need new headphone any ideas?

well after 2 years of use my logitech
fuked up so i need to buy something new !
the funneh part is that i told my mum(with no hopes at all) if i can use her creditcard for buying and she said yes .V_V? :XD
soooo need sth good like steelseries or logitech with decent prices not that high but not cheap also.
buy the most expensive one cause you really need that for ET
Quotesth good like steelseries or logitech

image: notsureifseriousi
:D:D winner
any sennheiser/akg/beyerdynamic
I can recommend Sennheiser's HD555. HD280 (pro) if you regularely attend LANs.
Noise isolation? Who needs that? :D

image: AudioTechnica-550
sennheiser hd555
razer carcharias
haha i had that shit headset get a sennhesier
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