Husky vs. Beagle

So I got a dog a few months ago. I wanted a husky:

image: siberian-husky3
(courtesy of Vanhaomena)

But I heard they were a nightmare off the lead and left a lot of hair around the place.

Instead, I got a beagle:

image: beagle-puppy

husky ..

beagle oh dear
bad choice bro
they're both so cute but i gotta go with husky cuz i had one :(
I don't think you've got the time to entertain a Husky and treat him in a fairly good way.
Shuki ate both of them.
i heard that this was just the beginning :O
i can confirm that is baggiez hand
beagles are lame.

Huskys are pure win.
my beagle Halle
image: hudson027
my new dog Stanley :DD
image: stanley
stanley is awesome!
I would go for the first one but i heard bad things his beheviour aswell
i've got a beagle, but he can't bark, he can only make some sort of noise that would give
you the impression he's in pain or smth
same as you,when your talking on vent <3
my friend has got a beagle, it's really nice but he's a bit of a PERV, everytime i come to his place this dog wants to fuck me :$
ye husky is much cuterererererererererer
take care of beagle :)

btw...beagles are known for eating much...don't let him eat much, you dont want a fat beagle

and beagles need ALOT of every day out for a BIG walk/run
She doesn't get treats :p

2 meals a day, nothing else. She's a healthy dog XD
healthy dawg*
take fighting dog aka pitbull so you are a real G

+ he can protect you
bah !

both are really cute! :D
Huskies only moult (a lot!!!) about twice a year or so, which is a lot less hassle than say, my black retriever who sheds a lot more.

Huskies = more active and need to be out and about more, but are known for running off at times but are the bestest. They are more pack dogs so are more suited if you have a pair or so :>
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD happy dog is happy <:
Should have gone for husky for sure
cannot imagne any better dog than a husky.. except their loosing of hairs , their need of running and normally its also good to have two of them at once (they prefer to be together with other huskys).

A friend has like 10 huskys and during the summer he has some old car which the huskys are pulling.. he says they can run hours and still want more :P So better forget about a husky aslong as you dont have 3 hours a day for running / biking with your dog.
Husky for sure.
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