to write something about the issue with services running on my server, which include my BNCs and along with the UK shoutcasting servers.

Basically the early hours of Saturday I noticed server server was unresoncive, I messaged a host about the issue, and my server was actually being moved to another datacenter without the host informing me, so my server was not prepared for IP changes etc. I have requested the server be shipped back to me, and hopefully it should be back online with new IP addresses by Wednesday.

One other thing is that I have been unable to contact the host about retrieving my server since the incident, so I am unsure where it is, or what the host's intentions are.
sup marcuz
so why is my bnc not working
Because you're not loved
yeah , and?
And if it doesn't affect you, why waste time flaming?
I like you
where to download the latest shoutcasts? will they be added if you setup your servers again?
It will be the same location, you just need to hold up until I get the server back in my control. Sorry about this
no problem mate :-) best of luck fixing all that crap they fucked up!
marcusitus <3
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