No real spoilers because im not a cunt like EnglandmEEz


But i would like to know why the fuck you hope for something so weird and unexpected and when its revealed you just sit thinking 'well, that's a bit average.'

pew pew
fuck off you just didnt sleep whole night to wait for lost! is that troo? and yes meez is a spoiler cunt!
well lost was mediocre at best. suprise suprise.

but i actually shed a fucking tear watching the new episode of SPARTICUS . fucking amazing series, pisses over anything in ages...

roman cuuunntttsssssssss.
Spartacus seriously worth watching? I got the Rome-syndrome, didn´t like it at all, so...
watched 2 episodes, it was awfuly made,..so many random blood to make it look violent, and they seriously like using slow motions, so much that it actually ruins a lot...really really boring
Rome is much better as Spartacus. Spartcaus is something like a mix of Rome+300. If u didnt like the first, so probably u wont the 2nd
dont listen to these faggots, Im telling you Spartacus is as awesome as Dexter/House/Band of Brothers. First 2 episodes might not be extremely awesome, but it gets to the point where you say "OMG BEST SHOW EVAR"
I trust on your opinion about this case rather than those two. Shall dl it when I get back home and have some time to watch.
i see youre a man of taste :> episode 10 man..... OH EM GEE! :<
yeah i kinda raged as well when i saw that epi,i was all punching walls and crying and shit.
idd, the last episodes were epic. Has been a long time since i were like "omg fuuuuu need to see what happens next" at the end of an episode.

Definitely much better than shit 6th season of lost
I watched the first 2 episodes and then fell asleep midway through the 3rd then haven't touched them since, mate online has also started creamed over ep 10 tho so may have to give it another go :/
first 2/3 episodes were a bit slow and just building the usual who's who shit, but atfer that, good golly miss molly its riveting shit.
Can't WAIT to get home and see how shit it is.

Also. Came in this morning for NOTHING it turns out. 4 hours* of FUCK ALL TO DO because I didn't bring my laptop (which has LOST S06E10 on)

*probably will find something to do within 4 hrs when people start actually SHOWING UP
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