new hardware needed

as my pc is getting pretty old now, i think it's time for some new hardware.

Some Specs of my PC:
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3000+, MMX, 3DNow, ~2.2GHz
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Hard Drive: 116 GB
Video Card: RADEON 9200
Monitor: COMPAQ FP5315 Flat Panel Monitor

I want my PC to run faster and be able to handle new games which come out.

Prefer if u give links <3

Some dual-core, hd4870/4890, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd, put them in a box and mix, instant 125fps with ~300€.
that's the setup I would have suggested him around 1-2 years ago :P
By the looks of his current PC, I guess that he hasn´t got lots of money to spare :) And my counts went wrong, that should get him case etc. acessories too.
I had a 1,3ghz athlon thunderbird with 512mb ram and a geforce mx440 till my current pc :D
its pretty important how much you want to spend...
else i would just say... go for the i7 975 and GTX 480 :P
lol :D yeah liquid hydrogen cooling systems :D expensive shit! :P
gtx 480 is shit
its only 8-10% faster than the hd5870 and has a 50% higher power consumption & becomes ~93°c hot
take ur magic stick and woooosh there is it
i'll take my magic stick and shuv it up ur ars if u carry on :D
phenom x4 965be
gigabyte am3 mainboard
4gb ram
hd5850 or hd5870
random hdd
random case with fans
random dvd writer
bequiet 550w psu

What reason would you give for recommending AMD, ignoring the obvious bias I might have to intel for their involvement in CC, their cpu products suck atm
well an i5 would be also nice :P
Disagree - AMD chips are still buggy and trippy as shit. Intel is the obvious choice for someone that doesn't upgrade alot. Last longer too as you can usually o/c them more.
lol we need more crap talk please. Even the opteron is doing good in the server market. If you are right, we would have loads of crashing servers. AMD is good and stable. Just not the fastest, but on low-end med-end market they are really good option. And if you read my story below even for high-end gamers.
Every time i tried to push my AMD cups over i wouldnt be able to. now got a 40% o/c and its stable as hell, and no, my motherboard was fine, it was the cpu.

This was like two years back, but it was enough to persuade me to keep to intel.
hah, so your think AMD is bad because you had one bad overclocking CPU? CPU's arent made for overclocking. They are made to work at there default speed. I overclock, but i wont blame intel or amd if the cpu wont push any further. Thats just bad luck. I got 50% oc aswel. But i am not happy, because i wanted to reach 4Ghz. Should i blame Intel for that? And how do you know its not the motherboards fault or the memory fault? Did you try other steppings?
if you are gamer on higher resolutions than 1280x1024. CPU is just not that important. For example if you play on 1920x1080, and you have like 900 to spend. Its better to spend 600 on gpu and 300 on cpu. Because with i7, you wont get much more fps. But with better GPU you will. And since AMD is cheap. Its a good option even for high end gamer. Than you can invest more money on the important part, the gpu. But if you do alot of things next to gaming, that needs requires more proccesing power i7 or i5 would be better than. i7 is meant for power users.
thats what i want to buy, for like 3 months already xDxD

but i think u won't get along with around 500-600

cuz the hd5850 is really expensive, never found this one under 260 euros! :<<<
saw it for 220€ in a local shop last week
:<<< where?? xDxD
in my city
o rly! xDxD
wow that is bad, tbh you need a new motherboard, and then non of your old components will work, so basically you need new PSU, motherboard, RAM, GFX..
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