LHC (CERN) Made it!

Hey guys, you know today was the second try with the LHC stuff . (You know, the machine that could make a black hole) , well they made it :

"Now we have stable colliding beams-first time ever at this energy! "

http://webcast.cern.ch/lhcfirstphysics/ Here is live cam .


Sorry but i forgot twitter adress, if i got it i post it here;D.
I finally landed in I DONT CARE CITY
i better not go into a black hole, i have to hand in coursework on thursday
ye its pretty exciting although those presentations at the live stream are typically boring
yeah watched the live-stream, was pretty cool!

god, the accents are horrible.
Meh. Had the chance to go see this at Geneva. But I had to go to CIC7 instead. Fuck :(

This girl on the stream doesn't seem to have any idea what is happening.

I'm not even a huge fan of particle physics but this makes me excited.

Aww. :(

image: awwwww
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