Which movie tonight?

image: 80492178

What will you pick?
none, who the fuck watches movies on monday eve?
porn sounds good
The Departed is a good film
what´s that last one?
Young People Fucking (2007) :)
get antichrist
office space, definatly :D
Lucky Number Slevin if you haven't seen it yet...
ksnap diene film ni xd
lucky # slevin
young people fucking, obviously
have actually seen it but didnt delete lol
There will be blood or The Departed
Inside man
500 days of summer is a great movie :)
dont mess with the zohan
seen, but dled it again few weeks ago cuz felt like watching it again
You dont mess with the Zohan!!! best movie :D
None of them. Stopped watching dvd resolution movies two years ago.
im not going to bother watching 1999 drama movie on 1080P resolution, im not that sad, aint i?
what does your emotional state have to do with the quality of a movie?
what i'm saying is it would be rather stupid of me to download an 1080p size movies just for an old drama movies, where you've got nothing to see but following the plot
movies like transformers, 2012 have some pictures to show, so it's usefull to have fun on high resolutions
That's like saying that 1080p only has a value when the movie is a fast paced action flick with tons of SFX. I couldn't disagree more.
Equilibrium 4 sure
The Boondocks Saints II < The Boondocks Saints
Young people fuck
the zohan !
gonna watch Dead Birds tonight, hope its good :<
hurt locker
funny people
slevin kelevra is calling u!
SGU S01E11 really is very nice!
lucky number slevin is on the lead!
Boondock saints obv.
Hete poesjes in rusland? :<
V for Vendetta for sure. Scary movie 2 is always a good choice. the boondock saints and live good and sell hard.

I would watch also Inside man
scary movie 2? really? its the worst out of the 4
and ive prob watched scarymovie 1000 each (best comedy ever created)
Scary movie 2 is the best imo :O. First one is the second. Others are just bullshit
First is by far the best.
Pearl Harbor! :-D

V for Vendetta is the best of those :)
I didn't really enjoy V for Vendetta and don't know why people were/are so excited about it :p
I see you have alot of movies from my torrent list.

-> 500 days of summer (best of 2009)
-> Memento (amazing, from director of the dark knight so believe me it's good)
-> V for Vendetta (again amazing and from the director of the Matrix)
-> Lucky number slevin is a pretty good popcorn movie with a nice twist
-> The departed was quite good

Any of the above
i got them before you were even born, i never look at ur list :o
There are like 15 movies which are also in my torrentlist so either thats the biggest coincidence ever or you do look at my lists.
Um... You are dowloading popular movies... I've made lots of &#1523;suggest movies' journals...
I've seen all of those movies as well. BIG COINCIDENCE!
It's not that I've seen them, it's that they're on a list of max 50 movies. It's a coincidence that 15 of the ones he downloaded were on my list.
its not a coincidence...you are downloading the popular movies, lol
No man they're underground and no one has seen them unless they saw his list..
Lucky Number Slevin
Inside man (<= best movie I ever saw)
k bitchs, im gone to watch lucky number slevin! die you all!!
big fish is the best movie of that list.
funny games is great.
the wrestler havent seen it, heard its good.
memento is cool.
Equilibrium has a bad plot, but visually very good.
lucky number slevin sucks
v for vendatta its ok, nothing special.
boondock saints sucks more.
the departed could have been good.
Go 4 Memento, in my top 3 of all the time <3
running scared, its AWESOME!
shit....lucky number slevin is one awesome shit :o loved it!
You've never seen it before? :F Awesome film!
i have missed a lot of movies during 2000-2007 :o i had it on my hdd for long long time but couldnt other watching it
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