Happy Easter!!!

Hope the easter bunny was good to you!

I just made an egg hunt for my little brothers. They thought it was fun!

And remember kids, image: zombie%20jesus Jesus loves you.

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Happy Easter to you to Sean! Don't eat to much chocolate you chubby pwner D:
chocolate is healthy
Happy Easter to you too!
cant see the hot chick over there
i am atheist. so no happy easter...OH HAPPY DAY!
hey, I stil lhave kater from yesterday. Even if i just drank some desperados ( literweise)
aber war schon geil :D
ich saufe nich mehr so oft...:( aber ich krieg wenn ich auflege freigetränke:D:D
I'm of the same beliefs as you. Easter's a day for spending with family, imo.
yes. i spend easter with my family too, but i will meet a friend @ 3 o clock coz i cant sit in the house every fuckin day :D so i listened to something like 5000 songs to get some for making the party next friday :D my eyes and my ears hurt and i cant see this damn laptop anymore.
spending easter with family = spending easter with laptop and beatport :D
happy easter
np: die antwoord - rich bitch

the song is stuck in my head since a friend of mine played it like 3 times when we were riding home from college :D
Their whole album is amazing.
chocolate nom nom.
merry easter
The chick was hotter than the song, but I do love Easter, I smoke some bomb ass weed, go to my mom's, eat some bomb ass food and drink some bomb ass wine, then go back home and smoke more dank. Hope you have a nice Easter as well.
Happy easter :D
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