Need a mini laptop.

Since I do not have a clue about them I prefer some help picking one.

I´d like to spend about 300 euro on it, performance and accessibility are of most importance.

What O/S should I pick? vista is not an option and I have no clue about win 7.

It needs to have atleast word, excel and powerpoint installed on it but I guess it comes in a package.

And a link to the best of the best would be interesting aswel, motivate the answer please!

Please help!
mini told me that hes really sorry but he wont give hes laptop to you
Just tahtsin midagi sarnast kirjutada :D
running xubuntu on my eeepc 1000h (older model) and its great

have to use open office though

also, goblin as OS might be worth to take a look at
+1 listen to this man
got an asus eeepc 1005ha with preinstalled w7
couldn't even change the background so I installed XP and Xubuntu :P
works nice

got 1000h with win7. works perfectly.
get admin rights noob :>
well it was w7 starter :P
w7 ultimate would have been fine I guess
got win7 prof :>
doesnt matter which one. win7 is best win i ever had imo
buy a bot instead:"s
ask Estonia mini
I got Acer Aspire 1

great mini laptop for €250 or €299 or smth

just look at it :)
Get a netbook silly
mini doesn't have laptop :/
I just installed windows7 yesterday and so far its really nice ^^ windows2000 look and performance in top helped both the speed on my PC and my fps :P
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