buying rims

I am buying rims for my Clio 1.5dci (2005) ... 195/50/15'' ..nothing special.. i just wanna save my new tires so i am more then sure i won't change 15'' to higher.

which one would you choose from the pages below... these are just few options...

i also attached a photo of my car (now) ...just for help which one would fit the best...
image: clio-002 choice is kinda this one... but i am not decided yet...
image: 83953_1
15'' alu rims looks ugly!
sup'd up clio's are lol. Get some wolfrace alloys
wow thats an ugly shit car
rial ravena are the best!
my car & 18" rims

image: 881424053_5_MbEy

image: 881432525_5_sRtv
At least take 16" for ur Clio. Choice you have to make by urself.
i know that it looks better with 16'' ...but i bought new tires last summer... and was about 320€... and if i buy now new rims is 4x100€=400€ + new tires 4x100€=400€ 800 € :X
whatever u take ur car is still a clio...
and driving comfort -> cool looking rims
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