noob questioNN

allright, so couple days ago my cfg kinda fucked up, so i had to exec it once again, and since then i have a problem, never had it. It's about the light that comes from explosions (airstrikes/granades) , it's really pissing me off, i asked on public serv and they said that i have to write /r_dynamiclight 0 but it didnt really work out, would be really happy if u wrote this cmd :P

this journal is now about : awesome guenons pics

image: koczkodan-rudy-30672
image: rys15399
image: 6ixrdsqm

/cg_wolfparticles "0"
thanks, god bless you
seta cg_wolfparticles "0"
cg_wolfparticles 0
Better luck next time
i had to look if it was r or cg couldnt remember, good game though.
I had to check if it was cg or cl =p
cg_wolfparticales or something like that
cool pic
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