morning, f1, yt, etc

Morning ladys

Back from burger kind, ate a double whopper menu, lol.

waiting for f1 qualy, i think vettel will take it again...

listening to atm

plans for today ?

'random' pic
image: 0000002177_groynf
double whopper @ 9 in the morning, =P
cant sleep \/()´´˝˝
go drink tea and smoke a cigaret (if u do) then go to bed! works fine :d
i dont want to sleep :D
and i doubbt your theory works
well, I just applied my theory and im going to bed now, i very much doubt you'll see me back here within 3 hours :D how do u say goodnight in the morning?? ;D good morning-night? =D
sleep well
Yeah vettel will probably take it and then car failure again in the race
burger king is fucking awesome!

[insert fat american jokes here]
fat american joke HERE!
I think a friend is gonna drag me off to party tonight and I dno if i want to as I've been drinking way too much lately... :/ Isn't helping that I woke up @ 20:00 yesterday either, so who knows when I start feeling sleepy again :o
Got some shopping I need to do but well... it's the beginning of the Easter holiday, chilling seems like a better option.

Gonna go to sleep in a second. If I can that is.... I've been playing the original Silent Hill (PSX) and it really is pant-shittingly scary. I think I have a rekindled fear of radio static. :( Nightmare time.
do not care about f1 at all, but hope kubica will take it
listening to:
your random chick is ugly
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