is christianity

based on facts or some people 2k years ago wanted to make some money and come up with this awesome idea?either way 2h in church almost killed me
Who the fuck goes to church these days?
get the fuck outta this journal you atheist
its good way to relax
The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
had assigment on that nub recently = 55/50 rhymes ftw
Transcendentalism, fuck yeah.
it is the teaching of values with the help of more or less true examples i guess
money? how the fuck can you even think of something as ridiculous as that when you ask yourself why they came up with it

oh you're from THE US
whats your answer then? lol
how the fuck do you even manage to relate it to money
you are retarded, end of topic for you
i called you american, i really hope you don't think you can win this argument by calling me a retard
no, u simply do not qualify to this discussion with your level of intelligence
yeah i know that wasting time discussing stupid shit with someone as stupid as you isn't something i should be doing in my free time
i dont think it was meant to be serious.
just look at the history of the church and its not that hard to make the link between the two tbh
yeah it is nowadays, but saying that people made it up 2k years ago because of money is fucking stupid.
no one knows what they thought 2k years ago and why people ever started to believe, but its about money now and its been about money in the past aswell ( selling letters so people would spend less time in the hellfire etc ) so its not that hard for people to connect those two dots
image: Raptor_Jesus_1

everyone knows jesus was a raptor
Polish guys will come hear and tell you that your conscience will be cleared by church if you steal and rob and kill and commit crimes.

They do it all the time, 6 days per week they do the things above and on a clear Sunday morning they go to church and beg for mercy so their conscience would be clear and there wont be any moral dilemma
hehehe that may be true for some but its definitely not standard meight
Been to Poland over 20 times I think, it is standard . At least amongst criminals
hmm come to think about it yeah my bad, i rather meant the general public before
its sad that in usa u guys keep such strong feelings with religion, no wonder ppl thinks u are stupid:(
im polish ;[
which polish guys? dont know anyone who does that :)
You need to move with the underground then ! :D

Tbh religion has only brought wars and hatred , nothing good about that.Believing that something will make you life better upstairs wont cut it. You need to make your own life better, not wait for God's miracles
thats a pretty naive view of belief
naive is thinking that religion is something more
naive is thinking that religion is only about gods miracles or even his existence
naive is NOT letting other people believe whatever they want and calling them naive ;<
you sure are weird :p

and im not christian to begin with :p im an atheist or even anti-theist but dont give me crap about polish people doing bad things and then asking god for forgiveness. Noone who truly believes in any religion is acting against it.

Allthough imo religion is the biggest bullshit ever.
What kind of a game is this no fun in this. have fun! XD
posting same pic twice in same journal is so lame.
church is for pedophiles only
everyone has a right to have an opinion ( :x )
thats a fact not an opinion xd
funny little cigarette
tell me that kneeling in front of another guy with your mouth open isnt gay at all ;)

you an altar boy or something?:D
hahah good example
but church as a whole has a million purposes as u surely know and i tend to think about the general stuff
there's also a bunch of kids serving priests and wine :) add robes, smokes, singing etc and you have a cheap drag show :p
haha your comments keep cracking me up jak ladnie potrafisz mi zobrazowac kosciol =D
People like you will go to the hell. I am satisfied with heaven place <3 jesus
simply cant be sure of something that i have never seen although im, lets say, "religious" for the sake of my family
if you dont believe in god whats the point of your life? you just live for 80 years then die ? there will be a big garden with happy faces, appletrees, flowers you just have to believe. I am waiting for heaven until i play ET <3 jesus
haha no matter how many times i hear this opinion it still makes me smile
although i could talk with you about this single matter for the next 80 years with millions of arguments lets not bother :P
"if you dont believe in god whats the point of your life?"

i hope u did get my joke :p
Ye, I hope they have peaches tho, I dont like apples :x
good job being a hypocrite
good job having a hard time to comprehend that when you grow up with a family that is religious all around, having attended church all these times etc that i will not dissapoint them and it costs me nothing
i've got the same thing with my family, and i chose not to be a hypocrite, unlike you
Matthew 7, 1-6, no offense intended.
jezus was not a god...
cause thats the point of that picture...
oke you got me on that one :) well played!
who cares? religions are bullshit and should get banned! >:|
hmm flr dictator aspirations?
when its about religions.. DEFINITELY YES
that underline made it look funny so many people turning a bad day into a good day
cf wins
cf always wins

religion is useless shit for weakminded people.
Damn, I feel sorry for the believing guys.
53rd comment
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him
trying to look smart by quoting Voltaire? ^^
no to chyba ty sie chcesz pochwalic ze wiesz z kogo to cytat
raczej :) ale rozmawiamy o Tobie :D
co mam wlasne wypociny pisac jak ktos to juz przede mna madrze podsumowal :D
what are you laughing about? I bet you didnt know it was his quote!
What people will never understand is this: Every person is NOT the same and thus beliefs and values may vary depending on each person's psychology and life experiences. Imagine if everyone listened to the same music, wouldn't that make humanity simplistic? So why is it so hard for some individuals to accept the fact that people believe in different things than they do? That is called freedom of choice, and I would in no way judge people who believe in different things than I do.

End of rant
Quote What people will never understand is this:

that makes me a genius if i understood that from the age of about 10? ;-)
Well, ironically religion is pretty much about the search for absolutes, since we humans need them to define ourselves and our purposes. This kind of relativism makes that virtually impossible.
You can find absolutes in reading the bible, I can find absolutes in reading for example . My point is you cant convice one or the other group what is "better", so the best thing to do is just respect what the other person thinks and leave him be.
Yeah, i agree with that, but if THAT is your belief system ("there is a different truth for everyone"), you also imply that there are no absolutes. Golden rule applies though, treat others as you want them to treat yourself. If I want people to respect my beliefs, I have to respect theirs, and I do (atleast I try to).
no, we gotta take revenge back and kill them, just liek they did

religious faggots must die:)
some people are smarter than others
LaVeyan Satanism is the only belief system (not a religion) that speaks to me :p
LaVeyan Satanism was founded in 1966 by Anton LaVey. Its teachings are based on individualism, self-control, and "eye for an eye" morality, drawing influences from the rituals and ceremonies of occultist Aleister Crowley, and the philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand. Employing Crowley's terminology, its adherents define Satanism as a "Left-Hand Path" religion and philosophy, rejecting traditional "Right-Hand Path" religions such as Christianity and Wicca for their perceived denial of life and, as in Christianity, emphasis on guilt and abstinence. Unlike Theistic Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism does not involve the literal worship of any being other than the self,[1] but rather uses "Satan" as a symbol of carnality and earthly values, of man's inherent nature, in what it calls 'ritual psychodramas'.

Anton LaVey established Satanism's first and largest religious organization, the Church of Satan, in 1966, and codified Satanic beliefs and practices in The Satanic Bible in 1969. The Church of Satan acknowledges that there are many Satanists around the world, including both members and non-members. It rejects the legitimacy of any other organizations of Satanists, dubbing them reverse-Christians and pseudo-Satanists. Although exact numbers are not known, conservative estimates are that the number of adherents run into the thousands.[2]

take the word satan out of there and it wouldnt even be too controversial
you see my point then
yeah "be yourself" is pretty much what i value the most
Ridiculous discussion. It seems like CF has a big bunch of people having a limited horizon.
how do you explain the world if not by god creating it?
big bang and evolution to sum up
neither of those explains the genesis of humankind, for example.
Evolution does.
well actually it doesn't, and science has proofed it all wrong aswell. yet there's no scientific explanation for that, so science's statement sticks with evolution since they can't approve a "non-scientific"-explanation (= god's creation)..
You're pretty much wrong there.

Don't believe populistic pseudo science. Evolution is true, face it.
evolution is true and it surely happens, but it doesn't explain the genesis of humankind. actually, the evolution would have prevented that.
No, it wouldn't. The evolution of brain and the intellect of humankind is as explainable as all the other parts of evolution.

You should't hear lectures of biochemnistry about human evolution. Try human genetics or anthropology.
let's take human liver as an example, it wouldnt pop into human body as complete, functioning liver now would it? no. it would slowly develop by evolution, but it's funny how evolution would work just by casting these incidents out by natural selection because they have this disturbing useless part in their body. so, no liver could have been developed. too bad.

and I dont remember if it was accurately biochemistry professor, but surely the right guy talking about the subject :)
LOL, just LOL.
Dude, you have absolutely NO idea how evolution works. Plz go read some books about it before you keep talking bull about it.
where did i go wrong then?
"let's take human liver as an example, it wouldnt pop into human body as complete, functioning liver now would it? no. it would slowly develop by evolution, but it's funny how evolution would work just by casting these incidents out by natural selection because they have this disturbing useless part in their body. so, no liver could have been developed. too bad.

and I dont remember if it was accurately biochemistry professor, but surely the right guy talking about the subject :) "

Oh, I almost forgot:

"evolution is true and it surely happens, but it doesn't explain the genesis of humankind. actually, the evolution would have prevented that."
you could correct the errors i made there, okay? easy to say, that i'm all wrong. evolution theory about the genesis of humankind kinda abrogates itself. that's not teached in schools though :)
lol, mate i hope you're trolling :p
i'm not, i've been interested in this and visited some lecturies by some biochemist professors and such, who explained the impossibility of evolution creating humans pretty thoroughly. it was not evolution, for sure.
jeh god created it explains perfectly
suddenly there was a big bang and the universe was born, not much difference with god creating the universe tbh.
so where did the big bang come from? if you say that theory is 100% solid proof its just as stupid as believing in god.
not saying that but there are some scientific proof that it might have happened and the only proof on religion side is a book :)
yes but you cant explain the sientific explanation either, so why does it have more value then religion.
I actually was interested in that subject and yes I can pretty much explain how it happened (well, more like how scientists think it happened :p) Religion doesn't prove anything and is not trying to. The only argument they have is 'god' which quite frankly is bullshit. If i have a choice between some proofs and non at all i pick 1st.

Oh, and if you want to believe bible watch Flinstones cause its a true story! Men did live with dinosaurs!
science can never explain why we are here. religion is trying to. and your offensive reaction towards religion shows you know very little. (and i dont believe in god either). and does your proof explain what happend before the big bang? or how life came from nowhere. i dont think so.
my offensive reaction towards religion only shows i think it is plainly stupid and anyone who blindly follows it should be shot in the head.

'science can never explain why we are here' - now, THAT'S stupid sir. I dont get you. You say that you dont believe in god but you defend the idea. Beeing open minded is one but believing in something that sounds like a 2nd class fantasy book...

"Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man…living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money."

- George Carlin
you should read some philoosofy books m8. people who value theirselves above religious people because they think they know it better just do the same as they acuse religious people off. religion never tried to explain the things science did, but science can never explain questions like; why are we here, why are we alive and were do we go. And you pretend it does.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. "

sorry but i could think of that quotes of yours too. Its just a interpretation of religion. Im saying neither religion nor science holds any answers, just points of view.
i dont 'pretend' science can explain those things. I sincerely think it can and it sooner or later will. One thing i know though is that no religion has any answers whatsoever. Its stupid and its against scientific facts (not hypothesis'). The Bible has many contradictions to begin with. I can handle the thought that there might be another explanation but as it is now I don't see any other potential sources of information about it.

Krein, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but theoretical science has even more contradictions. Theoretical science won't answer the main existential questions, at least not in near future. Big bang theory is just one of the most popular theories, but it's still deeply theoretical. Even this theory doesn't answer many fundamental questions - is the space limited and if yes then why it still expands (or does it?), if not how something can be unlimited? what was before bing bang or what sparked it? if it was cyclical then what was before the first cycle? Is the world just a complete indeterministic chaos. Have you ever asked yourself why you are exactly the one who you are among many other individuals and exactly at this place and time? Blindly believing in big bang is like blindly believing in holy bible. Everything should be questioned. There will never be an explanation about the purpose of life, everyone is choosing it for himself. I could narrow my "religion" to just one thing - live your life the way it won't be a shame to look back.
i think aristoles & descartes had theories similair to big bang.
my point is - big bang or not it doesn't explain anything, but the only thing it does is sparking more questions.
yeah i get it:P my point is even without science aristoles came to a similair idea 2400 years ago.
actually the universe expanding theory is quite well proven ;P stars are gaining distance from each other to begin with :) the rest i can agree, theoretical science has more contradictions but it also includes a lot more subjects doesnt it? im not saying science can right now explain everything but its not saying 'its like that, end of topic'. If a hypothesis doesnt give you enough proofs its not a fact. Religion is base on unquestionable belief. Thats pure stupidity.
Well you unquestionably believe in galaxies moving apart from each other with accelerated speed (that's what you were trying to say, right?), even though this theory is based on observation and some kind of measurements and there is a big bunch of theories which state that it's completely false, because a lot of factors aren't taken into the account. Estimations on such a macroscopic scale have a big percentage of uncertainty. You can't call stupid someone who believes in something, who is convinced that something is true as I can't call you stupid because of you believe in this even though there is no proof for anything (and for some people the thing you believe in is as crazy as bible), but you still believe in it, you are the same as anybody else including people who believe in god, everyone believes in something, just let it go.
i actually can call someone stupid if he believes in religion as it is. You really think there's an invisible guy living in the sky? I can accept the idea of theism alltho i dont believe its true but i dont understand how anyone can believe any religion. Every single religion is human-made. Nothing holy about that. You don't understand my point of view. Im against any kind of religion, not any kind of philosophy or ideas.
QuoteIm against any kind of religion, not any kind of philosophy or ideas.

Let's say from the point of view of the believer it's all the same, be it a religion or a philosophy or whatever.

QuoteYou really think there's an invisible guy living in the sky?

I though it was quite obvious that I'm not religious, but whatever... looks like you are a little too emotional about this topic. For me there is no difference if there is God or not and finding the answer on this question is not the purpose of my life.
nor it is a purpose of mine :p

"it's all the same, be it a religion or a philosophy or whatever."

religion is a set of beliefs and PRACTISES so its not the same. Im against ignorance and stupidity and thats pretty much my reasons :)
religion isnt pretending to explain the things science does. you can perfecly believe in god & science. aristoteles & descartes had theories that are nearly the same as the big bang theory, long before the big bang theory was here.
oh really? so creationists just made up how human was created on their own? you can believe in science and religion but not as it is right. The problem is religion doesnt give you enough space for science.
"you can believe in science and religion but not as it is right"
epic fail, you dont really get the point.
was mentto be right now
"religion is trying to"

wait wat?, dude WAT?
trying to explain why we are here :)
i know what u meant, but they are not really accruate in explaining are they
depends if you believe it i guess.

no book but bible offers any convincing explanation, and i've learnt that by reading books.
read Terry Pratchet. The Disk-world sounds pretty convincing imo.
QuoteScience without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
ppl keeps believing in religion cuz its too hard for them the understanding of those weird scientists statements.

its much more easier to tell them: HEY MAN THERES THAT GUY HE MADE THE EARTH IN 7 DAYS

no point in telling u:) keep believeing the same as ppl who lived 1000 years ago:)
as soon as science figures out an explanation that fits the bill, i'll swallow it. so far, they've come up with nothing. evolution is a nice try, but not nearly good enough :)
yep earth made in 7 days by a dude is lots better and logic

look mate u cant bullshit me religious ppl wil never change, then u wil ljust come up with another excusse
scientific reasoning considering this is, like i said, a nice try. god creating the world has more logic and is a better explanation than evolution, because evolution has already proofed wrong so it stands no chance :)
are u serious?

u do realise all the bullshit church says?

how can a normal guy even think of supporting such an assholes?

btw i doubt u even know scientists theoris and what they defend
yes, and i agree that church is all messed up nowadays, you shouldn't blindly follow that. yet you went a bit offtopic from my original statement, there's no other possible way that our globe could have been made, but by god's creation.
there is, and much more accurated than this theory made thousands of years ago
oh, could you introduce that theory to me? well dont bother answering, there isn't one, no matter how much you want there to be one.
that a dude made the earth:DDDDDDDD

yes much more logical then the one made by scientists who worked their ass off trying to understand
meant the theory which you think is better than "dude"-theory. scientists sure tried to understand, but still hasn't :p they don't have a clue nor a possible theory.
they actually do, and if they wouldnt is much more accurated then the religious one since they havent studied anything, they just made all up
yea and what is this explaining theory then?
the bullshit one or the one mde by smart ppl?
both if u like
Parent for yours go read that fairytale where they talk about snakes that could talk (have they found a fossil of a snake with vocal cords btw?) and all this stuff
you really believe that bigbang once upon a time caused your existence for example? go and watch some nature show and what you think, are all those amazing animals made randomly by evolution, from a bacteria?
no dude a god made it ofc. god made himself and then made the earth yes np.( cuz such a man can be made from nothing but not the actual earth, its impossible being made from bacteria, but god? yes man hes born from nowhere) if u aint gonna prove your facts ill leave this here.

so far proven facts by church 0. we actually have a theory which is pproven that could work since nowadays u cant come up with bullshit, ppl wont believe it like before (ppl believeing in god) ppl nowdays is smart they need FACTS and religion is not made out of facts. bigbangs been studied and was questionated many times to make sure its legit and not missing any key.
lawl, you prove yourself wrong everytime you claim bigbang and evolution explains everything. if you're interested you should get to know with these things, atleast i find them fascinating. god is god, not a man and has always existed. your arguments are awful and religion is religion because it's based on belief. the genesis of the world is unexplainable and will always be so. there are not much options though and science and ration is not among them :D science has no answers don't appeal to that nonsense.
right they have no answer therefor they should stop claiming their rights and questioning proven facts. if we'd start questioning your stuff u'd end up looking like retards.

gods been excisting since always? this cant be rofl, evrything has an start. ALL the stuff church claims is not possible.

all your stuff is made up and lacks of facts, since u cant prove anything u should not be here discussing with me because you are not able to defend your facts because u lack of them.

And btw i respect religion, ppl can believe whatever they want, what pisses me off is religion being in school (school is a place where they teach actual proven things) and ppl asking us for explanations and laughing at our theorys when their theorys are ridicolously funny and made up.

im off to watch football:)
"right they have no answer" that's exactly what they have, hard to swallow though. "questioning proven facts." yes, proven wrong
"if we'd start questioning your stuff u'd end up looking like retards." you can't prove "us" wrong

"gods been excisting since always? this cant be rofl, evrything has an start." if there was nothing in the beginning how would there appear something all of a sudden?
"ALL the stuff church claims is not possible." church is, like i said, messed up. and if you mean the bible, the unpossible things are explainable in a one way and in a one way only..

"all your stuff is made up and lacks of facts, since u cant prove anything u should not be here discussing with me because you are not able to defend your facts because u lack of them." it's not made up, it explains everything perfectly, just not scientificly. (and that's because it can't be explained in such way) your point of view has proven wrong, but you can't do the same for mine.

"And btw i respect religion, ppl can believe whatever they want, what pisses me off is religion being in school (school is a place where they teach actual proven things)" it's general knowledge and part of your culture, i suppose, and the basics should be teached. in finland it's not compulsory, though. and what comes to proven things, not all subjects in school is proven, like religion (ofc), philosophy (ofc) and some parts of psychology for example. they teach evolution as the explanation of the genesis of the humankind, eventhough it's proved wrong. so they DON'T teach proven things in school. scientists invented evolution, proved it wrong, the theory stayed because there was no other theory. and there had to be something to extinguish the questions of young schoolboys.

"and ppl asking us for explanations and laughing at our theorys when their theorys are ridicolously funny and made up." i'm not laughing and guess nobody really is, just you're kinda forced to believe in science though it will never give you answers! you can find god as an explanation funny and ridicilous but you'll never find any other explanation no matter how long you seek for it. made up? wish you knew :)
btw there ive could replied with something like: you really believe ther was a snake who was able to speak?

who sounds more retarded?
there are also metaphors, allegories and such in bible. people saw visions and illusions back then and still nowadays angels and all kinds of strange illusions have appeared to people and so, so many unexplainable and unpossible things have happened that confirm me.
those things illusions can be explained just like that tunnel with a light in the end before u die, (i cant really explain that because my english aint skilled enough just google for it) illusions could happened because before they didnt really had propr food, ppl could die of nothing.

Theres that guy who first wrote in catalan, before he started to write in catalan he was a guy that used to drink a lot, go with other girls etc.. really bad life, and one night an angel appeared and told him to start writting and defend christianty, he became a mong. he could of seen that angel while he was wasted as fuck.
i agree with you on some parts, illusions can be caused by several things: illnesses, alcohol, drugs and such. and all of those illusions can be branded to be caused by some of the former or just simply seeing nonsense visions. just so many of illusions considering this, and so many of them in a full state of consciouness. like my dad once faced a really drunken man on a street and the drunk man came over him and asked "wanna get your ass kicked?" and was like he has nothing to lose and is really gonna start beating him. well, dad replied to him "no" and smiled, silently praying in his mind. then, don't know what the drunken man saw but his eyes were about to pop off and he ran away as fast as he could. must've been the scariest thing he has ever seen because it caused such a reaction eventhou he was in such a wasted condition. wonder where did his illusions come from, in that specific moment. and no, it wasn't my dad who he got scared of. got some of unexplainable things myself, but won't even bother trying now :f if you're atleast interested in the subject i can offer you some great books considering reallife stories? they're pretty damn interesting no matter if you believe in god or not. for example tony anthony's taming the tiger.

going to sleep anyways ->
Yes i know it can be interesting but they all end up mixing up with god:/
that's not so dangerous is it? :) still they're not "praise the lord"-type of books, but telling the things like they are and how the choice to believe in god changed their life. for example from a junky mafia member to a dad with peaceful family life, changes i wouldn't believe is possible. only a minor part is this "jesus-hyping" you obviously don't like. i warmly recommend giving it a shot.
there was that man who said that we should stop proving and let the church prove their facts.
science has proved numerous essential issues considering christianity, but the problem is that science doesn't approve non-scientific explanations such as god. so far they've not found any other possibility (and never will), but they can't accept it because it wouldn't be science anymore.
time for u guys to prove this magical stuff? if u claim it happened there must be a reason u belive it and u are 100% sure its beel like that
it can't be explained, atleast i can't.. all i know is that someone must've designed _everything_ and nothing of this is made randomly by evolution or something. just by examining human body and its functions you'll get pretty sure of that randomly you wouldn't get anything that great.
science doenst have the answers either.
+1 something must have been existing first
No but everything can be explained rationally by scientists, I think thats what most people in this journal try to explain.
"No but everything can be explained rationally by scientists" bullshit

and you dont understand the things they say completely so its basically the same as believing in religion. science cant explain why we are here, they can only explain laws we are bound to nothing more.
they tried to brainwash people into believing their shit and it worked
Need moar people who believes in Bible (oh, dont forget we rode dinosaurs!).
lol i'm roman catholic, but i don't believe everything the bible says, even the church confirmed that the big bang theory is the real way the universe was made, there had to be something before that existed and made it happen so it must be god. Also the whole genesis is not the truth, it is just comparing some shit, ppl who believe that Adam and eve story and the universe was created in 1-7 days is retarded :D
watch some southpark episodes, they are quite right!
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