SP3 or keep SP2 ?

how many of you are using winxp sp3 already and how many are still sticking to winxp sp2 ??

i've stuck to sp2 coz u heard not so good stuff about sp3.. for all you "sp3 is OOOLD" idiots..

but because m$ will stop the support for sp2 this june i might have to upgrade :(

image: 6917
SP3 only speeds up Office-applications or so I have heard.
If sp2 works, dont bother changing
"already"? older than internet! sure I use it!
its out like over a year :|
millenium edition here
win7 ultimate x86 ftw :D
i can't just intall win7 like that. i have a smooth running winxp sp2 here .. with all my
apps, all my music writing stuff .. i can't be arsed installing all this again with the hope
that the crap is even running on win7 :-(
if your pc is less than 5 years old, id recommend win7 =)
it's 3months old .. the hardware that is. but as i said, installing all the 32bit apps
and hoping that most of them work .. nah not interested :)
Actually Win7 is supposed to run more smoothly than XP.
well the thing is, IF i'd install win7, then surely the 64bit version as i have a big amd phenomII cpu .. wud be a waste not using 64bit .. and i doubt everything from winxp 32bit runs
smoothly on a win7 64bit :-(
didn't have any problems running my programs which i installed in XP when i switched
well i will switch soon.. just, i am so used to this smooth running system :(
XP service pack 3 with vista looks (if ur pc can have it) > all
I used sp2 for long time, after format sp3. No difference for me
installed sp2 cuz of mouse
changed reg value to sp3 for gta4 :PPP
windows 7
Windows 7
got sp3 since some time... except some new viruses i spot no difference
sp2 coz its better
habe mich heute gewundert, als ich mitbekommen hab, dass du noch sp2 benutzt.

benutzt du den rechner hauptsächlich privat oder auch beruflich?
wenn du ihn auch zum arbeiten benutzt wär mir der upgrade-stress (auf > xp) ebenfalls zu viel.
i haz sp3
it's like choosing between eurosuper 95 and eurosuper 98 gas, l0l
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