Remove supply

I know that polish community will not agree about my post but I really want to play another map than "supply".

I have alot of fun on old map like ice or beach, because you have much more possibility, you don't have 1 way to do the map. On beach for example if you play versus lame hidden players, you can beat them because of the possibility of the map but not on certain map like supply or braun. you are limited by the map so limited by strat and cie.

When we play ice or beach we can improvise funny strat and it works most of the time! People on the game only want to play the easy way, I mean by that less strat less team play and to me "less fun".

So if you agree with me say +1 if not say -1

Other maps avi : RtCW map -> ice, beach and village all 3 nice for 3on3/5on5.
QuoteRemove supply

image: tshirt-m-gtfo-Green-400
jeje came back. jeje will change everything.

don't fucking mess with the jeje !
image: xpbssj

Whoever doesn't want supply can fuck off, best map in ET, go play RTCW if you want to play shit rtcw maps.
why do i see my name in your message :o?

best map in ET cuz its fucking easy to play it.
Try to read and understand what I say. Look sp delivery, it's a good alternative of supply! :)
And you never played ice beach or village in a good level, I mean by that versus players who how to play it. You will directly understand the differences between supply and all this maps.

After, you free to think what you want dood.

ps: There is no server avi on RtCW.
sp_delivery is another shit map for lowskilled people
exactly like supply
i won't even argue on how complete retarded your statement is, just tell me how many arties and airstrikes you can throw on delivery, tell me how long you can defend 1st stage, tell me how many corridors there are, tell me how much open space there is, even objectives are all completely different
Quotei won't even argue on how complete retarded your statement is

go jump in an oven boy...
Quotesp_delivery is another shit map for lowskilled people
Quoteexactly like supply
Quotesp_delivery is another shit map for lowskilled people
Quoteexactly like supply
Quotesp_delivery is another shit map for lowskilled people
Quoteexactly like supply

April fool passed
I didn't say delivery is good, it's also a shit map, but supply isn't that better.

You can simply play like a twat on other maps a be good on supply because it's overplayed and people play on it based on "their logic" since they know exactly ALL things what the opponents can do, there is only ONE tactic to attack such kind of maps. Maps like Oasis for example has many other ways, it's not like supply where you can have a view on almost the whole map by 1 point, you can't know everytime what your opponents can do, from where they come etc. On supply you can, it requires less teamplay. Also for rambosuperaimers, you can simply be good on supply and be so fucking shit on other maps, simply cuz it's flat ground and you just have to move your xhair horizontaly to make headshots. Try to give headshots on oasis like on supply, giving atleast 2hs per kills, then I will call you a good player =).

Anyway they fucked up Oasis when they released the sw_oasis version.
Have you ever played oasis competitively?
Then you know that all decent teams put up a defence at the guns, not caring about all those tunnels & shit, making it extremely boring for allies to each time walk 2 minutes to the battlefield while the axis can just replenish by then. But I guess you only played vs. ramboteams. Oh yes those require a lot of teamplay.
If you would make a defence like this on Oasis you will lose it really fast, trust me.

(don't tell me about high teams because I did played against many of them)
If you do that, you'll have an allies rush by cp with sk you'll be shortly unable to defend your canons. I played rewind, gunslingers, dignitas, plan-b (..) On this map you can trust me.
salut jeje!
Actually the teams favoured beeing aggressive since ocrana and u96d showed their aggro - outside defence. Some teams maybe preferred to be in the guns but you can watch demos and see how many teams followed aggro defence simply because it was better. Even in sw version teams push up respawn, north, tunnel and leave maybe 1 guy to stay at the guns. Its very wrong to say that decent teams stay at guns cause they didnt. They adapted how the opponent plays, something which is very hard to find in supply. Search et replays there is so much more than @ staying guns. This is stricly from viewer's view i dont have any idea how they tried to play or is best thing to play. go see yourself
+1 delivery,braundorf,ice.. all maps with 2much walls (hackers) and leaning actions...booorring
radar is best ;-)
u dont know evrything, and not all nerds are sharing your how about GTFO?
Age: 16 ( 11 June 1993 )

in some years you will understand radar is not the best map in 5on5
in some years i wont play those games anymore...ET isnt all, do u fckin get it now?
thanks for informing me
Bet that really opened your eyes!
It is a good map, that just doesnt mean its getting boring cause 9 out of 10 games you play, is with supply.....overplayed :(
Goldrush is the best map.
+1 supply and goldrush (the grandpa map :D)
village is fail in 3o3

ice sucks in et

beach could be ok, dunno :)
So basically on supply you can't win if you are a worse team and this makes it a bad map.

So you want shit lotto RtCW maps instead?
No no I'm bored to make full def all the time, and for info RtCW maps are not lotto if you know how to play it.
so play against a better opponent
Man I played RtCW and ET since it beginning, you'll not learn me how to do to grab a better level or whatever. I'm talking about playing better map, to have a solid strat, to have to protect different point of the map in same time. To proove that you are an adaptative player.

I liked supply at it beginning but not 5-6 years at every game.
then play vs better teams .................
Stop searching low
Supply is just too kewl.
not first guy who wants that,not last one. nobody of you will ever success in destroying supply. why? basicaly cuz supply is best map in et.
tho it would be nice to give et some fresh blood. like missile which is not played anymore? why?
but srsly, beach is shit map in 5v5,ice could be little better but still, there are better maps to be played imo.
Supply is a cancer map.
REMOVE SUPPLY,+1 worst map atm and boring to hell.
eleos oxiiiiii
oke keep it!!!!!
haha else we only have shit maps left man :( wtf at delivery and braundorf
beach is almost all about covert ops skill, amazing map to play indeed

ice is cool with me
ice ice ice !
rather remove delivery, ice & beach can be in tho
please go away, you fucking cunt

EDIT: -1234124124214
Remove Jeje

Posted by supply
we always play tc_base in 2s or 3s
I'd rather play supply goldrush and radar only cups than any other shit map, make new competitive maps and get somebody with competitive knowledge to fix it and guide you through it, else you will keep on palying the same maps over and over again, instead of making a map, played for 2 weeks on pub and everyone forgets about it again.
Hey I don't know how to make maps but I know 3 maps who players on RtCW liked during all it activity. If clanbase haven't the balls to change or maybe to give alternative you'll stay in your "unique map game". I stopped Wolf: ET for WoW because of that, there no other alternative in fps if you're from wolfenstein community since it beginning (2001). So don't close your mind, try all theses maps or just put them in the mapslist and you'll give the beginning of a solution to your community.
don't you think we tried all these maps in opencup and ec/nc?
Not alot. Just let it by default because if you give a try and you change it the cup after it would be useless.

ip to server with it on? what changes are there?
looks pretty much the same to me :S
Download and test it ;).... I've given it a go and it's like playing a different map in some places.

Play on your local host.
i dont wanna :<
Wish there were admins to do something about the maps.. but there isnt.. supply is stll played for years
who created supply btw
dont know wasnt around at then :D
rtcw maps don't fit into et
supply is the bestest map tbh!

» You must provide an actual comment.
you removed warbell from the mappool just because some retards played two matches and said it is not a map for competition. So fuck you. Bring back warbell :/ unique objectiv
fuck you dude, supply 4 lyef
bremen_b3 :D:D
Supply = Kackly
on supply a super team which plays together for ages can easily loose against a random mix cause everyone plays it the same way and everything is just standart. besides that its a nice map

Gold & Braundorf > all
ice,beach in
rtcw maps are still the best!

ice, beach, village, base, sub(not so much), assault(not so much)

i still love supply though

shame all these newschool retards dont know or like the old maps, i played mp_beach in an internet cafe for like a year on rtcw demo before broadband became domestic :p
sub and assault wouldn't fit good in ET. Beach isn't good also in 5v5/6v6.
Beach & Base are annoying to play in ET, especially Beach with its 35 Spawn is annoying as fuck. Ice is quite ok, depends on opponent. Frostbite is ok in 3on3 either but it sucks as a 5on5/6on6 map. All in all Supply, Gold and Radar remain the best maps in ET for me.
image: supply2z

maybe this will work :ss

edit: make some kind of block there at the cave that can be blown up
don't fix what is perfect, fix maps like delivery or smth..
gtfp or ill brake ur sunglasses ... make some positive whine :D
supply is good as it is, why do you think it has been in every mappool?

my positive whine: don't waste time on supply, it's good enough, we need to fix other maps that are worse than supply.
Why do you like maps where you need to run for 2 minutes before you're at the objective, while axis spawn practically on top of it? Goddamn boring RtCW-maps are goddamn boring. Play RtCW if you wanna play those maps.

ET = Supply, Radar, Goldrush and some random maps changing every season. The reason is simple, they're by far the best and most attractive maps for teams.

Overplayed is a stupid reason, most competitive games use the same maps over and over.
supply, radar, goldrush

You're telling shit tbh, on supply the first objective it's to take the flag right ?
It's the same on beach / ice, if you want to take the flag or objective you can sneake the opponent -> same as supply. You have to plant a door / gate and stuff same as supply. You need less than 10 sec to be infront the advanced bunker on beach and 20 sec to be at ice flag, on supply you need 20 sec. So stop telling shit, just say that you don't know how to play the map and that it's all.
just over rated.
i vote goldrush <3 as winner
i vote for u
j'aime ton drapeau <3
gtfo , supply best map ever , always get highest dmg there :D
better remove shit delivery !
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