Quakenet achievements

"/msg Q achievements"

[14:13] -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
[14:13] -Q- [ 15] Channel Surfer
[14:13] -Q- [ 10] Sore Arse
[14:13] -Q- [ 10] Pleased to Meet You
[14:13] -Q- [ 10] Hogger
[14:13] -Q- [ 10] Be Right Back
[14:13] -Q- [ 10] Wet String
[14:13] -Q- [ 20] Smooth Operator
[14:13] -Q- [ 20] Six Flags
[14:13] -Q- [ 20] Local Celebrity
[14:13] -Q- End of list (125 total achievement points).

I hope I'll get the hogger award too! :(
[13:48] * snailbot was kicked by dualinity (I didn't invite you, did I?)
[13:48] -Q- ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: [10] Hogger
april fool ?
[14:27] -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Channel Whore
[14:27] -Q- [ 10] Sore Arse
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Q Power User
[14:27] -Q- [ 10] Pleased to Meet You
[14:27] -Q- [ 10] Hogger
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
[14:27] -Q- [ 30] Leased Line
[14:27] -Q- [ 30] Self Obsessed
[14:27] -Q- [ 50] My Little Pwny
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Six Flags
[14:27] -Q- [ 10] Captain Pugwash
[14:27] -Q- [ 10] Just Checking
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Look ma, no mIRC!
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Local Celebrity
[14:27] -Q- [ 10] Tinkerer
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Fish Are Friends Not Food
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Slurm Slurm Slurm
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Let the Games Begin
[14:27] -Q- [ 40] Revenged!
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Playing With Fire
[14:27] -Q- [ 20] Domesticated!
[14:27] -Q- End of list (430 total achievement points).
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: You have unlocked the following achievements:
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: [ 15] Channel Surfer
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: [ 20] Away From Keyboard
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: [ 20] ISDN
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: [ 30] Masterful
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: [ 20] Six Flags
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: [ 40] Centurion
14:26:20 » ‹Q›: End of list (145 total achievement points).
(13:31:02) -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 15] Channel Surfer
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 10] Q User
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 20] ISDN
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 10] How Do I Look?
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 50] My Little Pwny
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 30] Flagstone
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 10] Captain Pugwash
(13:31:02) -Q- [ 20] Local Celebrity
(13:31:02) -Q- End of list (185 total achievement points).
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> You have unlocked the following achievements:
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 15] Channel Surfer
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 10] Pleased to Meet You
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 15] Dialup
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 50] My Little Pwny
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 30] Flagstone
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 10] Captain Pugwash
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> [ 40] Centurion
[14:30] NOTICE <Q> End of list (170 total achievement points).
14:37:58 from Q - You have unlocked the following achievements:
14:37:59 from Q - [ 15] Channel Surfer
14:37:59 from Q - [ 20] Away From Keyboard
14:37:59 from Q - [ 20] ISDN
14:37:59 from Q - [ 50] My Little Pwny
14:37:59 from Q - [ 10] Flagpole
14:37:59 from Q - [ 10] Captain Pugwash
14:37:59 from Q - [ 20] Local Celebrity
14:37:59 from Q - [ 20] Not Just For Show
14:37:59 from Q - End of list (165 total achievement points).
inb4 achievementpoint-competitiion
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05You have unlocked the following achievements:
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05[ 15] Channel Surfer
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05[ 10] Pleased to Meet You
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05[ 10] Wet String
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05[ 20] Smooth Operator
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05[ 10] Flagpole
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05[ 30] Small Town Sheriff
12:41p 04-(05Q04)- 05End of list (95 total achievement points).
[14:48:27] -Q- achievements is only available to authed users. Try AUTH to authenticate with your
[14:48:27] -Q- account, or HELLO to create an account.
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] Channel Whore
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- [ 10] Q User
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] ISDN
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- [ 50] My Little Pwny
[13:49:33] ‹- notice -Q- [ 40] Flag Hamster
[13:49:34] ‹- notice -Q- [ 10] Captain Pugwash
[13:49:34] ‹- notice -Q- [ 50] Warchief
[13:49:34] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] Not Just For Show
[13:49:34] ‹- notice -Q- End of list (240 total achievement points).
(14:49:53) -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 10] Multitasker
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 10] Pleased to Meet You
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 15] Dialup
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 20] Smooth Operator
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 10] Flagpole
(14:49:53) -Q- [ 10] Big Fish in a Small Pond
(14:49:54) -Q- End of list (95 total achievement points).
[13:18] -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
[13:18] -Q- [ 15] Channel Surfer
[13:18] -Q- [ 10] Hogger
[13:18] -Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
[13:18] -Q- [ 20] ISDN
[13:18] -Q- [ 50] My Little Pwny
[13:18] -Q- [ 10] Flagpole
[13:18] -Q- [ 10] Captain Pugwash
[13:18] -Q- [ 20] Local Celebrity
[13:18] -Q- [ 10] Tinkerer
[13:18] -Q- [ 20] Fish Are Friends Not Food
[13:18] -Q- [ 20] Slurm Slurm Slurm
[13:18] -Q- End of list (205 total achievement points).
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 10] Multitasker
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 10] Pleased to Meet You
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] ISDN
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 50] My Little Pwny
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 20] Six Flags
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 10] Captain Pugwash
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- [ 50] Warchief
[13:27:51] ‹- notice -Q- End of list (190 total achievement points).
-> *Q* achievements
-Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
-Q- [ 15] Channel Surfer
-Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
-Q- [ 30] Leased Line
-Q- [ 50] My Little Pwny
-Q- [ 10] Flagpole
-Q- [ 10] Captain Pugwash
-Q- [ 10] Big Fish in a Small Pond
-Q- End of list (145 total achievement points).
-Q- You have unlocked the following achievements:
-Q- [ 10] Multitasker
-Q- [ 10] Pleased to Meet You
-Q- [ 20] Away From Keyboard
-Q- [ 15] Dialup
-Q- [ 10] In Fine Voice
-Q- [ 10] Flagpole
-Q- [ 30] Small Town Sheriff
-Q- End of list (105 total achievement points).
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