FL Studio 1e2342312

im confused, cause yesterday i thought its sounding nice and today its cheesy for me, what u think ?

im serious

i think its kind wEAK
it's boring :(
It sucks just quit, you suck.
I really dunno how you keep ur motivation up, I already gave up :(
cause my technique is improving alot but i have lots of problems with melodies :)
that's the easy part, the hard 1 is making it sound full and vibrant and also the fucking automation, there's just too much shit you need to do to get certain effects it's so frustrating.. I really wish you luck but realistically without any help from some real pros it's still gonna sound lifeless even if you make the coolest melody on earth.. Just listen to it on some speakers and you'll notice right away... Theres still hope as long as your enjoying it, which might be the key to success.. bleh I dunno.. :( gl tho
no, its the hardest part :)
same beats get bored off u know!!!
can you just let it be with your FL studio shit.
i think it sounds cool :) i like it.
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