The Hobbit Pt1&2

Anyone heard about it? It's from the same creators of Lord of The Rings, both novel writer and screenplay...It;s about Bilbo Baggins

Is it some kind of an sequel?

I'd love some Lotr movies...
prequel :) the hobbit came previous to the other films - was announced 4 years ago or something ;P
i see, but it's still a movie with lotr environment, right?
its about how bilbo found the one ring yes
Prequel, The Hobbit is the book that came before The Lord Of The Rings books :)
The Hobbit is about Bilbo Baggins going on some adventure with gandalf etc.
He finds 'the one ring' on his little trip. The book's worth reading if you like lotr!
I read the Hobbit book. About bilbo on a quest with dwarfes and gandalf to slay a dragon (something like that, read it 6 years ago so not sure). Wasn't as interesting as LOTR but let's see what comes out of it.

Oh and Guillermo del Toro is directing the movie, peter jackson is only writing it.

Bilbo's book: There and back again from lotr is based on these adventures. The story he tells at the beginning of the first movie about the trolls turning into stone is one of his adventures.
then are we fucked? :/
He made Pan's labyrinth which is a decent movie but not like the lotr movies. Haven't seen any of his other work. But I believe Peter Jackson will work alot together with him.
Pans labyrinth, worth a watch? Trailer looks awful
any other movies like this?
Well according to the imdb ratings the movie is loved by alot of people, but for me it wasn't anything special. It's not a bad movie but basically just a fairy tale. Might be possible that it's just not my taste. You could watch it yourself, it's deffinetly not bad, won't be a waste of time.
The Hobbit is good and it has LOTR environment but isnt as epic as LOTR itself. Well there are dragons and shit but hey, read my comment below.

E: if you are referring to Del Toro directing, Ive never seen any of his movies but anyway I dont see why we would be afraid with Jackson helping.
I got 99 warning points :(
They should make a movie about Silmarillion if they want a Tolkien story to be honest and just dont do this. Noone can measure the amount of awesomeness if that ever happens.
i would be a 50h movie if they would make it correct :P
It wouldn't make a good movie anyway as there isn't any 1 plot line, so there would be a new plot line every chapter/scene which just isnt fun to watch. Tolkien didn't feel any of his works could be given justice in a movie and so he didn't support movies of his books
yeah silmarion is more a kind of history book then a real story book ^^
its an awesome book
Meh, probably not gonna be as good as LotR movies. But still can't wait for em to come out
GANDAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFF TEH GAY IS IN IT. watched loose women fairly recently where he discussed his role in the film, what a suiting programme to discuss interlectual events.
just as much as lotr is for children I suppose
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