
hi, I need d2 and lod cdkeys to play on BN. I can give you rtcw key instead if you want! :-)

omg S4rna omg
omg beg omg
bit late for new ladder sir!
hmm? want to play diablo 2 with me? :'D
no :P

I do have it, not LoD though, but never really played it :[
okay :( nvm then :p

new ladder started like 1.5 weeks ago so it's quite fun! :D when i'm not playing et i'm playing it i guess :o)
lol :P

get a life :P
play with me, though im playing non-ladder so u shud make an extra char ^^
erm,teente is crazy about that game,ask him
gr0ss come xfire, let's play d2
omg S4rna omg
I have one, but I wanna trade it for your housekeys.
playing Classic HC Ladder atm :D

4 euro surely you could just buy them, then download the orignal files from blizzard.
never gonna trade it...d2 was epic shit. Never goin to play HC again tho...when lag killed my lvl 88 HC barb. when i was like 15yo, worst nerd rage so far :D
haha! Remote control up bum rage?!
nah...broken my table :D was fking pissed @ world...taht barb. took hell of a time to get on that lvl :D after that i never played HC again :x
enemys on HC ain't making so much damage than in normal, altho it pisses off when level 90 sorc with 4 soj's + 2 silks, 3 gulls and all rest rare stuffs dies...
never had problem with difficulty on hardcore....just cant stand the idea that my char will perish after 2 months of hardcore playing coz of some FCKING LAAAAAAAAAG .... :D
It will piss off even more when u die with items i told by a zombi -.-''''''

I was like "omfg..... OMFG.... WHAT THE FUCK !?!?!??!?!?" I got wireless net so i get these "spikes" so the game will totally freeze for couple seconds, i couldn't drank HP pot, nor do spells, and this one zombi hits me 200 hp off with each hit so.. bibuy lvl 90 soso...
the safest way is paladin..but never rly liked them :X
Sorc will always be in my hearth <3

Only class i really enjoyed, has nice skills and looks wise. I don't like the way Necromancer keep's his shield, Barbar breaths, Amazon is just retarded and i Never liked to train paladin.
but sickly tunned javazon is sick bitch :)) lightnings everywhere :)
Best to kill fast, just that all other classes than Sorc are retarded to me, i never tune them right, and they suck : D

I just hate that Sorc's Ice spells has shit dama, but if you take fire speels every enemy is immune...
lght sorc ftw... :D just need right jewels with -res and everything is ok :)
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