Hows everyone??

Yes gangsters just thought id drop by n see how everyones doin... Miss gaming Miss my old friends.. maybe ill be back one day... Jus like to say im joining the royal regiment fusiliers in a couple of months... hopefully august intake if not it will be october 2nd intake for my basic training. This is what ive wanted to do for ages, As some of you may know i went to prison in 2003 for a roberry and i couldnt join the army for 5 years... Passed all fitness tests passed all interviews by the way my 1.5 mile run time was 9 mins 37 :D hope you all goood and ill chk bk soon happy gaming :)
Your mother!
lol this place aint changed one bit haha
will you shoot guns?
GL with it all mate, nice to see you again :P
im good thank you
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