Photoshop CS4 results

1st one :)
the design is much better on the first one, but the text can be hard to read (caused by the reflection)

so the text is much more clear and understandable on the second one
so basically I have to work on the text because its hard to read any other tips ?:D
yes. if you are using a standard font... check the spaces between the letters. by changing the text for modification (create outlines) you can change the space gaps between some letters. for example:
the space between the "t" and the "r" in StrokA is very small, while the space between "r" and "o" is WAY bigger. change the spacing for each letter so the text is better looking 'as a whole'.
1st one :)
I'm sorry but "always creative" is not a good slogan.

2nd one is a no-no
1st one shows promise but the image is distorted in a way. Perhaps you resized it from a small size to a larger size? Or failed at jpg-packing. And the black text is unimaginary. Use some colour in it. The colors are otherwise O.K. Try to make the quality of the orange and purple lines higher & smoother. And use another slogan. Then you'll be fine.
yes the first one...btu wtf is up with the pixels??
oh and maybe this will make the tekst on the first better to read: make the reflection a bit more transparant
I resized it from small to a larger size my fault..
Ok thx I will work on it :D!
First of all jpg... use png its way better and quality wont reduce as much as jpg. 2nd one is "messy" and the first one u should add blurr to reflection so it would look better.
if you use jpeg at 100% quality and dont make it bigger after you created the jpeg, the quality is good enough
good enough yes but still .png is way better + it allows u to use transparent things
Hobo = no ;P

e: oh and make the mirror textlayer in the first one a bit more transperant. Might make it a bit more readable.
first one imo :D
first better but the refection at the text is bad
LOL creative LOL

both shit but if I had to choose between the 2 it'd be the first...
Why would I be jealous of that? :DDDDDDDdddd
you are jealous of his ps skill hahaha
i like the 2nd one better
wat have u been smoking?
the text doesnt fit in with the first one. the text looks like it's a mile behind the ongoing gooey stuffs. also the reflection is iffy.

the 2nd one looks almost like it was made with watercolor tissues. it's more creative and less like the typical "artistic" wnb. it actually looks downright artsy. on top of that it's more clean and crisp and looks less multidimensional. there's nothing too overpowering in the 2nd one and it just all fits together; the colors, the image, and the negative space. it's very appealing to the eye even if it isn't "cool"
I am 15 years old.. and i'm doing this for the first time so maybe it's not so bad at all.. I know im not a profesional so maybe its better if you comment easyer and explane me how to make it better..
Nevermind those idiots like Panda,
Just forget about those comments because they don't add anything.. instead of being negative he could have said what he would have liked more.
Anyways, big-up for the other people for giving such positive comments =)

Like i said to you on xfire:
In the 2nd one maybe a bit of red on the black makes it more eye catchy, but be carefull you don't put too much red on it, because it might not fit.
I agree on getting a other slogan.. but people should think your creative by the picture and not by the slogan so thats not the most important thing.
If it was another day I may have added some constructive criticism but I just don't have time to give 'advice' to some 15 year old today .-.

But the sloganz = lol regardless.
You've been 15 years old yourself idiot.
+ You have time to pull him down but don't have time to give him 'advice' ?
Just shut up in the future and we all be better off.

Cut the crap and get some respect and social skills. The world ain't about hate, its about love.
You are aware of the fact that Alexisonfire does not stand for Alex is on fire but for Alexis on fire?

So if you based your name on that it should technically be crzonfire instead of crzisonfire!
ye i know they are named like an erotic actress called alexis fire - but i liked it to be grammatically correct.
and tbh alexisonfire are so awesome :)
both not even close to average..but id choose the first
1st one
1st one
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