let's talk et maps!

hey guys.

just curious, what's your favorite map and why?
don't just gimme a tacky answer, go full :D i want an awesome discussion!

also what do you think makes a map good vs bad?
a lot of people were whining about special delivery and braundorf, etc. why are these maps bad?

edit: this discussion is more geared towards 5o5 competition
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
So you suck on it!
today we are gonna fucking pwn munchen btw
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
adler 6on6 panzerhunt

old oasis def rg 6on6

battery 6on6 pf

fueldump fops GMC toedzone 64/64
Sp_delivery_te I ----> rifle ...
adlernest, camprush
best map in et is prolly supply, because its not corridor only, yet u can always hide from crossfire[not liek on grush]... its not too big and even when u go freelancing in few seconds you are back to objective...

BUT tbh sd wins with ICE only because of rifle...
what makes ice a good map in your opinion?
its really teamplay based... you have to watch out for ninjas, keep your flag, and revive liek hell when going north or south tunnel...
i think the biggest problem with ice is that when you're attacking, the flag can be reclaimed. it forces the attacking team to have to defend and attack at the same time while the defense can just defend or attack.

it's like sos secret weapon. that map the defense was over powered for this same reason.
flag recap is a must on ice!

look @ et_frostbite... we got cp now, and with shorter spawn allies are in better position... thats lead to fast times... in rtcw you clould recap the flag, killing allies attack in an instant... even if the doc were taken, without a lag the carrier didnt have reinforcments to safely escort the doct to the transmiter
you dont think that makes it too hard for attack on ice? it basically forces you to push with only 3 or 4 out of your 5 and let the last guy hang around flag way till spawn gets low imo
nope... you can use fop+medic to take over the hill which is good thing, and 3 medics to rush main...
That's why this map requires a lot of teamplay and coordination compared to supply or whatever shit.
do you think having an attack that has to defend makes for a good map though?
You ever watched some old good teams playing ice? Even on rtcw, it required much teamplay to play this map like iNfensus did. To get the flag allies have to be less defensive also, so it's not that big deal.

Whenever I play ice in 3v3, opponents have no clue how to defend the map, people don't even try to understand how to play the map.
yeah ice is a fun map. what about SOS though? same concept. good or bad?
Didn't play SOS that much but it wasn't that bad, didn't like the textures tho!
a lot of people were whining that at the last part it was too easy for axis to push and get flag back+defend because of close proximity and a small hallway to plane.
Well you could get the flag easily but on ice in 5v5/6v6 it's not "that" easy to get the flag afterall
ice works in rtcw but is utter crap in et. all those small and long corridors are just shit with et-firerate etc.
It's not fire-rate the problem but the players.
whatever, the map is shit in et.
And you are exactly that kind of players :D, tell me the BIG difference from the ET & rtcw version
You keep whining about ET, yet you say that there's not a big diffrence between RTCW and ET? Go play RTCW then maybe? ->Most of<- the RTCW maps are just crap in ET.
I'm talking about ice, not all the rtcw maps in ET, for examples village is shit, sub & assault also.

And all my favourite maps are mostly from ET so don't worry, I just said that ice a good map but players have no idea how to play it.

btw, there is a shit load of difference between ET and rtcw, I prefer ET tho! You didn't read me good I guess.
Just saw you complaining about Maps several times, so ye didn't read everything of what you said. Ice isn't that bad ye, but as you already mentioned noone knows how to play it properly simply because its a map that gets picked rarely and therefore isn't played much.
Exactly my point sir.
Sp_delivery_te I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
because I don't know it
seriously? :( fav/best map!
Is it even ever played in an official ESL/CB match?
dont think so. but answer the question broski! what's ur favorite map or what is the best map?
Well, it's definitely Missle!
Because I like the style of playing in it! :D

Was a random answer :DDD
god i didnt expect having a discussion with crossies would actually be this difficult xD
:D:D:DDDDD:D:D In-fucking-deed
goldendunk cuz I'm a basketballpro
frostbite for the win, fast lotto map. im low so its perfect map for me.

edit: heyo are you that guy with funny hairs?
even if it's best for you, do you think the layout for frostbite makes a great map all around?

edit: heyo yes.
there are so many ways to go for obj that its just a "luck" map. if you are asking about maps in 5v5 format then i would say the best map is supply, real map for skilled 5v5 teams. teamplay is very important there.
you just proved that you are lowskilled :-D
care police incoming! :)
because then he can play upstairs 1st stage and spray HS all over the map
Ö Like you?
not really :( carlito is hs machine, not me :(
lets talk about ur hot but
tc_base over the 60 hs in one round.
maps like delivery,adler,braun,frost sucks balls because one mistake (or one full) can cost you losing the map in a 1-3mins, also these maps are perfect for cheaters and camping bitches

the best maps are those with many stages and open range, you need at least a bit of teamplay to win them

thats why the best map is radar!
on braundorf technically you could go full at the first stage and still defend. it's a multi stage map, just the last stage makes the difference i think.

delivery is the same way, there's 3 objective (build, 2 carry objective)
on braundorf, when one guy gets full you have to reorganize your defence, stay closer to the flag/controls
also if allies will plant the dyno @ the gate and axis wont be able to defuse it after their spawn then allies can quickly rush to the controls and plant them (same goes with covert trick)
2 fulls @ controls defence stage is a total disaster tho

on delivery its even more common to set the times @ around 2-3mins, if axis dont set their defence on time then allies will quickly build the crane and keep them in control through the rest of the map, also its easy to camp axis spawn
so do you think those 2 maps are hopeless? i know braundorf has been "b4" forever ^^
if you could finalize it what would you do?

and how would you fix sp_deliv?
what do you mean by saying "finalize it" ? :D braundorf is kinda ok, its not that I hate this map but its faaaar behind the almighty trio (radar/sd/gold)

but delivery is a total crap for me
hmm how to improve it? dunno, its really fucked up map :D maybe make something to slow down the tempo after losing the flag by axis; put the gate (you need to plant the dyno there) in the tunnel and make a door (you need satchel to destroy it) downstairs (to that office with map, chair and desk, ofcourse the window wouldnt be destroyable then); oh and no second gate next to that door; really no idea

for me its like:


by finalize i mean fix it.
you like karsiah?
talk about that map!
karsiah is fucking epic, I dont know how would it work in 5on5 but I think theres no big difference, its quite simillar to radar (except no cp stage) ;d
why is it epic?
first of all - its bright and sunny!!!
it has a few stages (flag, dyno, south, north)
there's a lot of spam (nades, rnades, artys, supports, pfs, landmines!)
both attack and defence has to be well-organized
no camping bitches around the corner
many teams just gave up south and defended north because it was too risky to defend both. however, you can come to north through axis spawn from south. thoughts on that? ;p
heh we had the same tactic in defence, it was like 4/5 guys defending north and 1/2 rambo medics @ south, and ofc we were doing rushes through the axis spawn in attack :D reallllly nice map!
what's the point of having south if everybody ignores it? just adds like 30 seconds to the game.
and thats all about, you cant make this map in 2-3 mins, and why do you have to secure 2 parts on delivery? why not one?
the 2 parts is to make it less lotto. if you take 1 full you lose 1 part. nbd, you can still defend 2nd part.

at least it's not TOO lotto i suppose...
... all other maps>....................................................................>kackly depot 2
play smart, dont go full & give fulls.
Open map with many stages to attack/defend, tactical map, and quite an exciting map as you can never really know who will win unless ofc the skill difference between the teams is huge.
do you think radar would be as good if it was inside instead of outside?
Nah it's nice to have atleast 1 map where Rifle isn't really used in the 2nd stage
well i dont mean to make rifle effective. imagine if in radar you couldnt throw strikes or place landmines. would it still be as good?
Yeah I still think it would be a good map, just a little harder to defend without the use of mines at main/west/where ever
does this transfer into a belief that spam isnt needed to make a map good?
I love spam but imo it ruins some small indoor maps like delivery/b4 - especially in 5on5, but that's a whole different point :-)
so you think outdoor maps are better than indoor maps for this reason?
In a competitive view yes but I find most indoor maps fun to play so I don't really mind them
no, i reckon it would not be good anymore, simply because of reducing the options both teams have at hand
so you think that spam is required to make a map good?
i wouldn't consider airstrikes being spam, nor mines, but grenades in general and artillery, because of the repeatedly striking

to the question:
i think spam is quite a big part of the game, BUT there should be only one way you can cover using it (like the north way on ice). so that spam is not entirely erased and still plays a role but is not too overvalued or even like in the case of delivery forming a complete defence
scroll down and look at my arguments of controlled spam vs uncontrolled spam. thoughts on that vs the quality of a map?
Radar I get lots of headshots in doorways. :D
reactor. Simply great obj + doesnt have much common with other maps
you dont think the need for cov interferes with the awesomeness of the map? i like the layout of the map but i really dislike the cov thing.

the covert class in more geared towards long range fighting when looked at on paper. fg42 is the only real pushing weapon but that has such a small clip and is so inaccurate that it kinda sucks. strange objective for a long range class.

also i think that it's too difficult to repair tanks after they're blown.
rifle is just as good for pushing. more accurate than engis rifle and does the same dmg
rifle is good for pushing because of rnade, not because of rifle.
it good without nade too
radar - most teamplay ever!
goldrush, needs brain

and adler, needs brain
gimme more than that. explain what makes the maps need brain.
so many options to turn the tide of the game :) e.g CP in gr and regaining docs in adler
what's your take on the last stage in adler? defendign from the transmitter. too hard to attack with 4/5? leaving docs too risky?
no, leaving docs is the way to go, just don't leave them at the most predictable spot :D 1spawn leave docs, 1 spawn 1 carries docs
you dont think that's too risky in 5o5?
no, i don't, just don't rush full:)
what about the actual attack towards trans in adler. the doors a pretty big chokepoint and the main door that you use the button to push is pretty out of the way, dont you think?
every map needs brain there is no pure aim maps
there is "purefrag" !
the best maps are easily supply and radar, supply because of couple of phases when u can set ur defence, so 1 mistake doesnt cost u a lost map. radar because u have so much opportunities of defending that makes this map the best in ET :)

the worst map in ET history award goes to delivery, jesus i just cant imagine how bad this map is, simply because u have 1 tax : rifle shooting to the tunnel etc and smgs hiding behind corners, just waiting till u will be near them. and, if this wasnt enough, even if u manage to get to the controls, 1 guy can backrape u with docks and u're starting again.
personally i cant even find 1 good clan (except bF) which likes this map
think there's any way that special delivery could be made into a good map?
i know 1 way : deleting it from the mappool
nah rly, this map is just too easy man, tax is : aggresive rifle and fop + reviving medic in front, this combo is just unstoppable, and 2 medics at spawn or near elevator.
i think most of the weaker clans rly like this map because of how easy it is to defend (oh, i forgot to add that u have to put ur crosshair in one position to own). when we (swat) were starting our "career" with better clans, we owned everyone at delivery :P
what if there werent doorways? what if they were only hallways with debris and boxes on the sides. would that make it better? it would be wider and there would be more room to strafe, etc.
I would have to see this but I'm not sure if it wasn't make this map too hard for axis then :P you just cant save this map from fail anyway
maybe something like
(wont let me post pic for some reason!)

grey = bridge area

maybe put boxes that are too low to get complete cover when crouched and too high to shoot over when crouching in the hall?
i think i hate this map so much i cant find anythint that would help it, but i might try your version, looks better than actual version for sure
:D what else do you think could be done?

maybe something to braundorf to make it better? that map was never made final ;p
i kinda like braundorf, i think the only thing we can do for it is to make a corridors wider @ final stage

delivery = fail, rly :P
i know it's fail. i agree with you, but u can never say never!

ideas don't come from thin air. if you properly assess the flaws of one map, it might help mapmakers to make new maps, without those flaws.

and hey, maybe i'll give mapmaking a shot ;p
yea but i hope someone will finally remove delivery from mappool and make new map or sw_oasis_b4 :P because the rest of old et maps are not worth playing atm :P perfect mappool is supply, radar, grush, bremen and adler, so mapmakers should base their projects on these
anybody could copy a map, but coming up with a brand new map based around concepts isnt that easy. look at coast and missile.
yea im looking at them and the only thing i see is too big fail :P coast had potential because it was simillar to radar, but couple of things could be done better. we were also praccing @ missile hard, but this map is just not good. why coming up with new (mostly fail) ideas when u can use old ones and make a playable map
nobody would want to play a copy of grush when you can play grush, would they?
i mean not another sw_goldrush_b8, just a map simillar to it :P
a map similar to it would be a map escorting a tank between 2 main crossfire locations with a semi crossfire location in between :D
"i know 1 way : deleting it from the mappool"

the best idea so far
fully agree :D
barber shop, greatest map ever
for braundorf: its just too easy for axis to reduce the amount of ways where allies can push, actually from two to one(orly?) which doesn't exactly leave much ground for variations, now does it?

for delivery: imo axis' ways to rush for the chokepoints are just too short, and there are simply too many of those

about what makes a good map?

-well, imo a good map has two semi-independant ways for allies to attack, with one maybe even having a second route.(rather all of them taking more or less the same amount of time plus allowing for crossfire for attackers(different directions))
-two to three real stages, and probably one to give axis the possibility to buy some time (obviously depending on how well they do at that one-.-)
-advanced spawnpoints
-at least two spawnexits, one probably even splitting up later on
-not too long ways for attackers to reach the 'battlefield'
-not too many easily guardable chokepoints
-not too many obstacles(allowing for backraping - which attackers would have to check for thus slowing down gameplay)
-imo a small constructable for attackers(neutral cp)
-in case of obj run - the possibility for defenders to at least once try to get the obj back
you deserve a round of applause for this answer. thank you.

what do you think of indoor vs outdoor maps? all (excluding battery) of the premade maps for ET take place outdoors. i think this maximizes uncontrolled spam (landmines, artillery, nade spam) and minimizes controlled spam (rnades, airstrikes since there's tons of area to go).

the biggest problem with maps like special delivery and braun is that theres the indoors grants power to the controlled spam which, more or less, makes rifle overpowered.

what's your opinion? better when maps are mainly outdoors or indoors?
definately outdoors. you have more options as attacker and thus more things to consider as defender, making camping pretty hard for the defending team resulting in a dynamic gameplay.

(speaking for radar mostly, but even applies a little bit for gr if you use your options at hand to the maximum)

but imagine gr being indoors, would you think that the last stage would be as much fun?
k no fop placing annoying atillery at the bridge, but also you can not attack/spawnkill with airstrikes

well, ok, now that i typed it it would be possible imo, but result in totally different gameplay than we have now.
you think that gameplay would be for the better or worse? do you think that airstrikes + spawnkilling really makes a map good? some times i think it's inevitable that you get killed by strikes on grush. is that a good thing?
well imo(yea, my former teams pretty much hate me for this attitude:P) there's most of the time no reason to get spawnkilled by airstrikes after all (at least on goldrush) because those 3 seconds should be enough to get out of the area it covers

imo it would not definitely get worse or better, but different, pleasing another clientele
favoring crossfire more for the cost of spam
yeah but in grush even if *you* get out, usually at least 1 guy from your team dies.

u think spawn kills are an important part of a good map? on grush and supply you have the whole panzer + rnade based spawnkilling, with strikes on grush. allies really need to spawn kill to make something happen i think.

on radar there's less spawn kill i think. west hut is defended by your crossfire at west radar and nobody really spawns at the warehouse + there's so many ways to get away from nades @ warehouse.

thoughts on this?
well...if you'd see what i would call somewhat appropriate speed you'd go insane^^
it actually imo IS possible to get everyone out.

yes, spawnkills are essential on gr, agree on that, but strikes are imo not.

there ARE other ways, but it would definitely be harder to spawnkill without the strikes, but on the other side... you get a weaker defense at the bride, which would on the other hand make things much easier for you, at least at first(maybe not if a team would get used to not having the fop there)

yep, rarely see really efficient spawnkills on forward hut:P
and if, there is only one person spawning lower spawn, which i wouldn't call a valuable target to prey on:P

those 2 are just the perfect examples of how spawnkill can either be a really asset or quite the opposite.
depends, supply for ragin, and goldrush/radar cause they are the most team based maps
what makes them teamplay maps?
well you can't really win it when your a mix, if you play vs a good team in my eyes then
why cant you? what aspects of the map make it this way?
I shall hijack this question:
You need atleast some degree of teamwork in Radar for example, in attack there is loads of crossfire everywhere so you need good revives and also you must crossfire them back.

In defense obviously there are loads of different ways the attacker may go so you need to carefully defend all of them and still be able to quickly concentrate your forces onto the one single point the majority of the attackers go to. The CP-main defense for example, have one too few players at either of them and they could easily take one or both parts before you even realize.

Of course 5o5 very effectively makes this map dull.
Cuz i can deploy landmines :P
well do you think those maps are good in general? why or why not.

do you think maps that rely on uncontrolled spam (radar etc; landmines, arty, nade spam) are better than maps that rely on controlled spam (special deliv, adler, braun; airstrikes or rnade)?
imo uncontrolled spam also takes some sort of organisation, but the map should not make it possible to be covered entirely by it (like stated in another post somewhere here by me^^)

imo controlled spam takes more skill than uncontrolled, and yes i think maps with less uncontrolled spam are better than those which entirely rely on it
imo most maps that are less reliant on uncontrolled spam are more reliant on controlled spam though.

for instance: sp deliv, frostbite, adler, braundorf. all those maps are indoors and rifle has so much more power in them than in open maps.

radar is an outdoor map and many teams use landmines and artillery liberally. rifle is underpowered there, excluding the one choke point, side, which is indoors.

grush stage 1 has a nice balance imo. landmine = uncontrolled @ main with rifle controlled side and back.

well, i find gr first stage to be a perfect example of a GOOD map, or at least a part of it.

it offers a variaty of ways to attack and leaves not ultimately many places to camp.

BUT by removing the uncontrolled spam (well i actually wouldn't count all landmines into it->radar side) it would be with the default tactics most teams use too hard to defend the main gate. but by shifting to a more advanced defence it would still be possible (the usual 3v3 defence)

delivery is entirely SPAM controlled, no matter what kind of it, it's actually both imo(random nades).

radar is apart from bunker spawnkill imo not a map where you'd spam at all (if attackers do not always take the direct way at the wall at the back^^)
what are you the mappolice !
no. but i've heard a lot of complaints about maps lately and im curious. maybe it could help mapmakers. eim and xeoxis have put in some effort but nobody has really settled for their maps.
i was just joking :D
i know, but now you have to post. cmon rizkk bottom of the page! gogo! :D
Probably ice, Oasis and beach (they should reduce the spawn at 30 sec for Axis). Radar is also a good map.

For me the worst maps are delivery and supply. Supply was good at the begining, not anymore.
why are ice oasis and beach good maps?

why do supply and deliv suck? why was supply better before? "before" meaning before people fell into typical defenses where most teams defended last stage from top or what?
Oasis required much teamplay and coordination to attack, Axis had to have strong positions (staying spawn, watching tunnel etc), Ice for almost the same reasons and Beach because you can have from both side a strong defense/aggresivity.

Supply is now too much used because it's too easy to defend the map.
why is supply too easy to defend?

imo oasis is too easy to defend. it's blatantly obvious when people are(nt) going pumps.
also why do you think you're the only person who's really mentioned a map like etbeach here?
Oasis isn't that easy if Allies has teamplay, played many top teams in the past and nobody had a 30_mins_defense tactic!

Maybe because I'm the only one to have an open mind on maps :D?
You're telling that axis have strong positions on oasis (eg easy to defend) then that you hate supply because it's easy to defend it. And actually there used to be a hell lot more of fulldefs on oasis than on sd. Sense: I don't see any.

Get aim and attack skills dude.

Anyhow, I still think the old oasis could be playable in 5on5. Yes it's a big map, but with only 5 it's harder to have such an agressive defense like idle set as a standard, and it could actually open more possibilities. (new oasis sucks)
I doubt there was more oasis-fullhold than supply since this map is now played for more than 5 years.

And if there was a fullhold on Oasis it was clearly because Allies didn't have a good tactic since it's way harder to defend oasis than supply.

edit: Oasis got removed because people didn't like the new version. So yes, new Oasis sucks hard.
Oasis was "'improved" in the new version to prevent the double fullhold to happen almost every game. But the new version didn't fix it so it was removed.

And get a decent knowledge before stating wrong facts.
wow, so closed mind you are curly slut.

Your knowledge seems to be really good, tell me more.
You can first get off Jeje's cock and try to get your own opinions.
retarded cunt, I told him already to gtfo with his rtcw maps, I am bringing my own facts from my opinion, stupid red hair nerd
oooh little kiddo is angry and stars spitting harsh words :(

I guess this ends the discussion then.
toujours aussi débile comme gars.
et_headshot, because I own.
fueldump... or maybe even railgun.. oasis is cool too

i liked to play fueldump in wars.. it was somehow dif from other maps... same goes for railgun.. only that ppl didnt like to play snow maps as they had uber bright cfg or something... oasis is just cool map where you need teamplay... i just enjoyed playing those maps =)
tc base
although there are like million ways to get to the radar, axis can also put really good crossfire which could successfuly defend all but the front (if the enemy cannot see the proning guy then front too)
it can have a lot of different tactics, some axis can rush to 2nd, some even more forward, others can coordinate with them, i think rifle is fun in there too
the map has awesome potential to show off the teamplay and timing of the teams on both sides
what about the fact that axis has 1 spawnpoint? often they're spawncamped and it's impossible to get out. also the fact that the radars are such a long distance from allied spawn.

well allies have 12? minutes to get in there and stay alive to get the radar down. this is like how many tries?i think enough ;)

one spawnpoint is np as long as the axis go out of it not stepping straight into nades + the fact that its only a bit away from the radar enables other m8s to help out
a timed arty can hold somebody from exiting axis spawn for 5-8 seconds. thoughts on that?
axis can go around a little and exit from the other side but random arty could still kill em.....hmm, tcbase sw and another exit? :)
maybe a 2nd spawnpoint below south radar imo.
that would be bad, would cause luck to be huge factor
another spawn should be somewhere close to the 1st imo coz its perfect where it is
why would it make things lotto?
axis could spawn right by the oncoming allies, the defense of the 2nd radar would become possible but its easier to defend 1st so it would become one big mess and pain
what if that spawn was controlled by cp? allies could blow up cp with a covert.
where do you get these ideas? :D this would make the defense possible if the axis really wanted to focus on that which actually gives a decent choice and a possible escape route if the 1st spawn is camped

now just get us the mapper :D!
it's just an idea. nobody will want to play tc base imo. the main push is too difficult. height advantage + truck.

also it's an old rtcw map. old schoolers would be sad if it got changed :(
goldrush, cause no tank no win
why are tanks a good part of maps?
na tbh just like the style of the map, well balanced and teamplay needed..
why is it well balanced though? :D

why is there teamplay needed! dig deep!
too lazy to write it all :/

first stage allies: engi needs to be escorted at all costs
bankstage axis: build up crossfire, avoid crucial spawnkills which happens mostly if every one is taken down, fops/medics @ 3rd arch should therefore try to not selfkill therefore and cover reinforcements.

can vary ofc according to team and tax..
ok, i understand where you're coming from :D
from where? p:

e: nvm got it :>
why those maps?
my favourite map is radar --> you cant really get spawnkilled, your stat depends on your aim and how agressive style you play, last seconds are exciting unlike most of the maps, gg before minutes

supply: good map but every noob can play it lately (first stage sux tho)

goldrush: also good, but can be lucky once you defend fullhold then next day you defend 7 minutes against the same opponent
on supply you say that every noob can play it..

is this because it's overplayed or because there are generic positions that everybody plays?
if the latter, is it a good thing that there are specific places that people *should* play or would you rather a map where each team might have an entirely different defense?
@ supply
some good teams just dunno how to play this map that's the reason noobs r rollin 'em!
example ? always the skiller team wins on supply

you cant really 'overthink' or make good tactics against better teams, you have to kill the enemy on full thats it. supply is too aim/spam only
what makes supply a spam map? and what kind of spam do you mean?
riflenades, grenades, arties, strikes and pre-shooting
you have to defend holes
ok, imagine if supply had ladders on the outside of the wall. forget the rock tjs. supply 3rd defenses would be totally different imo. teams would be forced to defend from outside the walls. better or worse?
almost the same but landmines would be usless, less spam, more difficult to defend.. (depends where is this ladder or ladders)

in 6o6 outside defens was much easier than in 5o5, teams going up again because its harder to check 3 ways with 5 players
i dont think you need to check 3 ways if you have somebody in west tower area. he hears the guys going west since it's out of the way. but cmon lets have some discussion nonix. you should have a lot to say about this!

you never answered my first reply so lets hear a lil. what makes supply bad and radar good?
never said supply is bad.

one guy at west tower can be usufull but i dont want to go deeper to analyse why risky to defend outside :-)
i know why it's risky to defend outside. full main push, might take too long for the guys outside east to help the guys main, thus making it 3v5 -> 2v5. just throwing out situations and brainstorming.

why does supply stage1 suck though?
1st stage depends on the spawntime and if the defender team set up the defense its very hard to do anything (talking about the same skill level)
what could be changed about supply stage1 to make it less reliant on spawn time then? i do agree with you on this aspect btw.
a way up on the other side maybe ^^

dunno though, if one would still be able to defend upside in that case
well till you don't have teamplay, timing and really good tax then more skilled team will take it...

http://www.gamestv.org/event/4223-fear-factory-x-fi-vs-savak/ and watch savaks on supply - ALMOST everything you need to know ('how to play stuff') about this map is there
are you kidding me ? :D I doubt savak would beat any real top team.
you want me to upload some demos?
Stop this Bozar thingy i dont like it :D
No, but honestly I can upload demos just for you!:)
idd, every "noobs" can play supply how it has to be played!
supply best map ever!

random song
skilled & ofensive map
Good reason, "skilled".
what makes it skilled and what makes it offensive?
missile, lots of stages not hard to attack + old fags cant play it good
what about old fags dont WANT TO play that
old fag spotted
I am sure my team can fullhold your team at first stage
ur team has kamz? then no
supply! cause there is a lot of possibilities to defend and attack there! supply is simply awesoem!

goldrush cause its hard to play

radar cause its XCITING till the end
why is grush hard to play? why is radar exciting all the way through?
grush is hard to play cause u need timing, brain and a bit of aim to attack good and repair the tank.. you know its not that easy especially now in 5o5 its a bit harder than it was when there was 6o6 mode.

about radar: check nonix's comment
I would go for radar, imo the map is just awesome. The only map wich really does look like a war zone, every else map is just too tunnel stylish. Radar even more awesome with high quality settings, without removing any foliage etc..
so appearance plays a large role in making a map good?
For me, yes ; D
what makes them require teamplay?
Maps which you can't lose by a simple fullspawn and those maps that actually require teamplay. Excluding Adler.
what makes adler different? and what makes a map require teamplay?
Its just my personal opinion about 'lottonest'. Although you can fuckup adler by a simple fullspawn it is still fun to play and got ourselfes one of the most thrilling matches ever (Demiurge vs Idle)

I won't start a discussion about teamplay on maps though, as opinions differ too much :p. Just take it as granted that maps like radar require teamplay and coordination.
id like to hear this discussion. i do agree that adler is a little bit different from most lotto maps, specifically in the nature of the first stage. it's big open with a lot of cover. this works for both teams imo, spawnkilling and defending with *crossfire*
so they're big and open lots of room for defense to crossfire, thus forcing teams to push together?
in 3on3 : braundorf
in 5on5 : supply

braundorf = best aiming map
supply = nice map for having good teamplay and somehow i like the layout, goldrush is so dark :(
braundorf and aim ? what ?:D
it's entirely flat
Everybody can aim @ Braundorf its simple cornershooting, same goes for Delivery.
nah, even if it's simple cornershooting most of the times it's not that easy to always give insta3hs. so not everybody can aim at braundorf (:
I disagree. Compared to other maps aiming on Braundorf is a lot easier and usually doesn't require much aiming skills, as the opponent can't move properly. Maps that actually require aim are Supply, Goldrush, Adler and Radar. Just my 2 cents.
Hmm, i don't know, opps who usually got outaimed at b4 got outaimed at sd aswell, there is not a big difference :x

so if aiming at braundorf is so much easier, why do so meany people suck on it? :x

aiming at goldrush is pretty exhausting though due to all the up and down's ... but that's it imo :p
if goldrush was more colorful like supply would it be better? :D

for 5v5 standards, why is supply a better map than say.. radar?
pauz, i'm not discussing with you since you'r a noob :*

yea, it would be better then :p
oh cmon. this is a fucking awesome discussion so far! keep it going!
;o braundorf is like delivery , crosshair in one place and easy 3hs
maybe it's my config, but i can aim much better in braundorf than in every other map (:
aiming on b4 IS easy... no reasonable player can disagree on that...(it's NOT your config, even you might have noticed, that everyone says, that aiming on b4 is easy:P)

and supply definitely isn't the most teambased map, by far not-.-
just deliv out and its fine
what's your favorite map? what's the best map?


if sp deliv was more like that with boxes etc in that hallway, would it be better?
i don't have a favourite one
and dunno
you're very bland :(
RADAR, is the Heart of this game
. Such a real War if u play this map w/ High Graphics The Rain, the Grass, The obj, Everything
its a classic map and The obj like how i said, The allies tryin to steal The Radar to fucked up The axis is so epic bro,

The arty in Gate is like a Real war the ppl dying The guys callin for medic All the stuff is just awesome, Just like Battery a Real and Hard Mission for Allies Team
is radar easy to defend?

also does map appearance play a role in how good it is?
. Nope is not :P

The real sense of the war.
cuz the old maps, Are like Epic battles, Oasis Radar Railgun Battery Etc.
just in my opinion bro,
oh cmon you're doing great! :D
Radar for me is the best map, just so teamplay based. A aim based team can still lose this map to a team with better teamplay because of the pushes etc which makes it a good map

maps like brandorf/delivery are bad because theyre heavily rnade based, a rnade in a small corridor could take out 3 people which is more than half the team even taking out 2 full is a huge disadvantage, so its not down to your teamplay/tactics its down to a dominant rnade.
so if you've read anything before, i talked a bit about controlled spam vs uncontrolled spam.

controlled spam = timed nades, rnades, airstrikes
uncontrolled = arty, landmines, untimed nade spam

most of the time, if the map doesnt rely on controlled, than it does uncontrolled. (ie radar, grush last stage, bremen stage 1)

you believe that maps are better and more reliant on teamwork if they rely on uncontrolled spam?
theres always gunna be controlled spam really but i think thats why maps such as goldrush/bremen/radar are better maps, is because its harder to get close to a spawn for the controlled spam, also theres alternative routes etc to escape this which is why it goes down to uncontrolled spam, again maps like b4/delivery its small areas with no alternative routes so if your geting dominated by an aim based team theres no real tactical pushes to get past the crossfire spam
so followign this logic, maps that are outdoors with multiple vertical levels are better than flat indoor maps
Pritty much, but like then they made missile which is flat indoors but much larger corridors and more space.
did you like missile?
what do you like about missile? ;o

i like it, too. im just looking for some community opinions.
like i said the teamplay basis of it and i guess i like stages in maps and some crossfire.
supply, because my pc sux so I can get ~ decent fps there + it's a nice map with enough stages but not too many. Too bad it's overplayed. A new map like that would be definitely welcome
gimme an example of a map with too many stages
fueldump :D

dunno meaning u have flag, cp, depot gate, crain controls, truck

U can fullhold 15 min easily, but u also can get raged in 6 minutes if everything goes wrong.
ok. would supply be too fast a map if there was no truck required? for instance, instead of a truck you push a button up top and then a box opens where the truck is (maybe in that tunnelish area on west canyon wall next to truck) and just bring that to cp?
Maybe. U see often truck defenses during several minutes. If the team get organized mines @ east crossfire etc. So might be a solution to make the map a bit quicker, dunno if it's necessary though

I think we need a map with the ~ same story as supply, but a slight different landscape
what's wrong with the landscape?
it's perfect, but supply is so overplayed that it would be nice to have a new map in the same style
so a new map in the manner of escorting a truck to a place where you obtain something and then bringing it back or a map with many stages that need engineers throughout the entire way?
nyeah kinda :p, u gonna develop something?
maybe. i've been looking into mapmaking for a bit.

but answer the question. there's an "or" in the mix up there ;D
answer is Yes :)
you think both things are important?
Think yes. Variation is important
ok. would a map that doesnt require an engineer be good?

for instance, reactor can technically be won without an engineer, it would just be difficult.
yeah can be something new imo

a lot of people hate going engineer, some others really would miss it :)

so its +-
do you like reactor?
personally, not really :)
me neither ;)
can be fast, can last ages.
its super tatical and its not just about aim.
lots of stages tho..
My favorite map is supply because rambo can't win on supply !
But like bremen for the same reason :P.
why cant rambo win on bremen or supply though? ;p
Because if you don't have a few of teamplay in your team, you will always be rape by opponent :P, you should know that notax=nowin btw :P
yeah but on some maps you can win easily without tactics. for instance, i wouldn't mix radar vs a team, but maybe sp_deliv.

im just trying to gather opinions about maps and what makes them tick.

so why do you think grush supply and radar are "brain" and "teamplay" maps?
wow you replyed to almost everyone in this topic.. so you prolly would reply to this comment aswell :P

I always liked goldrush because of the teamplay that is that important on that map but you can also sneak on your own through spawn or smth. But when I had my old computer I didnt like grush the most because of the low fps. In that time i liked supply the most.

Top 3 (not in order of most liked)

1. Goldrush
2. Supply
3. SP_del
what's the point in asking for a discussion if you're not gonna discuss? ;)

why is sp_del ur 3rd favorite? what about radar? it's rather strange to see it there. im actually quite interested on this one ;p
you're right about that :P

radar is nice aswell.. but my aim at long range is really sucky :P Maybe 3. would be del/radar
why del? ;o
dude this wouldve been a good journal but you're either trolling or you're a moron

no need to post those stupid questions to every reply, discuss if u want but its not done like that
by asking "stupid questions" you can draw out to better discussion.
randoms giving their opinions, far from good discussion

who cares if I say I think fuel is the best map because it requires good spam, good long range aim, sniping, teamplay, medicplay, dynacovering, spawnkill?
in the end it doesnt make much of a difference does it? just because it's here, it doesn't have to be listened to. you make it seem like everything that's here MUST be heard.
tc base is an interesting third. talk about it ;p

what do you like about it? why dont you think many people have listed this on their favorites?
used to play it a lot, like the length/objectives . people are too used to standard wars where they play supply and adlernest/b4 70% time-> /callvote map tc_base -> omfg fag nerd noobmap
yeah but even to high skilled teams who played tc_Base during rtcw, etc. why don't they play tc_base more often?
gr, its a tatical map where the team who knows how to play it is almost impossible to beat.
is it a good thing for maps to have strong possibilities for defense?
yep ppl who knows how to defend it are almost impossible to beat. teams need to know the right way to atack
what if the map is easy to defend. does it become a problem?
it becomes a problem for team whos atacking lol team need to perform as team othwerwise the wont get the tank or pass trought the last stage. it is a perfect map to see whos playing or not as team, so is radar.
do you think grush is an easy map to defend? i understand that the defense has a lot of potential, but if it's an easy map to defend then any team could defend it well.
Only good teams knows the right way to defend grush because its a map that need a lot of comunication (good comunication).For example wheen allies are comming side the back guy need to backrape, rifle need to know where and when to shoot the perfect rifle wtv, many things like that.
ok so a good map needs to be difficult to defend but at the same time very possible with good communication?
im 12 years old and what is this?
i've heard from a few people that you really are somewhere around that age :D
pAuZ new Socrates with all this questioning :D
i am greek you know!
sw_grush even if i can't get tank doesnt seem to make me rage.
I like turtles
imo mappers take a look to this journal.

supply its the most played simply because map is an open area and u still have nice fps, it even has an stage with corridors.
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