Headphones #101 HALP

Looking for wireless headphones for gaming and shizzle, would be good if they had mic aswell.

Low Price is a must, but you can post the expensive ones as well

Hits cause its mah CF Birthday http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=21704

PS:LOL you guys posted mobiles instead of headphones, my bad if I wasn't clear

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WeSC Oboe !

I have it, I love it

no idea if it's any good for gaming tho
wireless stuff is never really good for gaming
I know it isn't, I'm just looking for some good phones so that I can walk over my house listening to music 24/7 and play some games with it.
What about useing one for gaming and one for walking around? Wireless for gaming is like playing football in flip-flop
Only ones I have heard anything decent about are a pair from Sony, idk the model number or anything, but they're wireless headphones from Sony lol
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