Is this the real face of Jesus?

Using the latest 3-D computer technology, a team of digital artists have created what they claim is the real face of Jesus.

The contours of the face and body were taken from the ghostly face imprinted on the Shroud, the bloodied linen sheet said to have covered the body of Christ in his tomb.

I rest my case!

image: kitkat_JesusEURO_450x300
wel if he was alive he would have been an arab so he would have had dark skin so that vid flops :)
That's exactly what I imagined him to look like.
Who cares? He's dead...
Actually pretty many people all around the world cares :)
who cares bout random jew.. just sad...
Nice ;o
crossfire users, the way to hell !!!
awesome technology, he´s shown like that since ever :P
he looks like brian in the life of brian ;D
but anyhow, like the shroud is anything but a rag.
who cares about Jesus human body? it's His Godly body we care about. so i'm not saying this can't be true, but still i don't want to know how he looks like, since as i just said i don't care about his human body.
why wouldn't we want to know the face of our god? humans are born curious ofc they would like to know, but they can live without it aswell.
that's why i'm telling you i don't want to know how he looks like, how can believe in Jesus when i find his body ugly or what so ever.

John 20: 29, John 6:37-40 (KJV)
"Jesus saith unto him, Because you have seen Me, Thomas, thou hast believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
i haven't seen him and always believed in him, but this won't make me believe more or less, this just gives me a virtual image in my head./
yes, a virtual image of His human body. But that's not the point. Since when do you or we believe a human is God? He just took an image of a human but i think He didnt even care about His body. The main point is as i just said his Godly body. And how do you think God looks like? it's not this virtual image of this man they just showed. You gotta think different about God and how he looks like.
Jesus was/is a God and a human, as the bible says. He needed to be a god+human like us to save/link us with God.
God has no shape no time, he is aspatial and atonal, he always existed and will exist forever.
you say He has no shape, then why would you wanne know how he looks like since he has no shape?
God/Alla is not Jesus
Jesus is a part of the triune God. And they can't be sure that the man on the picture is Jesus, it's a picture of a long time ago. i just don't wanne believe it. ofc. he prolly looks like it but as i said it's not the point. but i think this conversation will be endless
fuck off with your bible lessons

Are you serious that your faith, that stands on no solid ground whatsoever, would be harmed if you found out Jesus was ugly? :DD
if you see 2 girls, one ugly and one is cute, which of these two would you try to talk to?
i dont talk to girls i fuck them
How in earth's name is that relevant to your beliefs?
because you wont believe in some1 you dont like.
Would you stop being a Christian if you found out Jesus was ugly then? :P
if i would find out he looks like a person i hate the most, i would find it very hard to believe yes. but that's only because im a bad christian tbh:p
In this way christians wouldn't belive in Jesus or god if they look like donkeys or David Hasselhoff.
Imho, it doesn't depend on how did he look like but what he said.
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