wtf america...

Dont know how many of you have heard of this, but video footage of american military action killing several civilians and two reuters journalists in Iraq from 2007 got leaked for the public to see.

Truely, truely sad yet so infuriating.
Wauw, I never thought Americans would kill innocent people in Irak, I thought they only killed bad guys :(
bushmaster.... ....... ................
What is shocking is that I am not shocked. Seriously, nothing can be "omg hw is that possible???" lately... Sad. :-(
if there wouldnt be 5 hours of text before the shooting i would prolly be shocked
Probably this video isnt for entertainment ?
just dropped my unncessary 5 cents as it seems
ultrakill lol

panzer would've been cooler
oh I really would like to see your face when their family would come to beat you
I'd own 'em all
have to agree its awesome lol
Stuff like this happens a lot in Iraq because of the United States military. Sickening, people making jokes about this are obviously children who have never had to see death or people they love killed.
it's an easy way to gather attention, I dont take them seriously I just act normal and reply, depends on my mood
as if the usa is the only people on the planet that have ever done something like that
Just because the USA aren't the only military to do such horrible things doesn't mean we should just accept it.
so fucking what?
you act as if this this the first time it's ever happend
Regarding what? As you can see in my first comment I said "Stuff like this happens a lot in Iraq because of the United States military." So I don't understand what you mean.
it wasn't meant to target you specifically
who cares whether shit like that had been done before???
it doesnt make the crime any better does it?
that wasnt my point
2 wrongs doesn't make 1 right
1 Fizmo doesn't make 1 point
I actually do make a point :(
then please if you will,
detail your point
I'm sorry, I can't talk to you anymore, the intelligence gap is too big :(
try me
ok so u did?
No I haven't thank god. But I can empathize with the victims family's and recognize this isn't a laughing matter.
This is xfire, a melting pot of some of the worst creatures in our society. Don't mind them, they don't know any better.
just disgraceful engaging on a hunch...
smth is wrong, the "total views" are totally not right if you look at the amount of comments :s fucking corrupt
the video has been on youtube just for a couple of hours, although strange that there are 7 pages of comments but only 1.5 have anything written :Q
it says that the video was uploaded 3april :s
whoops, my bad.
I guess the Fallout series found the best way to describe it:
"War. War Never Changes."
I don't get where they see the AK47's and RPG's they're talking about. You could mistake the camera I guess but that still makes only one gun and they're talking about several.

I wonder if the people who pulled the trigger sleep at night..
They're not only talking about the two journalists imo, there were others walking around with machineguns. One guy was carrying some large object, looked like an rpg indeed.
What minute was this? I only saw the guy with the camera who looked some what suspecious and the others weren't carrying anything as far as I could see.
Watch from 3:38 to 3:50. Looks like they're carrying machineguns. And one dude has a large object that looks like an rpg.
nice editing your comment by copy/paste my comment. Actually took me 10 seconds to figure out how this is possible :D
well seems like the us guys were having fun atleast.. fucking retards rly
I can imagine why they engaged. A couple of the people in that group had weapons, one of them was carrying an rpg. Especially with all the shit that happens out there, you can't really blame them for taking them out, before they kill Americans.
It's foolish of those journalists to walk around on their own with people with weapons. It reminds me of the journalists that were killed in Gaza. They were stupid enough to hang out with Palestinians in the middle of the night and then approach an Israelian armored vehicle.
You have to understand that in Iraq a man with a weapon is not very uncommon. Who are they to just decide to kill everyone with a weapon? There are times when they do a raid on a suspected terrorist house somewhere in Iraq. Who the fuck knows what information they received to have them believe a person is a suspected terrorist. But they will find a few AK's in their home and now they are arrested and taken to a prison with no real information about what's going on.

Their family's might not hear from their sons or husbands for months before they fully understand why they are being held for so long. Besides, when a foreign military illegally occupies your country and causes so much collateral damage and at times just indiscriminately fires on civilians of course you will take up arms to try and protect yourself and your family.

I do agree with you that those journalists have a dangerous job. They know that any given day when they step out to go to work it could be their last. Do I believe that they are stupid? No I do not, they have to let people know what is happening in the parts of the world that they are covering.
I understand that habits are different. But since foreign soldiers and Iraqi police try to keep the peace, walking around with a weapon is not the wisest thing to do. Especially not picking up weapons to engage in fights to "protect" yourself. It illustrates the biggest problem down there: there's nothing to win there cause people won't change. Same goes for ratholes like Afghanistan: people don't have anything else than fight each other or be part of the rotten system of corruption.

As far as journalists are concerned. Sometimes there's a purpose of telling what's going on. But most of the time it's just another side of the same coin. Look at this vid: trying to get pity from people by posting his son's picture is just as biased as claiming the attack was justified.
Interesting points.
Well....Is a war, the journalist was with armed ppl so....he worked by his own risk
how many hs?
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