My mouse called a day

After almsot four years my MX518 called a day and died :'(

Right now using 2$ microsoft one, and cosidering to buy a new one.

I'm thinking about buying a new MX518, it is probably nothing more than 50$, and it already proofed itself for me (except of the fact it was comfortable, it proofed itself as a gaming mouse for me and very accurate one)

So.. which mouse are you using? and which one should I buy?

(p.s. : my budget is about 50$, maybe a little bit more, saving money for gas)

Have a wonderul week and LIL SEDER KASHER :D:D

Random song!
Does it matter what mouse you use when you are using an aimbot? :D

tho ur right, mx518 = da best
I still see you as a friend, but as someone who just appeared in pale's list once again, just please, shut up.
buy the mx518 again obv
mx518 is max 30euro?
44euros in finland
ill get you one from NL
28€ max
I already bought one few months back for 44 euros :P
Wont buy any other mouses than mx518, its simply the best and very comfortable to hand.
true, gives me magic aim
I think your magic aim comes from another external file, aimbot.exe :)

I only got Bot :| Its really good but... old good ragebots ftw!
Parent bot can also be set to rage mode. just everyone pm to bluman/ soossi at mirc for more informations. we shall thank pallo for modding <3 !
I checked now and I see I can get it for 50$ in Israel.. pretty expensive here..
Well I guess I'll buy it anyway
so get mx518 again,luls..legendary mouse
Have had my MX510 for over 4 years as well and it still works like charm <3
Gonna get MX518 when/if it dies soon.
After 19 years my mx518 is still alive.
my mx died and i made to it an operation with wire and now is working fine. just moved the wire abit, had a bad connection it seems.
same for my MX518, will buy a new one soon
I use Lachesis by Razer. You should buy mx518 or also nice Deathadder
never buy a Razer when you have used logitech all time long like me. My mx518 died before then i wanted to try Razer but the feeling was so shit and the shape i dont rly like it.

So go again for MX518
Never say never. I had a bit issues getting used to Deathadder at the time I purchased mine but after a week it felt better than mx series. Now the logitech ones just feel unnatural for me.
Just buy one MX518 again, Its kinda hard to addapt to Razer when you were using a mouse for a long time, at least for me, when my A4Tech X718F blowed up (I was one of the first guys getting it, so I used it for 4 Years), I bought a Razer DeathAdder and for me it was the worst bought ever, I would prefer buying a G5 or a MX518 since they got the same format as my old A4Tech
buy logitech g9 so you will have aim just like mine.
You're my idol already :)
buy MX158 again played at some friends house with deathadder but rly sucks when u are used MX
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