Collateral Murder

I have to warn that there are some shocking scenes in this clip, keep that in mind before watching.

The bit which makes me sadder still is that the US army review of this whole case couldn't see a problem. It was all within the rules of engagement apparently.

Have a watch and see if you can see anything which looks like an AK-47 or an RPG? Have to say that I can't... Just seems that the pumped young men wanted to kill some "terrists".

This clip might of course be angled in a way making the Americans look even worse, even so it's f**king sad.
sorry but this is a rerererepost
Oh, didn't know :<
pretty shocking vid though
its okay because we wouldnt have mc donalds without america
Well, looks to me like some of those guys are holding a weapon.
wide lense camera = weapon, man u must live under the ground :D
hoi, this had been posted 3 times before
ive seen this before
You seem to act as if its the first time this sort of thing happens
bad things happen in war. there are alot more innocent civilians killed.
War is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
(c) WarGames
Watch it again. Actually they are carrying weapons.
no they shot 2 journalists + the people escorting them.
they are definatly holding weapons...
he is clearly holding a camera d00d.
its actully in a official investigations that they were journalists and didnt have guns. so there not definalty holding weapons, like you can tell.
2 of them are carrying cameras, a few others are def. carrying weps
My homeland has enough problems, why should I give a shit about 1 more dead sandmuncher?
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