Yesterday I bet Mystic

Becouse I don't think.

I made a 100€ (motherfucking high stakes gambling) bet with Finland Mind that Finland Mystic would have lowest damage in the whole match. 1:1 odds.

Even disregarding eVo and Toxic who neither played the whole match, Mystic did more dmg than fpr example Sqzz, resulting in my loss:

2431-2324+1986-4026+5167-3107 = +127 (based on screenshots that someone posted)

...So grats to Finland Mind for this glorious victory

image: monorail-cat-has-left-the-station2

If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's -all- the same to me
me wannaz drive with that cat =X !
cool story bro
gambling doesn't benefit everyone
coolio, wanna make another bet? need some money :)
Proof of transaction
I'm busto now. Gonna send it on 15th day.

All my troubles seemed so far away!
Why would you make that bet :S
Did you know one of the maps was radar?
Think he had highest damage on both maps right?
As a semi-joke, correct odds would've been like 5:1 or even higher but I just threw it out without looking at lineups or maps (didn't know about Sqzz who's aimless)
Finland Mysse once spent half of radar jumping around the Old Villa btw so the map doesn't mean much (and oldschoolers often fail @ longrange) :-p
sqzz has an aim equal to mystic imo, definitely the 2 strongest aimers in the team and i would certainly put both of them up there in say top 10 aimers in ET, his aim is absolutely sick at the moment so dunno where you get the info that he is aimless and as for radar i would say that mystic is the strongest player in the game on that map, he just rages from fake
psss: ur the manager, u shudnt say who u think the best player in the team is^^
best aimer doesn't mean best player
id put R0SS to top10 aswell
Official ET aim ranking:

1. Finland Mystic
2. EnglandSqzz
3. England R0SS
4. England Sheep
5. Malta Toxic
6. Belgium mAus
dont think i said that, pretty sure i only said 2 players in our team

Quote by Squalliiii on 20/03/10, 11:41:34

Why would you do that, sqzz better than maus nowadays
i see what u did there :D
Now if you would have bet that mystic would have most damage, ok, but lowest? :DDDD fool :DD
not the smartest bet and not a good amount for a "fun" bet

: D

still : respect for the "cojones"
It's a perfect amount, higher would make someone go busto (and for higher bets I'd actually TRY to make it favourable :D) but smth like 10€ would be forgotten and never sent
Quote by Vanhaomena
It's a perfect amount, higher would make someone go busto and smth like 10€ would be forgotten and never sent

Quote by Vanhaomena
I'm busto now. Gonna send it on 15th day
Temporarily busto now. Gonna get moneys shipped to me soon.
Finally we've found who Isildur1 is.
Get eyeball cancer, kiddyabuser.
Who give a shit?
To be honest, i was a bit suprise of your performance eVo (i mean your team) Coz we was not so ridiculous. Dunno your point of view. But i guess your team had some stress on Goldrush
and we had stress @ supply :p

100e on ET game. RICH?
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